We recently had Three Day Blinds install vertical blinds in our house. The showroom has a set with sheers. We want to do our own sheers and have purchased the fabric. I am hoping someone out there has tried this and has some suggestions!
Thank you!
Sr. Tracey, SCRH
Sheers are a snap to make. Just so I can get a mental picture, which side of the blinds are the sheers going to be placed on? If they're inside the window, as long as the blinds were mounted far enough out you could just put up one of those little metal wraparound jobbies. I guess I'm not sure what help you're needing - mounting, making, locating?
Thanks for your post. I guess I can see why no one else answered my initial post! I wasn't all that clear in what I was asking, and if people can type, they can probably do standard sheers! :)
Three Day blinds has a neat setup for sheers and vertical blinds. The sheers are worked in and around the blinds in a kind of accordion fashion. When the blinds are open the sheers have the accordion texture, when they are closed, the sheers maintain overlay effect of the vertical blinds but they soften it. This is possible because the sheers are attached to each individual blind.
I am in Los Angeles and have the luxury of shopping for fabric in the garment district, so I am not stuck with what the fashion designers of Three-Day Blinds have chosen for fabric! I was just hoping that someone else with a sewing machine and an independent streak had already done the hard work of figuring out the mechanics!
If you have any suggestions, I am all ears!
Sr. Tracey
I went to the 3day blind website to look at what you are describing. I can't quite tell, but it looks as if each blind has a little sheer sleeve. That would be easy enough, altho quite tedious to do. From the picture it's a very nice look. Is this what you want? I think that might be a better way to go than trying to weave the sheers inbetween each blind. Sometimes stating the problem gives you an idea on how to approach making it.
Surprisingly in Dallas we have quite a large fabric outlet market. I can get stuff for a great price, even tho I live on the other side of town. I have to really really need it for the road trip. Just put up some nice sheers with this nifty print. They have so many pretty, pretty prints on the sheers now.
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