submitted by Nancy Sherba
from Threads #133
Before I prewash my woven fabrics, especially fabric that’s likely to fray, I run a wide zigzag stitch along the cut ends. It helps to keep fraying to a minimum and prevents the frayed threads from getting tangled up with other items in the wash. To double the benefit, I use thread that’s old or from spools that are almost empty. Without any extra effort, I effectively purge my thread stash at the same time.
Thank you Nancy for that tip for using old thread. I have been winding it back on spools, using it for "hand Sewing" for the children to learn this hemming job,etc. Everey time I sign on I get these great ideas from the staff, and contributers. Happy Days!! Kreativelady.
Thanks for the tip. This is exactly the information I was looking for. Last time I prewashed fabric I lost a lot of edges due to frays and their tangles. I am not willing to do that again. I even have a lot of little spools of funky thread color that I never use which will serve this exact purpose. Great tip!