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Conversational Threads

Donate My Fabric to Charity

user-1124816 | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello,  I live in Southern Florida and am downsizing my (way too massive) fabric collection.  I want to donate my yardage to a group that will actually be able to use it.  Most of it is fashion fabric with a lot of quilter’s cottons in the mix (I have several thousand yards of fabric in cuts between 1.5 and 7 yards).  I don’t want to donate to Goodwill because I’m pretty sure it will just go in the landfill.

Does anyone know of charitable organizations that are interested in fabric donations?

Thanks to anyone who can help.  🙂


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Donating Fabric

    Have you tried Senior Centers, Quilting Guilds, Sewing Guilds, 4-H groups, Flea Markets and local colleges that offer textile design classes?

    My local Red Cross sews for charity, and once a local newspaper published an article we received tons of fabric.  However, I believe we are the only chapter that does this and it is beginning to dwindle down to where we will be looking for places to donate to as well.

    It seems as though a lot of people would rather have some ugly product made in China (and given to them for free) than to learn how to do for themselves.

    Good luck and best wishes in your quest..........I may be doing the same thing in the near future.

  2. PeesaCake | | #2

    wow, wish i was closer!
    Oh, I so wish I was closer to you. My mother in law and I recently started volunteer at a lo al hospital to sew patcg work baby quilts for all the new born babies delivered and we are desperate for fabric. We have bought a lit but just can't donate our out Monet any more. I wish I wasn't all the way in Missouri! I hope you find a good home for it. God bless you for your generosity!

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