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Beginners machine

AnnOReilly | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I am looking for a machine which I can use for making curtains, slipcovers, duvet covers etc. I have been researching but each store pushes its own stock and disses the competitiors so I am quite confused.  I am not into dressmaking but I will want to do hemming, zippers etc. Not so sure about quilting and defiinetly not embroidery.  I think I need a machine that i could grow into but one that will not break the bank. 




  1. lindahallc | | #1

    I recently helped someone shop for a machine similar to what you are looking for.  I found that the best bang for the buck was either a Janome or Kenmore (which, I am told is made by Janome).  You don't need a fancy electronic machine for what you are talking about.  Personally, I adore my high priced Bernina, but big bucks are not neccesary for great results.  I made some beautiful wedding dresses on the machine I bought twenty years ago for undere $200.00.  I would advice filling a shopping bag with an assortment of fabric being sure to include the types of fabric you expect to sew eg. demin, tapestry, sheers, sheeting.  Take these to the different stores, YOU run them through, ask the staff to show YOU how to attach the blind hem foot and try it on the different fabrics.  Any store worth their salt, will include lessons, make sure you take them!  I had been sewing extensively for twenty-five years when I bought my last machine and I still learned something from the lessons.  Good luck with your shopping and enjoy your new machine!

    1. AnnOReilly | | #2

      Thank you for the info. I have done as you suggested and tested various machines. I am leaning toward the Kenmore 19365. I did not know it was made by Janome but that does make me feel better. I only hope sears will provide the support a specialist store would.

      Thanks again,


      1. carolfresia | | #3

        Ann, I've heard that it is sometimes possible to find a local sewing machine repair shop that will handle many brands, including Kenmores. If you don't find it convenient to use Sears's maintenance services, look in your yellow pages for someone nearby.


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