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Finished First Knitted Sock

rodezzy | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

Here is the finished knitted sock.  It wasn’t hard and it went pretty fast, so I will be purchasing some sock yarn and making a pair I can wear, and for my grand daughters.  It was kind of fun.  I’m looking forward to the self striping and patterned yarns.


Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #1

    Cute sock!  You did a good job--now you have to do another one like it!  (grin!)

    It amazes me that you can take those straight needles and make such nice curves.  It looks hard to do, with all the increases and decreases, and the ribbing.  I never got the hang of knitting, although I've attempted it a time or two.  I'll stick with my crochet hooks.  :-)

    1. rodezzy | | #2

      Hi VKStitcher:  Actually I never thought I would get this far, but the DVD that I purchased "The Art of Knitting & Crochet" has a knit-along sock demo and I had no problems with it once I got started.  It wasn't hard at all.  There are no increases, only decreases, and they are extremely easy. 

      I've been an avid crocheter the bulk of my life, and with the knitting explosion, I yearned to get past scarves and stockinette stitch.  Being able to see people knit and explain knitting terms and seeing it in action, let me know that I could do it.  "Knitty Gritty" was my favorite show on DIY and HGTV and was a tremedous help in learning more about knitting.  I love the beautiful books that have been published for both crafts, and am looking forward to knitting my first sweater. 

      Now, don't hold your breath.  It won't be real soon.  I have too much on my plate.  I did the socks because it was a short project, just getting over to something new in knitting did me good.  Now, I have other projects to finish.  Remember, my guild's quilt show is in October, and I have lots to do yet.  So, I will be trying to get that stuff out of the way.  Then maybe this fall I'll get to knitting or crocheting those boots (giggle).


      Edited 4/15/2008 3:21 pm ET by rodezzy

      1. Josefly | | #3

        I thought of you while I was on the airplane going to visit my daughter last week. A woman sitting next to me was knitting socks. She was using a very fine - I mean small - yarn and 4 tiny needles which seemed to me no bigger than 1/8 " in diameter. They were beautiful socks. She was on her way to Europe and was hoping to finish by the time she arrived. She said a pair takes her about two weeks! Yet she knits socks for all her family, friends, neighbors! I was very impressed. I don't think I've ever seen anyone knit socks, and the use of the four needles was fascinating. I asked if she ever used the circular needles but she said she prefers these. They were only about 5 inches long.

        1. rodezzy | | #4

          Wow, that's fasinating.  I'd probably never finish those.  But two weeks isn't that long.  Who knows.  Welcome back. 

          1. Josefly | | #5

            Thanks. Loved being with my daughter, but it's always good to be home.

            Edited 4/21/2008 5:43 pm ET by Josefly

        2. User avater
          susannah_sews | | #6

          It was interesting to read your comment about someone knitting on a plane.  In Australia, knitting needles (along with other sewing implements) have been banned as carry on luggage for quite some time.  Returning from a holiday in Canada two years ago, I was interested to see a fellow passenger armed with a crochet hook making a lot of progress.   i have not tried to emulate her for domestic flights within Australia, but I am aware that airline passengers have not made it through security with knitting needles and crochet hooks.  Such a shame to be sitting down for so long and have nothing to show for it!!

          1. Josefly | | #7

            You know, I had completely forgotten about that airline restriction. Now you mention it I, too, am surprised she made it through security lines with those needles. Perhaps the small size of them made them unrecognizable in the x-ray machines. Wish I'd thought to ask the knitter! It was risky - what would she have done to save her knitting if she'd been required to remove those needles?

            Edited 4/22/2008 10:46 am ET by Josefly

          2. dotty | | #8

            bamboo,wooden and plastic needles don't show up on the xrays. good for us knitters, but I do feel a little creepy about this "cheat".

          3. Josefly | | #9

            Ah, that's it, then. These needles weren't metal, and had points at both ends, and were small to boot, so I guess they were okay. And none of the flight attendants snatched them away, so I guess all was well. Makes you wonder, though, about what kinds of things get through that could be effective weapons.

          4. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #10

            I'm still suprised about how the needles got through.  I have seen passengers having to surrender even tweezers, and once going through security I was advised that next time I flew I should consider putting my filofax in my checked luggage, as they were clamping down on metal ring binders. (a  bit difficult for me sometimes - when I need to fly for meetings, it is often just for the day with no checked luggage, and I consider my filofax to be an essential business item!

          5. Josefly | | #11

            Yeah, I've since wondered if she had any problems when she transferred to her international flight, because she was planning to go outside the security at the airport between flights. I guess your metal binder clips would've shown up in the x-ray and her plastic needles didn't.

          6. Stillsewing | | #12

            It must be well over 20 years ago that a friend of mine had her knitting taken from her before entering the American Embassy here in Dublin. She knew that she would have to sit in a queue for at least two hours before she got her passport with the visa in it so she brought her knitting along!!!! (Question, can you sit in a line?) That was some wait, while twiddling one's fingers. Ever since that I have been reluctant to carry either knitting or crochet needles with me anywhere.

          7. sewelegant | | #30

            You can go to this site and see the current rules for what is and is not allowed on the airliner.  I had heard that knitting and crochet needles were allowed a couple years ago.  That was such good news because it is a lot easier to take a 3 or 4 hour flight (or more) if you can occupy yourself with a craft.  My favorite tweezer was taken from my bag when these strict regulations first happened and I still miss them because I haven't been able to find the same ones again to buy.


          8. User avater
            susannah_sews | | #31

            Thanks - it makes interesting reading.  I suspect that domestic airlines in Australia are a bit stricter - any sharp item needs to be checked, including tweezers and any type of scissors.  I did inquire once  in rencent years about knitting needles, and was told that they were not permitted. 

            On a recent flight, I was given a warning about ring binders (like my filofax).  It makes it difficult when travelling for work for just part of a day, without checked luggage.


      2. jeanfm | | #18

        I decided to knit socks for Christmas presents. I knew turning the heel would be a problem. I found a site on like that showed it step by step and my sample went fine. Then I started looking for patterns only to find that they ALL recommend using wool yarn. I'm allergic to wool and so are several people I was going to knit for. Bummer. It was a fun thing to learn though. Good luck with your quilt show.

        1. Bloss1996 | | #19

          What was the site you found on turning the heel?

          Thanks in advance ...........

          I have a couple of knitting patterns here for socks and I don't think they say they have to be done in wool.  The ones I am working on right now are worsted weight yarn but not wool.

          1. jeanfm | | #20

            The site is http://www.royea.net/sock.html. I have some old books with sock patterns plus I just picked up Learn to Knit Socks from American School of Needlework. It states "they should be made of yarn that includes some wool...A 100% Acrylic yarn will leave feet hot and damp and 100% cotton doesn't stretch enough for a comfortable fit."Are the socks you're working on to be worn inside shoes or boots?

          2. Bloss1996 | | #21

            Thanks for such a quick reply.  I would suppose that the socks I am making would be worn under shoes.  Seeing as we are snowbirds we rarely see any really bad weather.  I might never even get to wear these ... I just decided I wanted to learn so I am giving it a try.  The pattern I bought is called Classic Socks for the family, Fingering, Sport & Worsted Weights by Yankee Knitter Designs.  I also have the Ann Norling pattern which is also for three weights of yarn.  Both of these I purchased because of the fact that the directions were for the three weights.  I have also picked up two other books: (1) I Can't Believe I'm Knitting Socks (JoAnn Fabrics & Crafts) and (2) Charmed Knits for fans of Harry Potter (Barnes & Noble or Amazon Used Books).  #1 Has some cute socks that I may try. 

            The Yankee pattern is very good (specific) but when it comes to turning the heel I am still sort of at a loss.

            I have a friend who has a patter the you start at the toe and knit the socks so I might try that.  She also knitted a hat out of cotton and found that it stretched a great deal.

            Good luck and if I can be of any assistance do not hesitate to email me.


        2. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #22

          I have knit socks using synthetic yarns. They tend to loose their shape a bit, as they don't have quite the same rebound as a wool blend does. They tend to be warmer and sweatier, but good results can be obtained. The slouch styles seem to lose their shape due to the looser knitting, but I still find them to be acceptable. The best thing is to knit a pair and decide for yourself. Some of the knitting ladies in my neighbourhood use knitting elastic to overcome this. Cathy

          1. jeanfm | | #23

            I've heard of using knitting elastic in necklines. This seems a good alternative. I will have to try the synthetics and see how they feel. Thanks for the tip. Jean

        3. rodezzy | | #24

          Don't let wool yarn stop you.  Guage is the most important thing.  Socks are not heirlooms (as far as I know) and there are so many beautiful yarns out there to use.  Make some sample swatches to learn about the characteristics you are looking for in a sock.  Or search the internet for some answers.  The average socks that people buy and wear are not made of wool.  I've never worn a wool sock.  Wool irritates me too.  Even as a child we wore cotton socks.

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #26

            Hello Rodezzy, my busy friend, you are back. Have missed your cheerful "voice". Cathy

          2. rodezzy | | #27

            Yes, I'm back and it is truely a blessing. 

            Some of the newer yarns are soysilk, bamboo palm fibers, milk protein fibers, corn fibers, banana fibers, hemp fibers, nettle (similar to hemp) fibers, linen yarns, recycled sari silk.  Brouse the web and see all the wonders.  I just need more money (giggle).

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #28

            I saw some of the bamboo yarns at a show in Oct. and they were really nice. I have not seen the soy ones, or the soy fabric. Since we grow a fair bit of soy here on the farm, I would like to try them out tho. Have to reduce my stash before I buy anything more tho, not that that is a bad thing. Cathy

            Edited 7/16/2008 7:36 am ET by ThreadKoe

          4. rodezzy | | #29

            Sounds like a plan.  I'm just starting to think about reducing my sewing stash, but a yarn stash seems to need to be a little large, because I tend to crochet more than I sew, and I don't buy fabric or yarn per project.  I just buy what I see I like.  Then when a project need comes up, I head for my stash to see what I have to accomodate my current inspiration. 

        4. damascusannie | | #25

          You don't need to knit socks with wool yarn. I like some acrylic yarns for socks. The downside is that they don't breathe like cotton and they aren't absorbent, so my acrylic socks are always made to be worn as slippers over a pair of regular socks. Plain old Red Heart makes virtually indestructible slipper socks.

  2. Gloriasews | | #13

    That's a great looking sock, Rodezzy!  Doesn't look at all like a first-time item.  You did well.  As the other poster said - now to do the other one to match :)!  Maybe making socks isn't so hard.  I was surprised to find a number of short double-pointed needles when I was packing, so now I just need the sock yarn, but, like you, I have other priorities before then :).  Good luck on the other sock.  BTW, doesn't the sock slip under your heel when you wear shoes?  I find that happens to me when I wear short socks - maybe I just walk funny :).  You also have a nice foot :) - make a good model.


    1. rodezzy | | #14

      You so funny, who wants to look at my old foot?  giggle lol.  Any who, I don't know about it slipping down in my shoes, that was made out of ww yarn just for the practice.  I never did a second sock in that yarn.  I bought some sock yarn, but now I need size 2 dpn's.  I'll get them eventually, but right now I've got a lot of sewing on my agenda.  I have quilts to do, and I want to knit a project for my grand daughters 16 birthday in July.  We'll see.

      Thanks for the encouragement.  They were not hard to do.  Looking forward to making the first pair to wear. 

      Edited 5/13/2008 2:50 pm ET by rodezzy

      1. Gloriasews | | #15

        Well, if this was just a one-off sock sample, you could always frame it :).  On with your other projects now.


        1. rodezzy | | #16

          LOL Oh you're so much fun.  Maybe I should frame it. giggle giggle

          1. Gloriasews | | #17

            Why not frame it?  It is an accomplishment, especially for the first time & it looks perfect to me - besides, you're probably not going to make a matching one, eh?  So what else can you do with it?  It's too small for a Christmas stocking, unfortunately, if you like presents.  You'll think of something, no doubt :).


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