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Conversational Threads

Reweaving and Stain Removal

sgars | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

My first question revolves around reweaving. I have a wool skirt with a moth hole to the side of the tummy. It is medium sized and I would like to try to reweave it. Does anyone know the process, or can anyone point me in the direction of instuctions?

My second question revolves around mildew stains on a chiffon material. This is an overskirt. The fabric underneath is a heavy microfibre. Can I safely sprits the chiffon material with water and then wash the whole dress gently in warm water and then hang to dry? Any other suggestions. The dress was expensive and I would like to wear it again.

Thanks for your help.


  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Oh, the perennial question of reweaving! I have wondered about that in the past, and my research a couple of years ago revealed that this is a very specialized process that's done by a select few people, mostly in urban areas. Conceptually it's easy to understand--you basically patch a hole with matching fabric, but instead of sewing the patch on, you attach it by weaving fibers of the patch back into the weave of the garment. Actually doing the process is another story. I personally can't even see well enough any more to do such a thing--I'd need a big ol' magnifier! And I suspect there are special tools involved for keeping everything on grain while you're messing with the reweaving. But if anyone knows any different and has doable instructions, I would LOVE to know. My father-in-law from NY had a few suits mended this way, and they looked great--I was really intrigued by the whole business. I get the impression that it's a bit of a dying art, and hence rather expensive--maybe you could start your own business?

    I've seen some impressive results using 007 Bonding Agent from Bo Nash. This is a fusible adhesive powder that you sprinkle on to attach a patch or mend a tear. Depending on the fabric, the mend can be all but invisible. You do need to have a patch of fabric, which you can salvage from a hem allowance or facing if need be.


    1. sgars | | #2

      Thanks for your comments, Carol. I too, understand that this is a dying art. I thought that I had seen insructions in an old Threads magazine, but I guess that I was wrong.Smg

  2. Maisie | | #3

    You will find what you want in Mend It! A complete guide to clothes repair, by Maureen Goldsworthy. It is for sale on Amazon (used).  It has detailed instructions on reweaving, darning, patching etc.  It's a goldmine of information.

    Good Luck, Maisie 

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