—–Original Message—–
From: sharma, ashima Sent: 17 March 2009 08:57
To: Subject: Sponsorship for Race for LifeSo as most of you probably know, exercise isn’t normally a word associated with me – but I’ve decided to make an exception! I’ll be running a 5km Race for Life on 16th May to raise money for Cancer Research UK.I’d be really grateful for any donation you’re able to make to this worthy cause!! You can do this online via the link below:Thanks for your support!Ash………………………………………………………………………………………………….Ashima Sharma<!—-><!—-> <!—->
Competitor Intelligence Manager – Savoury & Ice Cream
Office: Unilever U.K. Central Resources Limited <!—-><!—->
Registered in <!—-><!—->England <!—-> & <!—-> <!—->Wales<!—-> <!—->; Company No 29140<!—-> <!—->
Registered Office: Unilever House, 100 <!—->Victoria <!—-> Embankment, <!—-> <!—->London<!—-><!—-> EC4Y 0DY
Edited 3/19/2009 2:02 pm ET by rekha
Edited 3/20/2009 6:10 am ET by rekha
You might want to edit your post to remove all the other people's email addresses that they most likely don't want posted in a public forum.
I pasted the whole email to show authenticity of the request, but yes I take your point and shall do that.
This post is archived.