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fun fur insert

CLeoCre8 | Posted in General Discussion on

I used to have the pattern/instructions for this but cannot seem to find it under the pile of Xmas crafts I am working on. I am in the process of making a fun fur jacket for my daughter. I’ve cut out shapes from a leopard print fun fur and have inserted lilac fun fur into it’s place, I have then slipstitched this together. Now I am supposed to put something on the seams (siliconish..?) but I am not sure which product to buy and use. Does anyone have any advice. It needs to be somewhat flexible. I am wanting to use fray check but my gut feeling says no. I had it in my head that the product used was like rubber or something.

Happy Sewing!


  1. sueb | | #1

    I'm not sure why you feel you need to put something on the seams.  Do you think they will ravel or that they are unstable and will pull apart?

    1. CLeoCre8 | | #2

      Now that you mentionned it, I guess I don't have to seal the seams. I just remember the instructions mentionning it. It is just that the piece it quite intricate and I wouldn't want to have to start over again if something were to happen.

      1. sueb | | #3

        In that case then you may want to just go back and put a second layer of stitching in so that if the first stitching gives away the second will hold it in place.  The other thing you could do is try some lightweight fusible interfacing over the areas that you've stitched.  That would seal them in as well. 

  2. stitchmd | | #4

    I don't think there's any need to finish these seams as fake fur doesn't ravel. A better approach is to trim the fur from the seam allowances. If you find they're not laying flat you can whipstitch them by hand to hold them to the rest of the garment.

    1. CLeoCre8 | | #5

      Thanks, I got a few really good ideas. I knew I could count on you!

      Happy Sewing

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