Hi everyone, I would like to share the dress I recently made for a client. She’ll wear this for her wedding vow renewal. I’m quite pleased to see how this dress turned out :).
This dress is made out of silk organza, underlined with batiste, and lined with crepe back satin. Patterns were made by yours truly :).
Thanks for letting me share :).
All I can say is "WOW"
Stunning and elegant! Wonderfully worked. I am sure your client was more than pleased. It would work equally well for a renewal and for the first time round wedding! Thank you for posting. Cathy
That is GORGEOUS! I absolutely love the design with the asymmetrical ruffles. Does the back mirror the front without the ruffles?
Wow, incredible! And incredible that anyone married long enough to renew wedding vows can wear such a tiny dress. Very lovely lines, sophisticated but not overly serious...delightful design!
I love it!
Beautiful! Love the ruffles!
The gown is just stunning! You are obviously and experienced and talented designer and dressmaker. Thanks so much for sharing your creation. Do you have a website? Mary
Aww thanks everyone for the sweet words :).
The back almost mirrored the front part, I just adjust the placement of the flounce a little bit on the back so that they look flattering.
I did have a website, but I closed it down early this year because I have no time to mantain it. So I'm taking orders more privately now in my blog: http://www.georgegabriellecouture.blogspot.com/
Tomorrow I will take more pics of the dress before I ship it out to my client. I'll take pics of the details I used and will post them in my blog :).
Thanks again everyone, you're too sweet :).
If I'm not too late, please let me add my cheers to the chorus. The dress is magnificant!
This dress is stunning! I will definitely follow your blog!
Okay I have to echo my praise from earlier and raise it a couple notches. I just visited your site. It is so classy! That you are talented is clear, but the blog is also very classy. Your clients must love seeing your creations come alive! The photography is beautiful and the models diverse, each one just as pretty as can be.
The dress is wonderful! Almost makes me want to get married again! Almost. L
Just a joy to view. Love it, so original.
Wow! Beautiful and exciting. You did a great job.
Aww thank you so much ladies :)
I love your dress. The pattern is outstanding and the skirt is perfect.
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