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reviews on a good machine at good price

maygirl | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I am very confused about what brand of machine to buy.  I am looking for a good simple machine that has drop in bobbin, 1 step buttonhole, hem stitch, zigzag stitches, free arm.   Need some suggestions and reviews.


  1. Betakin | | #1

    PatternReview, Epinions and Quilter's Review have some on line reviews with Patternreview having the most reviews I believe. Prices and features vary much from model to model so you might want to check out the different brands websites to see what is offered in each brand. From what you say you need in a machine I could suggest the Janome made Kenmore models from Sears that  have many features for the price, are quiet and smooth running with drop in bobbin and one step buttonhole, a 7 piece feed dog system that gives extraordinary feed with wonderful stitches and the computerized models have many deco and heirloom stitches but other brands might appeal to you more. I hope you have a chance to test drive some different brands to see which machine you feel most comfortable in using.  Like when you buy a car, test drive and see if it runs to your satisfaction and  has the features that you need.

    I own 3 different brands of machines, Kenmore, Viking and Pfaff with dual feed and love them all because they are all different in some way and have something special that the others don't have. Two are computerized models and one is mechanical and I could not say one is better than the other to recommend to you but I do feel that Kenmore gives more features for the price. All of my machines do get used constantly. I hope you find a machine you also enjoy and use often whatever brand you happen to choose.

    Edited 1/7/2007 2:50 am ET by Betakin

    1. maygirl | | #2

      Thank you for your insight because I was seriously leaning in that direction.   I believe the all brands site is selling the Simplicity S180 which is factory serviced.  do you know anything about this brand, they claim is is made by Janome.

      Thank you in advance,


      1. Betakin | | #3

        I haven't tried this Simplicity model, you might wish to see if it is reviewed on PatternReview. Simplicity is distributed by Tacony which also distributes Babylock. I know that Janome makes many different models for different company's like Kenmore for Sears, Pfaff Grand Quilter, Viking Mega Quilter, they used to make the HuskyStar for Viking but I don't think Janome makes the newer model Huskystars. Janome has made many Elna's and Janome is now head of Elna USA. I have owned several Janome products and all have been excellent machines. I have owned a Simplicity serger that is similar to a Babylock model that is also a good serger. Some Simplicity sergers have not had good reviews regarding tension problems but maybe user error was involved. Sorry but I have't used a Simplicity sewing machine to comment on them. 

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