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beginner looking for first machine

melon5150 | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on


I am a 32 year old beginner I have never worked on a sewing machine. I have done simple stiching and buttons by hand. I am now a full time stay at home mom. I want to make some simple things like halloween costumes, curtains, pillows. I don’t expect to become a master seamstress. I have looked all over the internet for a basic machine, but don’t really know what I’m looking for. I’ve found small lightweight machines, read the reviews and most say they are junk, but I’m not sure if these reviews are coming from veterans. Could someone please tell me what would be a great, inexpensive, easy to use, very beginner sewing machine.


Thank You So Much



  1. Ralphetta | | #1

    I would advise finding a trustworthy dealer to help you.  Many people trade in their old machines for newer models, so you would have both options.  Dealers will teach you how to use your machine.  (They may also offer sewing classes..which is a different thing.)

    I'm sure some of the other people on line will have specific model suggestions, but in my opinion it is worth paying a little more and dealing with a dependable company rather than buying it elsewhere and not having anyone to answer questions, no warranty, no instruction, etc. 

    The less you know about machinery, the more important it is to have a reliable person/company to go to when you have a problem.  Really check out the dealer.  There are good ones who have been in business a long time and know their business and then, of course, there are ones who just want to meet this weeks sales quota.

    1. melon5150 | | #2

      I guess I should also mention that the closest dealer to me is 300 miles away. I'll be buying a machine on-line.

      1. Ralphetta | | #3


        I haven't had any experience with that, but I would think that there would be some reputable dealers there, as well.  I depend on online help for my computer.  It isn't as good as having someone right here...but  we do  get problems solved.   One of the reasons I feel strongly about a dealer rather than an idividual is that as a beginner on any machinery it is hard to tell whether the problem is caused by the machine ..or the user.  It's really good to have the tech support.

        If all else fails, I'm sure people on this site will try to help you.  Hang in there!

      2. lynrob | | #4

        I'd suggest that if you have friends who sew you might see what they are using for a machine. Sometimes sharing the same or similar machine is a great way to talk about and "solve" problems without driving that 300 miles. I've had several different machines, but I know that my newer computer one has thrown me a curve ball or two....and my dealer has been most helpful and conveying helpful tips.

      3. ctirish | | #5

        Wow, I can't imagine being 300 miles from a dealer or anywhere.  If you are going to buy online, I would email several online dealers with a list of questions.  Besides asking them about the different machines I would ask about how they feel about doing online email support and questions.  I would look for someone who responds quickly, is helpful in his emails - even before you buy a machine - and is willing to commit to answering your emails or telephone calls in a reasonable amount of time.  In what you consider a reasonable amount of time. 

        Also, look into their return policy - make sure you have enough time to test out your machine in the return time.  You will want to have it delivered at a time when you can spend a few days checking out all of the features the machine offers.  Most dealers go quickly through the features when you buy a machine but after you buy it you can go in and ask for help or a demonstration of the feature you don't understand.

        That gave me a thought, is their someone you can go visit for a week and then you can go try out all of the machines at a local dealer in their area?  If you find one you love, then you can go home and order it online but still go through the picking one who can really help you check list.




  2. Wilie | | #6


    First off, welcome to our world . I hope you will like it here. 

       Now looking for your first machine you will want a simple reliable machine that has a straight stitch, some zigzag, Buttonhole stitch and a few decaorative stitches although these last are not necessary.  Where to look, try consumer reports on machines because they will give feed back on reliability, support, cost, the machine's abilities etc. 

       Myself I have a basic New Home/Janome that I've found will do most anything I might want to do form costuming, clothing, and toys to making a new roof for our tent.


                                                                  Good Luck,



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