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Toyota Sewing machines

MargaretAnn | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I guess since no one responded to my question about how to find a repair source for my grandaughter’s Toyota sewing machine, that means no one knows anything.  So, what would you do if you had a mystery brand machine that needed fixing?  Are there still mechanical men out there who can fix anything?  Or what?  So you think another brand machine repair would accept such a machine?  Help!



  1. FitnessNut | | #1

    Actually, Margaret-Ann, I think its more a case of a slow day on the web for most of us.

    There are many sewing machine repair people out there, some working on their own and others working for dealers. I imagine that you should have no problem finding someone to have a look at your daughter's machine. The dealer that I purchased my machine from offers service to all makes and models, including industrial machines. That is the case with all the dealers in the city where I live. And in other places I have lived (there are many of those!). Check in the yellow pages or ask around. I'm sure you'll find a reputable repair person closer than you think.


    1. MargaretAnn | | #2

      Dear Sandy

      Thanks for the suggestion.  Duh!  We have been all over the web.  The yellow pages!  Of course!  I think technology has deadened my brain.  How can you judge who is reliable?


      1. FitnessNut | | #3

        Judging who is reliable is another story. It always helps if you have a referral, but if you go to a sewing machine dealer with a long, established business, usually their work is guaranteed for a specified period. If you contact an independant service person, it could be helpful to ask how long they have been in the business and maybe even ask for references.

        Hope this helps.


        1. Bernie1 | | #4

          Margaret-Ann: why don't you give G Street Fabrics a call? They're right there in Rockville and everyone on staff sews. They sell Berninas but I'll bet they can tell you who can repair your machine.

          1. MargaretAnn | | #5

            Dear Bernie

            Inspired idea!  I am sure someone there will know a reliable person, which is a help when you use the yellow pages.  Thanks


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