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Conversational Threads

Wild Ginger- Cick and Sew Patterns

MarciaM | Posted in Patterns on

Have any of you used the computer Wild Ginger Click and Sew patterns?  I am thinking about taking an online class based on the pants pattern and would appreciate any comments.    Thank, Marcia


  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Marcia, I've used them (the dress pattern, though, not pants), and found them quite good. An excellent introduction to pattern drafting software. The drawback to the one I had (which may not be true anymore) was that I could never figure out a way to save a design or set of measurments, so I had to re-enter all those numbers for each design. However, that's a pretty small thing for such an easy way to custom-draft a pattern to your size. You'll probably  have to tweak the fit in any case, but my dress pattern was much closer to my actual size than any envelope pattern I've ever used.


    1. MarciaM | | #2

      Thanks, Carol!               Marcia

    2. GhillieC | | #3

      "I could never figure out a way to save a design or set of measurments"

      I think the answer to that is "you can't" with Click and Sew. You have to buy the full Pattern Master Boutique program (which I have) to get saving and editing features.



  2. User avater
    bevaau | | #4

    No, as I understand it you can't in Click & Sew (but you can in the full PMB version). I have used the pants pattern and surprised myself with a fantastic fit the first time! The only problem I have is the in-seam pocket - the pattern piece looks like nothing I have ever seen before and I have not (yet) worked out what to do with it. But i will! I don't like to let things beat me!! The instructions are minimal so you need to have some knowledge of sewing before you start - but if you are taking a class that probably won't matter. Good luck. 

    1. MarciaM | | #5

      Thanks for all your help.  It looks as though the pattern has been shipped so I'm looking forward to receiving it and looking it over!  This is a class through Heather Claus at Patternshowcase.  I took a fabrics class from her and learned alot so this should be fun!        

      I have been doing alot of quilt type sewing lately and its nice to get back into garment sewing again.

      Thanks,  Marcia

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