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Conversational Threads

Restoring flattend Velvet – Help !

Don_Incoll | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

My wife is making a Blue Velvet wedding gown & inadvertantly flattened the texture whilst steaming flat a seam on the inside, the Damaged area now looks more like velour is about 4″ x 2″ & is an eyesore. Ive tried repairing the same damage on a scrap piece by brushing vigorously / water spray & compressed air but no lucj so far.

Any solution will be greatly appreciated



  1. Maria_P. | | #1

    Hi Don,
    Your problem doesn't sound hopeful. I dug up my Vogue Sewing Book which has a wealth of info on caring for special fabric. I'll pass on what it says verbatum:
    "If the pile is crushed it can never be restored. Test press a fabric scrap before starting. Place fabric, pile down on a needle board (specially produced for pile fabrics, if you don't have access to one you can use a velvet scrap or fluffy towel, with the plush side up), press gently using steam."
    Some people choose to cover their iron with a damp cloth and leave it in an upright position while they hold the fabric lightly and run the inside of the garment across the covered iron to press seams open and steam out wrinkles.
    You could always try talking to a reliable drycleaner for any suggestions.
    Good luck! Maria P.

    1. Marion_ | | #2

      *If all else fails, you could consider embossing an all-over design. There have been lots on how to do this, if not in this discussion group, then in Sewing World or some other one. I've never done this myself, but I have copied instructions, so let me know if you need more info.

      1. Janice_E_Averill | | #3

        *I had the same problem with a beautiful velvet blouse I have. My son got yogurt on it and when I wiped it off, even though I did it gently, the nap was flattened. My drycleaner told me when I dropped it off that he might not be able to fix it and he was right. He also told me that even if I had left the yogurt on till I got the blouse to the cleaners it would still have probably been ruined. I only got to wear it that one time.Whaaaa!

        1. mary_norman | | #4

          *I'm late to this topic, but maybe it will help someone... You really have to invest in a "velvet board". it's a smal piece of heavy canvas covered on one side with a short steel "nap" that supports the weave of the fabricwhile allowing the nap room to stay upright during the ironing/steaming process (fabric is laid face down). It would tke a lot of work if the nap had been crushed hard; maybe a drycleaner could fix it.

          1. Karen_Vesk | | #5

            *If you don't have a wire pad to iron the velvet on, but have a pet... NO, don't iron on the pet, but a cat or dog's wire brush has the same texture. I don't work with velvet too often, so I guess I am a bit of a cheapskate here :-).

          2. Sarah_Kayla | | #6

            *Dear Don,i I dye a good deal of fabric. When I first dyed velvet I was left with a matted icky mess. A woman who is much more experienced with dyeing velvet told me to dry the velvet in my dryer. It restores the nap. The piece I had dyed seemed ruined. I re-wet it and put it in my dryer on a low heat. It worked. Now I put all my dyed velvet in the dryer. It really works.Good Luck!

          3. Lisa_Baldwin | | #7

            *Would the technique you use work the same if the nap was plattened by an iron? I have a piece of velvet that I thought was fine. I had just bought it 2 weeks ago and have done nothing to it besides letting the dry cleaners put it through their steamer. After reading all I needed to feel ready and making all the adjustments to the pattern I put out the velvet and I thought I was going to cry. The velvet was crushed in several places and you can actually see the iron print!. I never touched it. I think whoever bought the 1st 2 yrds (I had the last 2) brought her piece back to the store and switched. So anyway the store will allow me to try what you have suggested and if it doesnt work then they will give me my money back. The only problem is they do not have anymore of this fabric and no way to order. Have you ever tried your solution in this type of situation? Thanx didn't mean to ramble but I was just so excited about this outfit.

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