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Conversational Threads

Small fabric remnant

NewHampshireRobin | Posted in General Discussion on

I was just visiting San Francisco (from rural New Hampshire) and discovered Britex fabrics. I bought a beautiful silk remnant, but the pattern I had hoped to sew won’t work (Vogue 1540 Montana long fitted vest). Does anyone have an idea what to make with 2 5/8 yards of 28″ wide silk? I saw the article in this months Threads about piecing, but this fabric has a print.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



  1. sewelegant | | #1

    You could make a beautiful scarf.  I purchased a long, long scarf from Loes Hinse when I visited her shop in Carmel, California back in May.  Go to this web site to see some of her scarves.  She had merely serged all around the fabric to finish it.  Probably a rolled hem.  My scarf is made of a stretch lace fabric and is about 12" wide and 60" long.



    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #6

      Thanks. The fabric is heavy and fairly stiff. I'll see if I can post an image of the fabric. (I kill digital cameras just by looking at them) Maybe I'll try to make an accessory.
      Thank you for your help.

      1. User avater
        agfreedm | | #7

        Anytime!  At least with an accessory you can wear it season after season. Sometimes you get tired of your closet but accessories are great!  Good luck!

        Edited 7/3/2008 12:18 pm ET by agfreedm

        1. NewHampshireRobin | | #8

          Thanks! I'm also picturing an obi sash.

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #2

    It would make a nice shell, tank top or sleeveless blouse. Similar Idea to a vest to show off the print.
    In what way will the pattern you chose not work? Not enough fabric? or not enough width for the pattern pcs? I couldn't find the pattern to look at. Perhaps some creative placing of pieces will work. Cathy

    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #4

      Yes, the vest has some width to it.
      The fabric is a heavy weave. It lends itself to fitted. I may try piecing the back with something else. I appreciate the help!

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #10

        If you put the pattern's side seams together and cut a separate pattern piece for the under arm area, that piece can be shaped somewhat and fit into smaller areas of fabric that might otherwise not be used. This takes the width of the front and back pattern pieces down, and they will often fit closer together, or even just fit better on the fabric width. Just a thought. Cathy

        1. NewHampshireRobin | | #11

          I'll try laying it out tonight to see if it might work. Much as I'm getting such great ideas for accessories, I had that vest in my mind's eye.Thanks!

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #12

            You are welcome, that idea came while I was pulling weeds in the garden. I suspected the fabric width was the problem. Hope it works. Cathy

  3. User avater
    agfreedm | | #3

    How about a great clutch handbag?  If it's a fantastic print you could line it in something solid and wear it for evenings out.  You would still have some left over for another project also.

    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #5

      Hmmm... that's an interesting idea. I never thought of that. I do have some patterns (and of course Threads' last issue) for accessories.

  4. Teaf5 | | #9

    Perhaps a shrug or a wrap? 

    If it's heavy, cutting it into two 28 x40" rectangles and attaching one short side to one long side (this has been demonstrated in the magazine, I'm sure) at right angles and then finishing all the edges would result in a very lovely L-shaped wrap.  You could leave it unlined or line it and also embellish the hems with fringe. 

    An L-shaped wrap can be worn with the point in the center back or at the right shoulder, with one long side draping down the front and the other draped over the left shoulder for a nice cowl effect. 

  5. Jaytee | | #13

    Robin, depending on your wardrobe, you may find this is great for a blouse. I am suggesting one with 4 major poeces, so the narrow cut will work, and you have enough yardage to make it short or medium length sleeve.  A short summer type overblouse might also fit your present selections, or maybe it will go in the stash, but I hope not.

    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #14

      A jewel neck short sleeved blouse with slits at the bottom, like you often find at the cuff of capris might be nice. It would have to be lined to avoid being scratchy. Thank you!

      1. Jaytee | | #27

        Congratulations, Robin.  You now have many ideas from which to choose your project.  You know what? I'd really like to see what it is you do with this material, maybe a picture of it in "Your closet" in Threads.  Good luck. Jaytee

  6. Gloriasews | | #15

    I couldn't find the Vogue pattern number on their website, but, could you make a shorter vest, but cut each piece one at a time in a single layer?  You should be able to at least do the front pieces this way, unless the vest is a very large size, as you'd have about 54" of fabric (without selvages) for the front pieces width-wise.  You may have to do the back out of a similar colour, but you could trim it with your remnant fabric (a small waist belt buttoned on or sewn stripes of the fabric in different lengths down the back) or applique parts of the fabric if it has a design that would work as an applique.  If the vest is a large size, you could use a princess-style pattern & do the side pieces & back in a complementary fabric, then make the matching bag, as well.  Another idea would be to make a vest out of a plain colour & use the remnant for a long collar on the vest and any additional trim you wish (covered buttons, faux pocket flaps, etc.).  Just a thought (or several :).  Let us know what you decide to do & post a picture of your creation, so we can all rave about it.


    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #18

      Thank you so (sew) much. I've promised to scan a picture of the pattern and will do that. I'll start piecing the vest (or accessory, depending on whether it will work) as soon as I finish a swim suit cover up. Robin

      1. Gloriasews | | #25

        Good!  We wait eagerly :)


  7. User avater
    Becky-book | | #16

    Lots of good ideas here!

    Remember that vests often have fancy fronts and a plain back (black silk)You don't have to cut all the vests pieces out of your fashion fabric!

    Happy sewing,

    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #17

      Thank you!

  8. DONNAKAYE | | #19

    Well, I'll be submitting a garment with two fabrics for the Reader's Closet that has a two-tone corduroy print that is suggestive of paisley and an embossed polyester similar in appearance to snakeskin.  Who says you can't combine prints?  You can do it!  I know you can!  Live dangerously!

    1. NewHampshireRobin | | #21

      I really appreciate all the suggestions I'm getting. Where is this Reader's Closet?

      1. Cherrypops | | #22

        Hi again,

        the Readers Closet discussion can be found via this link; 8673.1

        it is in General Discussion and started recently by the Assistant Editor to Threads Magazine.

        Readers Closet is one of my favourite articles within the Magazine.


        1. NewHampshireRobin | | #23

          Mine, too. I look at the designs over and over. Someday (maybe) I'll create something worthy of submission.

          1. Cherrypops | | #24

            I've only been susbscribing for the past few years and I love the Magazine.

            I know how you feel and hope you too will "create something worthy" . I'm sure in time we will. Looking, oohing and aahing is great too.


          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #26

            I know what you mean, hope to "(maybe) I'll create something worthy of submission." someday myself. In the meantime I will post pics here for the feedback...Which is wonderful and so helpful. Cathy

  9. Cherrypops | | #20

    Well as usual from our members, you have received excellent ideas.

    I feel your heart is set on the vest, and agree with Becky "that vests often have fancy fronts and a plain back " ....Any left over pieces of fabric could be used as a 'highlight' .

    Not knowing the print ( large or small )...The only thing I can add is in regard to Ariels suggestion of a clutch bag.....with the leftover fabrics .....use to cover your shoes....if wearing a plain outfit it would look very stylish. Handbag and shoes in matching fabric....or get some wooden beads and cover those and make earrings out of them. Lots of little stylish things can add to a great outfit.

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