I just wanted to write and introduce myself. I am the new editor of Threads. While I am new to this position, I’m not new to Threads. Some of you may remember me from my time as an associate editor at Threads. I spent this past year working on CraftStylish print issues for our sister website, CraftStylish.com. But, now I’m back to my sewing roots and I couldn’t be happier to be back at Threads!
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I have been reading your posts here in gatherings and catching up on all the great conversations. I wanted to let you know that I’ll be checking in regularly to hear what you think about the Threads magazine, Threadsmagazine.com, and the sewing world in general and to encourage you to keep your questions coming and your lively, passionate conversations going strong. Please feel free to drop me a note here if you have any concerns, or ideas you’d like to share.
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Thanks for being such a committed and loyal audience. I look forward to talking with you and to bringing you the sewing information you’re craving on the site and in the magazine.
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Hello Deana! It is sooo great to hear from the Editorial staff! It is nice to hear that you have been listening in on us as well. We hope to hear from you often. Cathy
Hi Cathy! Thanks so much. I have been listening and will continue to check in as much as I can.
Hello and congratulations on your new position. There are a lot of long-time sew-ers here they have had some good suggestions for topics for Threads.
Thank you, Jean! I'm delighted to be here and to hear from all the long-time and newer sewers out there.
Edited 2/24/2009 12:56 pm ET by Deana
Welcome back to Threads.
Indeed, What they said! Welcome and Congratulations! :)Kharmin
Welcome back and congratulations! I was delighted to see your post. So many times I've felt our comments, complaints, questions, and kudos were falling on deaf or non-existent ears. I'm looking forward to the first issue published under your guidance. May your tenure be long and successful.
Welcome to our community! I will echo the other's compliments on stopping by our world. I think you'll find this a loyal and engaged audience with scads of ideas. They are creative and their skills are unparalleled!
I have reduced my sewing magazine subscriptions to Threads and Sew Beautiful. I was also a loyal subscriber to Creative Needle, but understand it went under, probably due to our frightful economic downturn. but I digress: there is never a Threads issue where I don't learn a technique or see a website I need.
Now, I have a "gripe": Issue #142. Who constructed that wretched striped blouse with the mismatched collar design? Even the buttonholes look terrible. If "we" are to encourage sewing for heaven's sake fashion a blouse (shirt) in a fabric and style which would have some appeal.
Now with that off my chest, hats off to the editors of Threads for being consistant with cutting edge formats.
I saw that too, and (before I read the artical) just assumed it was "the bad example", because the photograph featured the back view SO prominently, and at the waist the the fit was "not quite right" Silly me! Matching collar stripes (or if they absolutely refuse to match up from the back, turn the collar on the grain and try to match the front, is pretty much Kindergarten sewing!
That said, Issue 142 has MUCH to complement.
The back page is exquisite!
The Ragtime Business, a lovely story. Very encourageing to those of us who adore our old machines and resist the temptation to needlessly spend, hard saved money, on a new more modern sewing machine that probably won't even come close to perfectly stitching for the 50 years service, through 2 or more generations, we 'just expect' from our "pet". My Featherweight 222, made in Scotland in 1951, used on a daily basis, still stitches a very fine seam. I call her "Little Princess".
Envelope Yourself, is one of the very few 'make it yourself' patterns published in THREADS that might actually find it's way into my wardrobe. It is simple, but wearable and useful looking. It just might work.
Tape to Shape is an excellent refresher course, for any of us,who have, perhaps, been cutting a few corners, in our projects, lately. Younger, newer, seamstresses, will find it challenging, but ever so enlightening!
Fluid Fabric is the BEST!!!!!! I'm dying to give those fortuny pleats a try! I've admired tham 'forever' on ancient garments. Never had one of my own. Where does one go to buy the fabric?? My fingers are getting itchy.
Lastly I extend high complements to Louise Cutting, author of Add a Bust Dart. Thank you for the fine, clear, most complete instructions on bust darts, I've ever read. I grow weary of pattern makers who believe, with absolute certainty, no normal person walks arround carrying 2 G cups on her chest. Oh yes they do! The entire female half of my family does beginning at the age of 12 or 14. All of us are otherwise, "normal", daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, Aunties, and Grandmothers. None of us speak bovine. Gail
Edited 3/7/2009 9:46 am ET by GailAnn
Edited 3/7/2009 9:50 am ET by GailAnn
Goodness, I thought it was just me about the striped blouse and the mismatched collar and what was that chunk of fabric sticking out on the back view? In my other post, I mentioned I was sick when I was reading it so thought I was maybe missing something. Granted I don't usually sew with stripes, but shouldn't the collar have been cut with the stripes going parallel to the long edge? I noticed the same thing in a book I was looking at for possible purchase. The collar was so badly done on the model, I knew I would be suspicious about anything the writer had to say.
I'm not trying to 'pile on', but the first thing I noticed was the collar, also. When you sew stripes and those stripes are uneven, and I think there is a technical term which escapes this senior brain at the moment, the fabric needs to be treated as if it is a napped fabric. The stripes can't match in the back because it was cut going the wrong direction. Cutting the collar in two pieces and making a chevron pattern in the back might have been interesting. Stripes can be a challenge but end up quite striking.
Hi Deana I think it is very sad not to learn the basics and work our way up.
we can not get sewstyish. out of the USA. Even though i had a sub to that as well then it was canceled many american sewers probably do not know this.
I think the balance at the moment is just right.!!!!
We have to share our knowledge and new comers to sewing can hardly start at the top. I for one also my daughter would CANCEL our subs if the magazine was to be come too up market. In the last couple of years and i came in at about 125 i have learned so much.
And as you can imagine with the change of the dollar my sub is costing quite a bit more.
Personally i am not interested in past fashions.
We are now in the here and now 2009 i am 60 and i enjoy looking to the future.
I think you could go to a library and look at fashions from then or a museum.
Also it is our duty to pass on our sewing to the younger ones especially NOW there may be many a mother's out there who now needs help to cloth her children.
So keep it up to date. And i notice others get fazed about the photography on the back page this does nothing for me at all. We cannot dress this way any more so why waste time on it. Yes the details are nice but who dresses like that any more.
I like classic clothes with a touch of up dating here and there i am not a slave to fashion.
The best part of the magazine is where i lean a new ways of improving and also the pattern reviews.
Thanks for writing, Denise. We appreciate your thoughts and ideas!
Denise and I agree on some things and DISagree on others!
At 58, I'm close to her in age. I've been sewing since about 1964 or 5.
First, we can completely agree, Threads must keep us all looking Fashion Forward!!
While I voted for the 'other guy', I LOVE the style Mrs. Obama has brought on the American Scene. We can fuss all we want about the appropriateness (or 'in') of disclosings one's arms in Winter. I am, just, so very, thankful for the dresses!
I am bored, BORED, with suits, separates, jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, pant-suits, and the lazy casual ilk, of modern dressing. Ladies in Men's wear, never has appealed to me, and, now, well I'm just SO totally DONE with it all.
I also agree with Miss Denise, sewing needs to be learned from the bottom up.
Few public schools teach Clothing Class, even 4-H is difficult to find, unless we live in a somewhat rural area. Aunties and Grannies are often too busy, to invest their valuable time in future seamstresses. Therefore, I appreciate the "Basic Sewing Pull-Out Section, you featured some issues ago. I seem to have 2 of them, set aside for needy young seamstresses. Perhaps you could make it an annual feature, or we could send in a self addressed stamped envelope, and $5.00 to get reprints for our daughters, nieces and granddaughters.
I disagree with Miss Denise on the BACK PAGE and the ancient garment construction! Those are the first articals I read! I also subscribe to PieceWork, a magazine devoted, in large part, to the genius of Needlewomen of the past. I have tremendous admiration, for the dedication, to the achievement, of near perfect techniques, in those fine old garments! The finese I (only) wish to achieve in my own sewing room, wrought by my own hand. Should Threads lose the sense of glorious ambition, saying, we all can be better seamstresses than we are today, ALL is lost.
Again, I agree, yes, a person CAN pick up a basic sewing guide at any library, used book store, or ebay. Often for far less cost, than even one single copy of Threads.
I expect Threads to challenge me toward making higher, finer, better garments. I expect Threads to inspire me by featuring the BEST OF THE BEST. Then reveal the techniques, allowing me to aspire to create fine garments of my own. Gail
Edited 3/4/2009 3:16 pm ET by GailAnn
GailAnn, I could not agree more. Thank you for unbeknowingly articulating my thoughts. I hope Deana hears this plea for the desire to see and read about excellence in sewing.
Edited 3/4/2009 7:29 pm by JunkQueen
Thanks everyone! I am hearing your pleas! There are some really great ideas here. Threads will definitely stay geared toward the intermediate to advanced sewer, with perhaps an occasional article on basics to inspire or pass down to a younger sewer. It's great to hear what you like and don't like in the issues. Thanks again for all of your comments.
That's great to hear. Even as a beginner I loved reading the old Threads. I enjoyed learning what the ideal looked like even if I wasn't able to do it. It gave me something to aim for. Quick and easy should be a choice, not because you just don't know there's a better way. The last several issues have definitely been a return to the old, high standards and i have subscribed again.
Hello Deana,
Thanks for your post! It sure is a relief to hear it from the top - that Threads will remain an advanced sewer's magazine. I like the occasional "inspire a newbie with a basic article" idea too. There are several basic sewing magazines already, and eight gajillion quilting and craft magazines. It thrills me to no end that Threads will remain focused on advanced sewing and on the lovely couture clothing it inspires us and teaches us to make.
A million thanks from a devoted charter subscriber,
Hi Deana! Yep, here's another intermediate-at-best seamster who loves the inspiration! Bright Blessings! Kharmin
Deana, thank you! I have already welcomed you in the newsletter and really look forward to the forthcoming issues of threads.
"Threads will definitely stay geared toward the intermediate to advanced sewer"Thank You! There are no other magazines for us! Yes, we are a niche market. No where else do we have the opportunity to express ourselves, refine our techniques, pass on our beloved craft. Here we can further learn and master our skills and become master craftspeople. Education is power, and you can never stop learning. Cathy
Thank you GailAnn for expressing what I was unable to about the Past Fashion pages. I adore the pages, and missed them when they were not there. There are many unusual details in those garments, not seen in modern garments. It is refreshing to see them. Adding a detail like that to a modern garment updates and refreshes an old favorite! It sparks creativity! It makes us look at things in a new, fresh way. You cannot look forward without understanding where we have come from! (For a prime example, check out the Designer Influence episode of Runway Canada! HA!) Fashion History becomes Fashion Modern Influence! And fine technique and good looking clothing comes from good sewing methods. You need to know the basics in order to progress to more intricate techniques. The more you sew, the more you want to know! Cathy
I also agree with the back page and challenges. There are a number of magazines devoted to 'easy to sew' but nothing else like Threads. Due to space considerations I don't keep all my Threads copies, I tear out what I want and discard the rest. Last week I added many back pages to my whole file on them. The quality sewing and designs of past times are my inspiration and stuff of my day dreams.I suggested to Amber several years ago that perhaps an article could refer basic sewers to online site instructions on the basic sewing techniques used in thread articles. Threads could develop them or refer to one of the many already available. I, and I expect many others, do not need to be told how to hem or understitch a facing unless is a unique and different method.I do wish that Threads would not print articles back to back. When I tear out an article I like I have a file system. I end up having to copy many pages just to keep one article separate from an other. In other magazines, I notice that they put advertising between articles
so that articles can be separated. I hope that make sense!
I love your suggestion about having more basic instructions online, instead of in the Threads print articles. I've had mixed experiences - some of the inspiring garments shown don't give me enough details about how they were constructed, kind of fabric used, etc.; some of the really basic stuff is just a yawn - disappointing to somebody who looks forward to the arrival of every issue. And I did enjoy the old challenge articles, where fabrics were delivered to several experienced, creative sewers, and they were challenged to make a daytime-to-evening ensemble, for example, including some specific kinds of wardrobe pieces.
Edited 3/4/2009 6:33 pm ET by Josefly
I am just catching up on the many different threads after being gone for the past two weeks, and I just have to respond to your post re: the old challenge articles, where fabrics were delivered to several experienced, creative sewers, and ...
I just loved those articles, too. Each one who presented gave me great inspiration to create something of my very own, and ideas to combine fabrics in my stash that I had not thought of doing before. I hope that feature comes back, and I would even like to see it semi-annually ...or whatever works for Threads subscribers. Perhaps I esp. liked it too, because I tend to dress more "European", in that I prefer owning fewer clothes, but ones that allow me to "multi-task" in them, i.e. yes ...going from afternoon into evening, esp. when on vacations or visiting the city (shopping to opera or a night at the symphony after a long day of meetings).
And yes ...congratulations to Deana on your new position. I have no argument with any of Threads issues, and I have all but the first few issues. There are some that I read so many times that I almost "read the words off the pages", and others I am happy to know that my sister sew-ers enjoy (but are too basic for me). Still, there hasn't ever been an issue where I haven't learned something, and I have been sewing for myself for over 60-years.
Edited 3/10/2009 9:34 pm by sewslow67
Edited 3/10/2009 9:35 pm by sewslow67
Edited 3/10/2009 9:36 pm by sewslow67
Edited 3/10/2009 9:37 pm by sewslow67
Hi Sancin
Thanks for your suggestions! Putting basic information online is a great idea that we will consider as we amp up our posts. I'm also glad to hear you save the articles you like, however, we make a conscious effort not to put ads between our feature stories so that these stories will not be interrupted.
Well said, GailAnn, I too love the back cover, not because I want to copy it, but because I find it fascinating that someone was able to do such fine work. I have always tried to sew to the best of my ability, but have to confess to lots of failures ... "sewelegant" is just really what I would like to be! And maybe, strive for, but in the last 10 or so years I have been very casual in my dress and go for the quick sew method where possible.
I have not made a mandarin collar in years and am attempting to make one for a blouse I am now sewing . It is really just not inserting the collar into the stand, but I get so agitated wondering how to attach the stand to the shirt front so there will be an even, straight join. THIS IS WHERE GOOD DIRECTIONS HELP! and I do not have good directions with the pattern. I know Nany Zieman has a good method, but can't find that in my stash of books. When I come up against problems like this I put it away and end up without getting it finished. It's got to be a mental block because I have made many shirts in the past. However, I remember the collars have always given me angst and I can't stand sloppy work. I do not know how many articles Threads would have to print for me to get this procedure down pat. I like the idea someone gave about cutting out all the articles she felt applied to her and pasting them in a notebook in an organized file. I save the articles, but have no idea where they go off to hide!
Try these sites for Mandarin collarshttp://www.fashion-incubator.com/archive/pop-quiz-481-what%E2%80%99s-wrong-with-this-collar-pt2/http://www.skaro.com/nbg_cos.html
Thank you for the interesting articles. Did you notice, though, how they get around my problem of getting the collar edge exactly even with the shirt edge? I am thinking of that! (They cop out and leave an inch or two beyond the collar for the overlap)
Do you think they could be in hiding with my good burgandy tablecloth? It seems to be MIA with company comming tomorrow for dinner. Gail
I'll bet you found "an even better" place to store that the last time you put it away!
I just bought a large stash of Threads. I went crazy for weeks reading, and re reading articles. I 'thunk' for days trying to figure out a way to keep track of all of the articles I knew I'd want to refer to. I finally just took an evening to organize a list on my computer. I went through each magazine and wrote down the the issue #, page number, title of the article, and the topic. I also listed the name of certain authors....Kenneth King, etc. I typed all the info into a word document listing the topic first....Then I hit the 'A-Z' button and alphabetized everything. Now all I have to do is get out my list and look up the topic....then I can find the article I want. It only took one evening, but now I have the info at my fingertips... and I don't have to look through every magazine to find what I want. I'm getting more issues in a week or two and can't wait ...its like Christmas!
I did the same thing, only mine is typed as I began it way before I was on the computer. I began mine with my first issue which is good, or else it would have taken me a lot longer than it took you to do it. I think of it as a supplement to the Threads end-of-the-year Index because you cannot always determine what is in the article by just the title. I keep the list with my Threads magazines (or else I would never find it again). I type a red star next to the ones which are of greater interest.
I also have a little piece of paper attached to the cover of each issue with the articles of interest to me noted on it. These things have saved so much time looking for particular information.
I used highlighter in different colors for specific categories...tayloring, seam finishes, inspiration, etc. I have it backed up on my computer, and have printed a copy that I keep with my magazines. I also use sticky notes on the covers of the magazines with notes on them.
A labor of love, but one that will serve you well!!
How did you come by your stash of the magazine? Since you mention receiving more in upcoming weeks, I'm guessing you won an auction. To which I say congratulations. What are the dates of the issues? With your acqusition, what is the number you now have? How do you store them?
Have you considered keeping a CD of your PC effort? If your system crashes it would be horrors to loose the all!
Hi GailAnn,
Per your comment that 4-H is hard to find except in rural areas....Look in your local phone book for Extension Service or Agent under Gov't offices. Every county/parish has one and they can refer you to a local 4-H group that should have someone who teaches sewing to youth. They also support Extension Homemakers clubs for adults who love to do many of the things our grandmothers did....sewing, canning, baking, crocheting, etc. Each state has a university/college that is connected with the Extension programs. They provide an unbelievable plethora of information, from gardening information, to hard to find recipes, as well as information for pet/farm animal owners. In Indiana, it is Purdue University. Hope you have luck with this as all of their programs are free of charge. Let me know how it goes for you.
Good idea, I'll look into that in the morning. Seems like all of the things I love the most. Gail
Welcome Deana. I love Threads and have every issue and look through at least one every night prior to going to bed. It helps me sleep, not because they are boring but because they help me shift gears into a relaxed mode, and sewing is relaxing.
I got the latest issue yesterday. I was sick so it was a special treat. The dress on the back cover was gorgeous and I do disagree with the poster that thinks they don't belong due to being old fashioned. Nothing at all old fashioned about that elegant gown and the close up of the hemming was wonderful. I'm 53, disabled and spend most of my time at home and a big day out is getting groceries, so I too have nowhere to wear such a creation, but they inspire me to do the best I can when making my own garments.
I loved the article on inserting a bust dart. I've been wanting to do that to a favorite quicky top of mine for awhile but never saw enough illustrations and instructions to carry it out. With this article I know I can do it. However, I also could use some help with the tummy area and perhaps because I was not feeling well, or it wasn't as detailed, I didn't get the same understanding from the article on increasing a waistline. Perhaps it will make more sense when I go back to it. I would rather see one well done, step by step article on one technique than several quick articles that don't show or explain enough.
I know threads has a vast audience with sewers of every skill, but if the more skilled will be patient enough with us less skilled, we will be patient with the articles featuring techniques we may never be skilled enough to use. I have plenty of sewing instruction books, but that is what they are sewing instructions. They rarely show anything other than line drawings of a completed piece. You rarely see completed garments using the techniques. This is where Threads comes in with techniques and inspiration--those flowing gowns were great, although yet again something I would never sew or wear, I DO want to know about them and would have like to see more pictures especially front on views. Are more views posted on line? It might be an idea as I'm sure the photographer snapped at least 100 shots for the few we got to see.
Thanks for a wonderful magazine!
I used to do a lot of sewing but due to life's distractions I am trying to get back to it (I love etsy.com!). I hesitate to ask the questions I have on the regular Forums gatherings because some or most of the members are very advanced in sewing so I am happy to have your email address and hope I can feel free to ask you my questions!
On another subject I don't think this would be popular with 100% of your readers but I would like to see one comprehensive article on celebrities who sew and what kind of sewing they do. There are many areas in this country where sewing is becoming a thing of the past-partly I think because so many shops are closing and distance is making sewing impractical. An article like this could be encouraging. My nearest source is 3 hours round trip from my home and Walmart sells only Coats and Clark. With an 8 year old and two big dogs to worry about this is a major trip for me. I need some encouragement and certainly the young people here need it. I have Dish TV and there are only 2 programs (Nancy and Martha) available on Saturday morning! Please don't forget about us and these kids may be your future.
I love Threads magazine and Gatherings. Thank you.
Oh Dear! Cityoflostsouls, never ever be afraid to post questions of any sort on the forum here! One of the things I love the most here is the ability to teach and pass on what I have learned! I know that many of the other more experienced sewers feel the same way! This is the place they come to to share their knowledge and experience with others. Even when Threads articles cover some of the most basic techniques, they do it from the point of quality and good technique. They often will show several different ways of approaching the same subject. This is where you can come to discuss and clarify what you want to do and how to do it. A sounding board for ideas. A circle of friends to help. A support system to help when things go wrong, and a place to show what you have accomplished! As you learn and grow, others do too! And we cheer along with you. :) Cathy
Thank you so much for your encouragement. It is so appreciated! Every morning I rush first to read Gatherings after I take my son to school. (77 and 8).
I'm going first to work on my leather gift to my friend and have received a lot of good ideas for that.
I'm planning my dress and the pattern I'm using requires some rusty skills and my first use of a muslin and my new dress form. I will be making some changes as my pattern is five years old (never used) and it will be needing some upgrading for style. My fabric is a tiny print and hopefully will not show my goofs. I will change to a sash or a belt instead of the 50"s ties and I'm not sure I will use the large collar. I do not want to cop out and make a sack dress for easy to sew. This has a 22" zipper, pleats and a set on waistband and will need to be shortened a little . In the past none of these were a challenge but time passes doesn't it? I am going to start with the pattern size measurements and work down-even if it swamps me. The days when I could pick up a pattern, make a dress from it and it fit perfectly may be long gone. My waist measurement was a surprise (ha-I wonder why?} I will be using my equipment that I have bought in the last few years while I waited for my son to develop from his early birth problems. He is doing fine now and its a miracle. Now it's my turn! I hope I haven't waited too long! My catarract surgery is behind me!
Corey is going to visit his sister-grandmother in Iowa for a week so I have no excuses left. In case you are confused I adopted my great-grandson-makes for family confusion. Thank you for your kindness.
Any time my Friend! You will find that you are back in the swing of it quickly enough. I had to step back from my sewing for many years also, due to family health problems also, and am only now refreshing my skills also. The brain knows what to do, but the fingers stall! It comes back fairly quickly once you start to get into it. The joy never leaves! I am finding a few simple projects to get warmed up to very helpful...but I am a very slow sewer still.... Cathy
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