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Conversational Threads


GailAnn | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I’m a big fan of the Lane Cedar Chest.  I have two, one I bought, another (the outside is in terrible shape, but the inside is still cedar) found it’s way to my house after my mother in law died.

If I were a young woman, beginning to furnish a home.  Every bedroom would get a cedar chest, plus, I’d also use one as a coffee table.  Gail


  1. Ocrafty1 | | #1

    Was just browsing thru and was intrigued by the title....What goes with this thread????  What was the original post about since #1 and #3 have been deleted???? LOL!


    1. GailAnn | | #2

      Can't imagine why the earlier posts were deleted.  I certainly don't recall any offencive or profane language.

      I believe the original post had to do with "moths' and other fabric snacking insects. 

      I suppose that, in itself, could be considered a 'profanity'.  Gail

    2. Ralphetta | | #3

      Was that the thread about moth holes?

    3. jjgg | | #4

      I wrote the 2 posts that I later deleted. I was looking for the dongle for my embroidery software, couldn't find it (very expensive item to loose) and later found it./ I then felt silly about the post so I deleted it!Judy

      Edited 5/12/2009 7:11 pm ET by jjgg

      1. Palady | | #5

        It was very thoughtful of you to post your doing.    Thank you for taking the time.

        Good to read you found your dongle.   My PC knowing is somewhat limited but Google always comes through for me.  So thank you also for spurring me to learn another thing about the cyber world. 


        1. jjgg | | #6

          with certain embroidery software programs, you have to have this little 'dongle' it's like a USB thumb drive (flash drive etc). It's about one inch long, and the software (which can be very expensive) won't work unless this thing is plugged into the computer. If you loose it you are sunk! I don't think you can get it replaced without paying for new software (I could be wrong on this though). I've always been very OCD about knowing where it was, I moved recently and then also had major computer issues with all the computers in the house, so things got moved around. I was just having a 'bad hair day'.

          Edited 5/13/2009 10:23 pm ET by jjgg

          1. Palady | | #7

            Thank you for the read. 


          2. MaryinColorado | | #8

            so glad that you found it!  I am OCD about mine too.  I made a little bag and embroidered "Dongle Keeper" on it with an embroidery of a dongle.  It closes with velcro and has really saved my sanity.  Mary

      2. gailete | | #10

        That would be a hair pulling experience. I was at my sewing machine dealers where a woman was practically weeping as she and hubby had broken up and he took the computer and refused to release the dongle back to her! The only way it could be replaced was to buy the digitizer program all over again. Something like $1000!


        1. jjgg | | #11

          I suppose we could get insurance for them!!!!
          Mine I had tied securely to the USB flash drive for the machine!

  2. gypsylady | | #9

    I agree, I love ceder chest. Since my bedrooms or so small I do use one as a coffee table.

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