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Video: How to Sew a Three-Thread Rolled Serged Edge

David Page Coffin

If you’ve seen Threads author Kayla Kennington‘s designs, blog, or website, you’ll know that the hallmark of her unique designs is an unfussy yet artful approach to construction. Kayla uses rolled serged edges on hems and in some of her seam treatments.

I recently discovered that Kayla has shared her secrets to achieving successful results with these techniques in two online videos. You can watch them at David Page Coffin’s MyVirtualWorkshop.BlogSpot.com, and David’s posted two video tutorials, each about  6 minutes long, on YouTube: “Kayla Kennington on Serging a Rolled Hem Edge,” parts 1 and 2.

The first video explains and demonstrates Kayla’s method for sewing a clean and tight three-thread rolled serged edge.

It’s so helpful to see the technique in action, but I wanted to share just a few of Kayla’s written tips on this topic from KaylaKennington.com. Kayla says: 

“I keep the three tension settings very tight; I use higher numbers like 7-9 on my machine. (Kayla’s serger is a Bernina 800DL.)

The stitch length is set as tight as possible for a close-together stitch-length.

I keep my cutter blade set out a bit, especially when working on a lightweight silk, so the roll-hem edge has something to catch and roll.”

In the second video, Kayla explains how you can join two rolled-hem edges with multi-stitch zigzag stitches or shaped bartacks. The results can be beautifully decorative and colorful, and use fabric right to the edge – no seam allowances.

On the blog Modular Design for Couture Artwear, which she and David contribute to, Kayla describes how she came to develop her own style, through experimentation and abandoning what she saw as needlessly complex sewing methods. With these videos, other sewers will be able to learn what she discovered through trial and error. And in Threads issue no. 153, Kayla’s going to show readers how to intricately dye mini shibori.

Have you used a rolled serged edge to complete a garment hem? Have you considered the technique, but thought you’d like to first see how it’s done?


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  1. User avater
    Catherine_Goetz | | #1

    These two videos are very practical when sewing the rolled hem using Kayla's signature seaming techniques. I refer to them whenever I want a refresher before starting a new garment.

  2. CathiTheWeaver | | #2

    Fantastic videos! Can't wait to get home and try it out. Just a note though, your email and also the third paragraph of this article refer to a "Three Needle Rolled Serged Edge" when I think you meant "Three Thread...".

  3. abelfamily | | #3

    I use my serger quite a bit and I liked the tip on moving the blade over and the use of the stabilizer. Maybe more people will use their sergers if the instructions are as easy as these. LindaD

  4. User avater
    smcfarland | | #4

    Dear CathiTheWeaver - thank you for the catch on "needle" in the third paragraph! I fixed that slip - thanks again

  5. sewinghands | | #5

    Wonderful great video i just brought a serger. About a month ago. I have not found many books of videos that help me as mush as this video has. I will try this technique. I still learning a lot of things when it comes to sewing and I have been sewing for some time. I have lost the edge at one time lost Ideas almost gave up on sewing I was almost about to count myself out of the sewing game. I was sewing for myself most of the time and sometimes for a friend if needed. Now that I can look up things and see things on the Internet Im now enjoying sewing again. And your video helps even more. I was once scared of the seger. But now I can see that I can use it for more things in my sewing. Thanks

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