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Conversational Threads

Seattle-Area Fabric Stores

Ellen_Parker | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I’m going to the Sewing & Stitchery Expo in Puyallup, WA, early next month, and I’d like to visit some nice (not chains, please) natural-fiber fabric shops while I’m there. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! Ellen


  1. barbara_quinn | | #1

    Ellen, here are my favorites:

    Nancy's Sewing Basket
    Queen Anne Ave. North

    Pricy, but fine things. Actually, they will be at Expo, so a trip to the store may not be necessary. See what you find at Expo first.

    Pacific Fabrics
    Northgate area of Seattle or their industrial area store on 4th Ave. South. Don't bother with their suburban area stores. Too Jo-Anne's.

    Plenty of Textiles
    Blakeley Place near University Village (another must see for general shopping.
    Great wools and miscellaneous at very good prices.

    Unfortunately, Seattle has lost a goodly number of fabric stores over the last 10 years. The above are the best remaining ones.

    When you are at Expo, be sure to check out Billie's, they usually have wonderful things, too. The store is in Chehalis, though, not near Seattle.

    1. Carole_Horner | | #2

      *Ellen, Barbara is right about Plenty of Textiles and they were also at the EXPO last year so you can get a sampling of them. They are located behind University Village at 2909 NE Blakely, so its a bit of a trek. Satin Rose is new (kind of similar to what Designer's Fabrics was - same people and lots of silks, wools.) Expensive. There is a good Stretch & Sew in Lynnwood (if you're into traveling around). You'll see a lot of stores right there at the show.

      1. claire | | #3

        *Carole, where is Satin Rose?

        1. Ellen_Parker | | #4

          *Thank you all for your comments re: Seattle fabric stores. I did go to the expo - my first - and, of course, had little energy - and $ - after doing the show for more shopping... Now I definitely want to go to other sewing shows in other parts of the country. The seminars were neat - nothing like putting faces with the names of some of those great women who have written for Threads! Thanks again.

          1. Chris_Haynes | | #5

            *I would also like to add "In the Beginning", a store on Lake City Way at about NE 86th that specializes in cottons for quilting. They also have some nice indigo cottons from Japan.I often go to "Plenty of Textiles" near University Village, I noticed that they have some nice Guatamalan icats recently.Have fun, CNH

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