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wooden pressing blocks (templates)

Curiospat | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I am searching for templates to make the wooden pressing blocks (to press open seams, and press slacks seams, hems, etc.) Does anyone know of a website or place to order these,

[email protected]


  1. zuwena | | #1

    I can't help with a website but I think I remember that a while back DonnaKaye was offering something for pressing pants.  DonnaKaye has been missing from Gatherings for a while but she did say she was quite busy in her "real" job.  Maybe someone else will have a site or will remember exactly what DonnaKaye was offering.  Z

  2. Sunshine | | #2

    For pressing open seams without having the ridges show on the right side, I use a piece of half-round wood.  It's flat on the botttom, with a semi-circle on the top, when you look at the end of the piece.  I bought mine at a specialty lumber yard for <$3.  Ask for a piece of "half-round" of the length you want.  Mine is 5/8" high X 1 1/4" wide X 24" long, made of red oak. Don't get pine or a soft wood - look for oak or birch. The hardwood is better to use with steam, even at a high temp setting.  I sanded the ends and edges to make sure they were smooth and wouldn't catch on my fabric.  An emory board will do the trick if you don't have sandpaper handy.  I have thought about covering it with cotton or flannel, but it seems to work just fine the way it is. 

    They don't have hardwood half-round at Home Depot or Lowe's, so save yourself the trip! Look for a lumber supply place that handles hardwoods; they generally also have unfinished doors and stair/railing components. It's neat to see all the fancy wood pieces available!

    1. Curiospat | | #3

      Thanks, Sunshine,

      That info will help; I'll try to find the "half-round" wood at the hardware store!


      Pat (curiospat@hotmail)

    2. damascusannie | | #4

      I have a seam ham, don't remember who I got it from, that's made from a very tightly rolled magazine inside a tube made from heavy wool fabric. The diameter is about 2" and it works great for preventing that annoying sheen on seam margins. Steam doesn't seem to bother it which makes me wonder if there's a second layer of fabric inside the first. Annie

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