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design for a sewing wall

junebug2 | Posted in General Discussion on

I would like suggestions for the design of a 10′ long by 8′ tall sewing wall.  I do heirloom sewing for my grandchildren and want to store ALL of my sewing needs, including fabric on this wall.  I want to have my two sewing machines (serger and Bernia 200) set up so that I can sew without having to pull everything out or to put things up when I have to stop sewing.  I usually finish one project before I begin the next.  The wall can be 24″ deep – I know I want a cutting table that can be pulled out from this wall to be about 6′ long.  Organizing suggestions would be appreciated too.  Thanks for your help and ideas!


  1. SEWSERIOU1 | | #1

    Here are some pictures of my "sewing wall".  It is an area in my family room.  DH and I did this ourselves.  If you have an questions, just ask.


    1. junebug2 | | #3

      Thank you for the pictures!  That was one of the questions in my mind - do I want to us strictly built-ins or do I want to use the portable drawers?  Is there anything about your sewing space that you would do differently if you could do it over?


      1. SEWSERIOU1 | | #6

        Actually, I used a combination of built-ins and portable drawers in order to be flexible.  I have been using my sewing space for about a month now and, so far, there is nothing I would change.  I worked on this plan for a couple of years and had drawn it out in several different configurations.  The one I did was the one I kept going back to.  Put some time and effort into the planning.  Also, I got a lot of help from the book 'Dream Sewing Spaces".

        1. User avater
          ehBeth | | #7

          That is a great looking space. Well thought out - not too crafty looking - purposeful!

          1. User avater
            ehBeth | | #8

            Just saw that this was a rehabbed garage. I've got a great big old garage behind my house, which is functioning as an enormous garden shed. Electricity has been run out there, but I'd never seriously about using that space. You've just given me an IDEA!

            Watch out honey - I feel a honey-do list comin' on!

          2. SEWSERIOU1 | | #9

            Thanks for the compliments.  This space is not huge and it needed to serve several purposes.  I like an efficient space so everything is close at hand.  I have now gotten my cutting table and I have room to open it out in the area between my machine and the 'sitting' area.  I love it!  I get so much more done.

            Have fun converting your garage.  It makes a wonderful space.  Mine was a 1-car attached just off the kitchen, now I have a wonderful space to call my own!

  2. 07ranch | | #2

    HGTV has a show called Mission Organization, in which thay organize a room/space, they recently did a sewing room for a woman, had a lot of unique ideas, here is the link to the show on HGTV, perhaps you can glean an idea or two from there.


    1. junebug2 | | #4

      I went to HGTV, but I didn't find the sewing space under Mission Organization.  I did search "sewing room" and found several shows with sewing room info, especially Sew Perfect "organizing Sewing Space".  jandmcar

      1. 07ranch | | #5

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