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Conversational Threads

Walmarts Sewing Supplies

Cityoflostsouls | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

I understand that Walmart is closing all of their sewing departments.  When our superstore went in they reduced the area at that time.  I have bought thread and supplies there but little fabric other than for utilitarian projects and patterns.  However many people here only buy at Walmart and are not familiar with computers and online buying.  We are 3 hours from Colorado Springs (Joannes) and 2 hours from Pueblo (Hobby Lobby).  The sewing machine store has closed (they did repairs) and the Quilt shop has closed.  An all day trip with the price of gas for serger thread, sewing machine thread and needles is making me wonder how many people in rural areas will stop sewing and quilting. Denver is a 4-5 hour trip one way.  When I bought my machines (in Pueblo) I bought a complete stash of fabrics from everywhere and everything I could possibly use knowing how hard it is to buy here.  Are many in your communities going to be adversely affected by Walmarts closures?  I am very upset by what this is going to do to the people in my community.


  1. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #1

    There were one or more discussions here a year or so ago about Wal-Mart closing their fabric depts. I don't know what the current word is on it, but here are the things I've heard:
    1. All new stores will not have fabric depts. (That may be a moot
    point because many locales are keeping Wal-Mart from coming in to
    their communities.)

    2. They will package their fabrics in precut sealed plastic bags of
    3-yard and 5-yard lots.

    3. Fabric depts are being reduced in size. That has happened to the
    local store where I live. Two different women who work in that dept
    have told me they are enlarging the party supply dept to consume
    part of the fabric dept. Not surprising here. We are a university
    town, and our university is known as a party school.

    Only item #3 above has happened here. I've no idea what is happening nation wide. Could be they've scrapped the plan (pun intended -- teeheehee) because of letter and email writing and phone campaigns by the army of sewers out there.

    On the other hand, I've not found a lot of quality fabric there, and I order thread and other notions online for the most part. My fabric stash is such that I could sew indefinitely without new fabric, though one does long for a fabric-fix now and again.

    Edited 4/14/2008 5:02 am ET by JunkQueen

    Edited 4/14/2008 2:38 pm ET by JunkQueen

  2. Betakin | | #2

    I had heard that some Walmarts had closed out their sewing depts. some time ago and some people were protesting about it. Some wrote letters to Walmart etc. I haven't been to my Walmart in awhile but last I was there I asked if they were closing theirs and was told, no and  that they were going to keep their sewing dept for sometime.

    Are you sure that it is "all" Walmart stores that are closing out their sewing departments and if so is there a certain deadline?

    1. damascusannie | | #3

      What I was told a year ago when I contacted the company was that the departments were going to be judged on sales--stores that had strong sales would keep their fabric departments, stores that didn't would lose them. So far, our local Walmart fabric departments have remained unchanged.

      1. dollmarm | | #5

        I was told some of the same from a friend who works in Walmart. It was also stated that some that have great sales will keep them, but who knows.  My friend also stated that all new stores will not have any and those that are being remolded will keep an isle or two of sewing notions and sewing machine. There is another store about 45minutes to an hour (depending upon traffic) will keep all their Sewing/Crafts and Fabric.   SO I hope to get there in the next week to see what they have.   I bought a lot of my material from them and the one that was remolded near me is so "un-user friendly)  I have no desire to shop in it.  Sad this is not how Sam Walton would have wanted this all to have turned out in his stores.  I worked for Walmart 5years ago for only 2 years and I did not like the new changes I was seeing and quit.  I loved working there overnight to make some extra monies.  I received an email from DMC and they has been great in sharing where you can get their threads and etc....

  3. MaryinColorado | | #4

    If you sign up for the newsletters at online sewing companies, you might be able to get in on their "free shipping" sales when they come up.  Joanne's, Hancock, and http://www.nancysnotions, etc.  I like to order from http://www.equilter.com which is mail order only from Boulder, Co. the customer service is excellent and they have a huge inventory.  I love thier rayon batiks!!!  Mary

  4. Teaf5 | | #6

    The fabric sections of Walmarts in our area were never very useful, as they were so small and had only very poor quality fabrics. However, our local, old Walmart always had a very extensive collection of name brand yarns and sewing supplies, so it was useful when I couldn't find something somewhere else.

    With all the closures of independent fabric stores, Hancocks', and now Walmart fabrics, it looks as though I'm going to to have to venture into online fabric sources. Yuck!

    1. dollmarm | | #7

      I know what you mean I love touching the fabric as much as looking at it. I love the mix match and it seems it is slowly being stripped from us.  I have found some really neat pieces in Thrift Shops for crazy low prices.  I am told there is still one that kept all their sewing stuff that is about 45 minutes to an hour away from that I hope to visit soon.  My cousin, and her mother-in-law, have an online fabric company http://www.quiltedcabin.com

      They seem to be doing well.  The mother-in-law travels around buying the fabric and other supplies and then post them on line.  We had a great sewing/craft dept in the Walmart closest to me.   I worked for them for 2 years several years ago and I would check out the fabric atleast 2 to 3 x's week to what was new and what was on sale.  Oh well I guess we will have to buy on line, and or shop from Thrift stores.  I do at times buy really big sizes and cut them down to my size if I like the fabric and color. It's a neat challenge.  Enjoy and may we all find a local place to find at least some fabric to keep us sewing :~)

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