What’s your favorite sewing show? How many do you attend?
Deana Tierney, Assistant Editor, Threads
What’s your favorite sewing show? How many do you attend?
Deana Tierney, Assistant Editor, Threads
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Hi Deana,
The only sewing show here in Alberta, Canada that I am able to attend is The Creative Stitches and Crafts Alive Show. It is in Edmonton in the spring and Calgary in the fall. It seems every year more and more quilting shops are turning up, I'm not a traditional quilter so have been finding less and less to interest me. I would like to attend the Creative Stitches Show in Toronto, Sewing Expo, Puyallup, WA. and any others, unfortunately----. None of my friends or family are into sewing so I can't find a travelling companion to attend. Most of the family consider me an odd-ball since I sew and do so many other crafts, instead of being glued to the television watching soap operas or a hockey game.
Puyallup, Puyallup and Puyallup! March can't come fast enough each year - why can't they have shows every 6 months? :) I go on a weekday to dodge the weekend crowds, and try not to go back for a second day (you can only hide so much fabric under the bed from the hubby, you know?)
Before we moved to the Pacific NW, we lived in Toronto, so it was the Creative Sewing and Needlework Expo every year.
But now it's Puyallup, and I am crossing the days out with big Xs on the calendar until March.
:) Mary
I forgot to mention that I enjoyed the Threads booth at the show, it was nice to see some of the garments right out of the pages of the magazine. Unfortunately Threads hasn't been to Edmonton since 2003, I remember having a chat with David Page Coffin then. The big red bags were great too!
The Original Quilt & Sewing Show this Oct in Illinois. It is the only one I can get to as there is a bus sponsored by a local store that gets there.
I go to the ASG conferences whenever they are held in the East Coast since I live in New Jersey. Otherwise, it's just too expensive for me.
I have never had a chance to attend any sewing shows. I'm not aware of any happening near where I live in the Southeast US. I have gone to the AQS quilt show in Paducah, Ky. several times, but I probably won't go to that again. I haven't really looked for sewing shows, so I've probably missed out on anything that was available. What shows are out there?
The Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Clearwater FL. Next year it will be in Tampa instead. I've been two years in a row and have enjoyed it and learned a lot. Looking forward to next February.
I haven't had the opportunity to attend any. I have done some research and they don't seem to be any near me (SouthEast).
I am hoping to be at the right place and the right time once to attend a show.
When in Oct is the one in Charigo?
I live right out of Memphis Tn and theres none around here that I know of. I would love to attend one.
In Memphis we have a chapter of the ASG if you are interested? I am night group leader, there are many members that do not live right in Memphis, a group of ladies just got back from DC area for conference and had an opportunity to see many sewing educators. I have been the the Sewing and Quilting Expo in Minneapolis MN many years ago..LK
I live in Walls. What times do you meet?
I wouldn't mind travling some. I'm thinking about the Martha Pullan classes in Feb. I like to sew and to quilt.
The Original Sewing and Quilt show is in Atlanta in March, usually around the middle of the month for about 4 days. It's a great show.
The Sew, Quilt, Embroidery Festival in Reno. It is 90 miles from my home. Next year the ASG National Conference will be in Sacramento. I will go to it instead. Seeing the garments from Threads magazine at the national conference in Portland was great.
I have never seen any advertising or announcements for Northern California sewing shows, other than the Marin Civic Center Quilt show, which my mother and sister-in-law raved about. Where would we find out about such shows?
The Web site is something like: pcmexpo.com. They do a show in San Mateo.
In April there is a show at Cal Expo. I don't know which company puts it on.
Try American Sewing Guild Sacramento Chapter website for events.
In 2007 the ASG National Conference will be in Sacramento.
Thanks, I'll check that out!
If you can come south a ways.... there's a new show this fall in Southern California.
For many years we treasured a show sponsored by Orange Coast College, wonderful instructors (Sandra Betzina, Cynthia Guffey, Peggy Sagers, Elinor Burns, and many many more) that lost its funding a few years ago and fizzled.... Peggy Sagers/Silhouette patterns is resurrecting it at Long Beach College in October. I'm sure it'll start smaller than the OCC show as it's new, but she'll be teaching along with Cynthia, Linda MacPhee, Barb Callahan, Cecelia Podolak, Bobbi Bullard, and more! Dates are October 28-29 and there are preday workshops on the 27th. There will be more information at http://www.etacalifornia.com and online registration begins Friday (8/25).
I always attended that fall show and met up with many friends, also get a sewing getaway to the Puyallup show though I ended up working there this year. I'd like to combine visits to others with some business/visiting travel... maybe I'll be able to check out the one in Novi MI sometime as it's near some family...
Thanks for the info. We get down to So Cal fairly often, and I could bring my sister who lives there with me!
I am so glad to hear you talking about the show in Long Beach as we will be there too.
The reason Peggy is doing the show is because most shows are in the midwest or on the eastcoast.
She would like to see more sewing shows in the west. So last winter she did a show in Dallas, TX and then this show in Long Beach, Ca
Anyone from Tx who went to that show in TX in Feb of 2006?
Peggy is a great lady and is so creative.
Thanks so much - I didn't know that this set of classes was happening, so now I've signed up and am really looking forward to it. Thanks again!
Sewing shows? There are sewing shows?!
One drawback to living in central Vermont is the limited access to .... everything.
I lived in Bennington, Vermont for a number of years but wasn't involved in sewing at that time. I never heard of any sewing events in or near Vermont.
Since I live within easy travelling distance, I always go to the CreativFestival (used to be called the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festive) in Toronto, Canada. I've found it a good mix of everything from sewing, scrapbooking and fibrearts. The brochure (http://www.creativfestival.ca) just came out and wow have they ever revamped. Great line up of classes. They have a decorate your jeans competition that looks like fun. I know they get a lot of Americans coming. Have any of you been before?
I used to attend the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival (now known as creativfestival) in Toronto every two years. I travelled from Ottawa and spent a minimum of two days at this show.
The first time I went in 1994, the floor was full of suppliers geared to the fiber arts (sewing, knitting, embroidery). In 2005, half the vendors had nothing to do with arts or crafts whatsoever (for example: dryer balls, aromathepary products, food, cleaning products, soap). I've also found that the majority of classes have been dumbed down to the point that only beginners would be interested. Favorites vendors have also stopped attending.
If you live in Toronto, it still might be fun. For out-of-town travellers like myself, it's a waste a money.
I attend the local "Inspiration" show held in Ottawa, this year on October 27 and 28.
When I lived in upstate New York I always attened the Fall Creative festival in Toronto. Now that I am in Texas I attend the Martha Pullen show in Arlington. Both have the same format... for a day ticket you get onto the sales floor and can attend as many seminars as you can squeeze into a day. Toronto is definately the better show, with more variety and some very big names... . Don't try the Spring one in Toronto as it doesn't hold a candle to the Fall show.
I have also started to attend the ASG conferences. Good way to see different parts of the country and pick up lots of tips. Dissappointed that the Threads presence this year was not as strong as in prior years.
I just moved to Ottawa, do you have a link etc regarding the Ottawa show you mentioned??
Sure do.
I've only attended one class the first year this show was on, and because it was one big room with drapes separating concurrent classes, it was pretty noisy. They've since changed venues, but I haven't attended any classes, so I don't know if the set-up has been changed. Yarn Forward and Sew On (Kanata and Bank Street) and also Quilts & Seams (Richmond Road) have sponsored some classes, so they'd be able to tell you how the classes are.
Wow I just got back from a show in Reno with http://www.pcmexpo.com The show was small in it's 3rd year. It does seem like shows are shrinking.
As someone who teaches at these shows and tries to squeeze in classes we need more people to attend. Is it just that there aren't as many people sewing>
I will be up in Ottawa in October. Hope to see you there.. What type of classes do you take?
Edited 8/30/2006 10:27 am ET by krin
I took Cynthia Guffey's fitting class (all day Thursday) and a demonstration class by LJ Messinger on Friday. The exhibits did seem to be decreased.
Cynthia's class was great!
Beth did you learn and see any new things?
That is what is important...
I learned that JL Messengers book is worth reading and perhaps owning, for the embellishment instructions.
Cynthia Guffey's fitting class reinforced my suspected figure variations. She provided a measurement for my sloping shoulders and long hips. Using her instructions and measurements, I made a trial garment and it fits better than anything I have made previously.
So yes, the classes were worth it.
I always say when I attend a show if I learn one new thing that is good. I guess the question is value and pricing. Could you have learned the same thing in a book, or in an online class? Sometimes traveling to a show is just an experience that can't be missed.
Both these ladies are super in their fields.
I have been working on my fitting variations for some time. This spring I made a series of blouses, varying a couple of alterations each time. This was helpful. The fit wasn't quite right in some nebulous way.
Cynthia's fitting class confirmed variations that I suspected, added one or two more and (very importantly) showed how to alter for them. Working on my own, I might have eventually made it to where I am now. More likely, I would have just accepted things as they were. Her fitting class rapidly moved my fitting alternations forward.
Could I have done all this on my own? Maybe. Because I had worked on the problem on my own, I understood more and made more progress.
I have thought about an online sewing classes. Know of any good ones? Does anyone suggest any?
There may be fewer people sewing, but it's more likely that there are more of us who sew who also work fulltime nowadays. Most sewing shows and classes are scheduled during the week, when I cannot attend.
There is one show that has not been mentioned that is the Mia Atlantic Quilt and Fibre arts show in Virgigna at the end of February. It is not just quilting but also fashion design, gadgits, fabric,classes, patterns ,etc. I've been there three times so far and desperately miss it when I can't go. It started in Williamsburg and is now in Hampton Rhodes. There are alos tours avalible to Colonial Williamsburg.
Give it a try. I've seen the ads in Threads, They also have a diaplay there.
I'm all signed up for the American Sewing Expo in Novi - All day workshop on Thursday, and seminars the other 3 days. I wouldn't miss the Threads challenge fashion show on Saturday night - this year there is an additional fashion show of vintage clothing from the last 100 years.
I'm looking forward to meeting Amber at the Threads booth!
I have attended the Originak Sewing and Quilt Expo in Ohio. This was my third year. The last two years I attended all four days. I took all day classes on Wednesday and a host of classes the rest of the days. I had to save some time to do some browsing and shopping for fabric at the Vogue fabric booth. I looked at the newest sewing machines ( and I need another sewing machine like I need a hole in the head). I bought thread and laces, gadgets; I just have a ball. I take vacation days off ahead of time to attend. I just learned about Novi, Michigan and I wanted to go. But I need to save up money for a trip sponsored by our local sewing machine dealer to Chicago on Oct 27th and 28th to Vogue Fabrics. This would be my first time and I can't wait. I will definetely go to Novi next year.
I've enjoyed the sewing fair in Abottsford, BC twice - a small event but well done, and this year enjoyed the fair in Puyallup. I look forward to attending that again, but will possibly plan for two days, not just one as there were so many classes I wanted to attend that I did't get much time to see the exhibits -- tho' I did stop by THREADS.
My first show was last March in Atlanta, GA at the Sewing Expo. I took off work and went all three days. I filled myself with classes all day each day and it was the best. I spent so much money and hid so much from my husband it was awful, but it was a great experience and can't wait until next March to attend again.
In my first year here as editor, I've been going to as many shows as I can to get to know the readers and the market better. My next is Novi at the end of Sept, and I can't wait to emcee the Inspired by Threads fashion show!
Hi Deana
I go to the one in Sewing and Craft show at Tradex in Abbotsford BC. Love the opportunity to learn new things and see all the new products and pattern lines. I've been wanting to get to the show in Puallyp(sp?) but its on at about the same time as the one here and my sewing budget can only stand so much abuse.
I'd love to see threads there!
Novi sewing expo in September.
I go to the American Sewing Expo in Michigan each year. I 've also been to the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Ohio, but it's too far to go.
Maybe Threads should do an article on sewing shows in the US and Canada.
My very favorite, can't miss show is the American Sewing Expo, held every year in Novi, MI. I have been attending for probably ten years and very much look forward to it each year. They have amazing classes and vendors for things you might be hard pressed to find elsewhere. Then on Saturday night they have the amazing Threads fashion show. It is wonderful!
My favorite tv show is Susan Khalje on DIYnet. Does anyone know if her shows are available on tape or cd? She is wonderful as well.
Well, thanks for listening to me!
Julie B.
Yes, they have a great show at Novi...
To bad there can't be great Novi show throughout the country..
I won't make it to Novi this year.
But do enjoy...
Puyallup!!! What huge fun - love the seminars, the shopping, meeting sewists from all over the world, big names everywhere...talk about creative overload!
One other person has mentioned Martha's Sewing Market. I've attended that show in Arlington, Texas for three or four years now. The first time I went I had no idea exactly what to expect; in fact, I almost didn't go. But was I glad I did! Even though I'm an experieced sewer, I learned several things of value from the classes, got some new inspiration, and enjoyed visiting all the booths. Plus, it's a great value for $17 a day (I believe) which includes all the regular classes. My only caveat is that it seemed to me that this past year the line-up of instructors wasn't as strong, especially where garment sewing is concerned, as the first time I went, although there were still some excellent ones, such as Peggy Sagers and Louise Cutting.
This year I also attended the ETA show organized by Peggy Sagers in Denton, Texas. It was a smaller affair due, I'm sure, to being its first year. The classes also cost additional, so basically you are getting the same thing as Martha's Sewing Market, but for more money. I did like the fact that it was held on a college campus (although it was farther away from Dallas proper and therefore not quite as convenient for me personally). And there were other instructors, such as Cynthia Guffey whom I had not encounted at MSM. So, all in all, I will probably attend next year, assuming it will be held again.
Edited 9/14/2006 4:03 pm by jewelea
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