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Fabric shops in Scotland

cynthia2 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Does anyone know of any good fabric shops in Scotland? I’ll be in Glasgow and Perth in June and I’m hoping to find some of the great woolens the area is known for. Thanks. Cynthia


  1. suesew | | #1

    I haven't been to either of those places, but it was not difficult to find fabric in
    Edinburgh. But bring Money.

    Edited 5/6/2007 2:33 pm by suesew

    1. cynthia2 | | #2

      Thanks Suesew. With the pound sterling so strong, I assumed I'd need to bring about twice the money I'd plan to spend in the U.S. It's expensive, but I love having garments that remind me of places I've been. See, I can justify anything! :) Cynthia

      1. fashionista | | #3

        Hi Cynthia - speaking as a Scot I'm not sure which great woollens you mean !  There is a Harris tweed industry but it supplies mostly to clothing manufacturers although you can occcasionally see some bolts of Harris tweed in Mandors in Glasgow - or at least you used to.  As far as fabric shopping is concerned the only one worth visiting is Mandors in Glasgow - but that is just my personal opinion - they have a website you can check out the site addy on Google.  That apart I really think that the States is a much better source of fabrics than Scotland.

        If you want something to remember Scotland by then a piece of knitwear might be more easy to find. On the A9 motorway near Perth there is a GORGEOUS store set off the road called House of Bruar . They have a gorgeous selection of cashmeres and other woollens  - but very very expensive and even more so with the dollar being as it is at the moment.

        You might find some wool tartans around but don't go for any cheap acrylic imitations sold in tourist trap shops - Edinburgh is particularly bad for this but Glasgow is ok.

        Hope you have a great time and let me know if I can help you with anything else.

        1. fashionista | | #4

          Cynthia - I should also have said that if you do go to Mandors don't be put off by the narky staff  ( although to be fair they can be helpful if the shop is not too busy).  Just go expecting it and count it as part of the "experience" !  But maybe they are more helpful to visitors - I hope so !

          Edited 5/7/2007 3:16 pm ET by fashionista

          1. cynthia2 | | #5

            Thanks so much for the tips. I will definitely visit Mandors and the knit shop. Last time I was in Scotland I bought a beautiful pin that looks like a word. It's about 3" long, though, and I doubt if I could get it on a plane anymore! Thanks again. Cynthia

        2. cynthia2 | | #9

          Thanks again for your advice.  I had a wonderful time in Scotland, but you were right about the exchange rate.  The pound was trading at 2:1 against the US dollar last week so everything was very expensive.  Still, can't wait to visit again someday.  By the way - the weather was wonderful.  I was there 14 days and it only got misty and cool during the last 3 days.  The rest of the time it was sunny and warm enough not to even need a jacket.  I've decided the Scots just tell everyone it's cold and rainy so we don't all move there  :)   I picked out a beautiful cottage on Loch Earn that I'd love to live in someday.  Cynthia

          1. fashionista | | #11

            Hi Cynthia - I'm so glad you enjoyed your holiday.  The scenery is fantastic - even in the rain.  But you can now appreciate how lucky you are in the States for the provision of fabric shops ! - not a strong point in the UK !                                   Shame about the exchange rate -  very frustrating for you -  but I have to say that it worked to my daughter's advantage last week .  She is just back from a school trip to New York, Boston and Washington - Abercrombie and Fitch and Urban Outfitters got raided big time !

  2. dotty | | #6

    Give us a report when you get back. I'll be in Scotland in August and would also like to know of some good places. I am worried that the dollar will be so useless by then that I'll have to say bye bye to the souvineer yarn concept.

    1. cynthia2 | | #7

      Will do, Dotty.  Hopefully the US dollar will strengthen by then.  I'll let you know what I find and I'll keep an eye out for great yarns as well as fabric.  Best, Cynthia

    2. cynthia2 | | #8

      Hi Dotty.  Got back from Scotland Friday evening.  The trip was fantastic but unfortunately I had a hard time finding dressmaking fabrics.  I did visit Mandor's in Glasgow and picked up one piece of fabric.  With the exchange rate of 2:1, though, everything was twice as expensive.  The John Lewis department store also had a fabric section but didn't have many of the cashmeres and woolens that I had hoped to see.  I saw several fabric stores in other cities (Perth, Inverness, etc), but they were all home dec fabrics.  Short story is it's not a great place for fabric, but is still probably my favorite country in Europe.  The landscape is breathtaking, the castles and gardens are beautiful, and the people are unbelievably nice.  Have a great trip this August and be sure to let us know how it goes.  Best, Cynthia.

      1. dotty | | #10

        Thanks for the tips. I'm looking forward to our trip. The exchange rate is getting pretty scary. I think all my fabric fantasies may have to remain fantasy. I have a feeling yarn may be a better deal at home too.

        1. Zetlander | | #12

          If you get a chance to visit Beauly near Inverness, I suggest going to the Highland Tweed House. Check it out at http://www.campbellsofbeauly.co.uk where one of my clients buys her fabrics for me to make up into suits and dresses.  I have never been myself as I live in the far north in Shetland and it's off my beaten track but I believe you will find all things Scottish and high quality there. 

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