Folks, I’ve been receiving a good number of requests for Audrey Childress’s master pants pattern of late. She also had an instruction booklet that went with it. I am going to have the pattern and booklet reprinted, but I need a head count first, since I’m only going to reprint the number of requests I receive.
If anyone wants this pattern, please forward me a private email and I’ll fill you in on the cost, etc. I’m not in my sewing studio right now, but I believe the sizes range from 8 to 22 (commercial pattern sizes). I’m sure I can draft smaller sizes for you, but it’s a question of time, not that I lack the interest.
Audrey also has master patterns for the bodice and skirt in both knits and woven. Also included is the raglan sleeve pattern, knits and woven. Please indicate if you have any interest in those as well when you email me.
Many thanks for your interest!
Folks, I'll be in the process in the next few weeks of getting the first run of patterns reprinted. Those of you who have emailed me privately are on my list first. I don't have a cost yet, and I really don't want to "advertise" on this forum because I don't think it's appropriate, but rest assured I will keep the price as reasonable as I possibly can. Also, for clarification, the pattern is multi-size, 8-22, and includes half-sizes. I am attempting to respond to everyone privately by email, but if I've missed you, try me again.
Give me a couple weeks to get this stuff turned out and I'll be in touch with those of you who have contacted me privately. Those who have emailed me I will put in a batch emailer with progress reports and when I come up with a final cost for the patterns and the booklet.
I have also had a request from Australia. Folks, I'll send these wherever they need to go; you'll just have to pitch in on your shipping costs to get them there.
Thanks for your interest. Keep me posted on how all of you are doing with your pants fittings otherwise, and don't forget to check out the lengthy discussion on pants fitting which has been heating up on this forum....
Love you all!.....Donna Kaye Childress
You say to contact you privately, but I don't know how to do that. So, I assume you will be checking this thread and you can contact me. My email Address is [email protected] and my name is Agnes and Yes I am interested in the pattern and book.
In case DonnaKaye misses your post, you can email here by clicking on her name. A screen will pop up and you can fill in the info. However, before you do this, make sure you have registered your email address with this site. I believe when you registered to become a poster there was a field for you to do this. DonnaKaye will have your email from the email you sent her.
Thank you for the information. I'll do that. DeeOh
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