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“Crochenit” – anyone use this technique?

joress | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

In Joann’s yesterday I saw an intriguing double-end crochet hook (a huge one) and instructions for a technique called “crochenit”–looks like crochet but the loops stay on the large hook/needle as in knitting. The loops are made like crocheting, it seems. The information said it uses less yarn than knitting. Anyone familiar with the technique? The books show placemats and afghans, but I didn’t see any books or information on sweaters or other garments. Does this technique use the same patterns as crochet or knit garments would? Thanks, everyone.


  1. Jean | | #1

    I've never tried it, but it sound intriguing. Check out crochenit and crochet on the double at this neat site.


    1. joress | | #2

      Thanks! It looks so interesting. I'm guessing that Crochenit and Crochet on the Double are the same thing...? I learned crochet years ago and never got very good at it. I'm thinking crochet or knitting would be more portable than needlepoint, maybe easier to work "on the go"--trips and waiting rooms. Something to keep in mind when I'm finished all of the other promised projects. And years ago our family used to have one of those smaller knitting machines. Hmmm....so many choices, so little time!

      1. sarahkayla | | #3

        Is this like what my ancient babysitter used to call afgan stitch??? it looks like knitting wuth an overlay of a grid... more or less.

        Mrs. Dee taught me how to do it when I was a kid. She was in her late 70's when she babysat for me. Mrs Dee loved me and made me an afgan for my seventh birthday. It is still on my bed at my parent's house. the colors , I could live without.. pistachio green, dark brown and ecru.. but it was just an overwhelming gift.


        1. Jean | | #7

          I make some fun slippers with the afghan stitch, but these are  done on a long crochet hook with a hook only on one end.

          Here's a wild one done in variegated yarn.

          1. rjf | | #14

            Now that's a slipper for putting your feet up!           rjf

          2. Jean | | #15

            Quick and easy too.  Basically just a rectangle. I can make a pair in a evening in front of the tube. Currently using 4 different skeins of variegated  yarns  and making them for all the family. I case anyone is interested, I start out with a chain of 30 for an adult size. Work any where from 22 rows ++ more depending on length needed remembering that the  toe decrease takes about 3 inches. I decrease on the 7th stitch on either side, every row until 14 sts are left on the hook. YO and  draw a stitch through all. Fasten with another loop and begin immediately to slip st crochet the seam for the top of the slipper .  (Include one bar from one edge and the double bar that looks like a knit stitch from the other edge. Then just  sew or crochet the bac of the heel.  Done. 

      2. stitchmd | | #4

        Hi Joan

        It just so happens I've been knitting about as long as I've been sewing (40+ years) and crocheting a few years less. Which do you want to try first?

        I have no experience with the crochetknit gadget.

        In terms of being more portable than needlepoint it depends how large a piece you're making.

        1. joress | | #6

          Ohmigosh! It's a good thing you live so close to me, Judy. We're likely to become best buddies at this rate--just as soon as we can get our schedules synchronized and actually get together. Just a little closer and we could have gotten snowed in together this long weekend and had a blast. Too bad we're just out of walking range. I'm such a late bloomer. Now all needlecrafts seem so relaxing and creative and fun. I guess from now on I'll just ask you first when I'm curious about anything (needle)crafty! 

          I just got new sewing books. I actually came online tonight to let you know what I didn't realize when I ordered them--one of them is a fitting book that was written by two women at G Street. Near as I can tell, it's got their methods from their fit clinic/class. It was just a few dollars at Hamiltonbooks.com. I might have saved us 2x$60! The book is called Every Sewer's Guide to the Perfect Fit. It's got great tips in it. I think I might like the pivot and slide method from Fitting Finesse by Nancy Zeiman better, but the information about fit and commercial patterns is really good in this book. We can do it easy or we can do it detailed, but I'm sure glad I'm going to have a fitting buddy--now I'm positive I'm going to need you!

    2. lin327 | | #8

      What a great website! I checked it out. It looks like a variation on the Afghan stitch.  I learned the Afghan stitch in Home economics back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Okay, not that long ago.  Back in the early 1970's. The site also had the answer to another problem that I have.  I have a website under construction with tatting patterns, but nowhere to send beginners for instructuions!  They had some excellent instructions on shuttle tatting.

      1. JeanetteR | | #9

        This sounds like Tunisian Crochet.  It is featured in the Readers Digest book of Needlework - your local library would probably have a copy.  It is like a hybrid of knitting and crochet and makes a very firm fabric.  The hook I have is like a very long knitting needle with a crochet hook instead of the point.  You might be lucky to pick up old pattern books off ebay, it is about the same vintage of popularity as macrame!


        1. joress | | #10

          The Crochenit needles are very thick, like a thick knitting needle, and have crochet hooks on both ends. I think it's similar to double-hook crocheting. Does that sound like what you're thinking of? It's intriguing, that's for sure.

          1. JeanetteR | | #11

            Oh, 'double-hook crochet' is a new one to me!  I can't imagine how you could manouvre the loops, unless it's a way of doing tunisian-style crocheting without turning the work.  I saw a new thing lately, a John James tapestry needle with two points and an eye in the middle, which is supposed to make tapestry or cross stitch quicker from not having to turn the needle under the work to bring it back through to the right side.  But I cannot quite envisage the need for two hooks on a crochet needle, and am intrigued!

             I must apologise for the time-gap in our discussion, it's because I'm in Australia, that's why it looks as if my message was previously posted at 2-odd am.


          2. joress | | #12

            Australia! A place I've wanted to visit since I was very young. We'll get there. Fortunately, I married a man who also wants to go someday.

            I only know about single-hook crocheting, and I never got good at it. My grandmother was amazing--wonderful things created from fine crochet thread and a small metal hook. We all still have items she made. She was fast! I was young when she died, so I didn't get to learn all I might have--especially now.

            Well, much to try, much to learn, so much fun yet to be had! The good news is that I'm getting so involved with needlecrafts at a time in my life when I need calmer hobbies and I'm far less likely to learn a new sport. But, then, I did recently tell a Kung Fu instructor that I would start lessons next month. I'm thinking it's a renaissance rather than a mid-life crisis!

          3. JeanetteR | | #13

            Dear Joress,

            What a busy life you lead, amazing that you have any time for handcrafts.  They do ground you and are very relaxing, the stitching seems to just let your mind float freely.

            Australia is a lovely place to live, are you in the USA?  I came here at 18 from London, and live in Sydney.  We have 3 yr old twins who keep me very busy, but when they have their nap, out comes the sewing or embroidery and I don't even stop for lunch most days.

            Yes, I can crochet, and made 2-ply baby shawls for a bit of cash a few yrs back.  It's a lot faster than knitting but looser and has less applications than knitting somehow.

            my size and shape would be a lot trimmer if I took a leaf from your book and did a bit more fitness sort of hobbies, but it's impossible to stitch while even walking!  It's all a balance.


          4. joress | | #16

            I am in the U.S.--near Washington, DC. Even though I'm working full time, I would bet that your kids keep you far busier than I am! As to the Kung Fu lessons, I need the exercise (so sayeth the doctor about my bones) and I'll probably be better motivated learning a skill than just doing aerobics. As it turns out, the Kung Fu lessons are going to be much cheaper than a personal trainer and not much more than aerobics or yoga classes. (Never would have thought that!) The quilting and sewing and needlepoint are amazing. I feel so competent and creative--a huge boost to my spirit! (Yes, Mom, you were right!)

  2. SewingSue | | #5

    That looks and sounds like what used to be called an "afghan" stitch. I haven't knitted or crocheted in years but used to like that stitch. It makes a very strong stitch and you can cross stitch on it.

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