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lunamyst | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Hello.  I was wondering if anyone knew of a better procedure for gromets. I am currently using a tool I bought from Wal-Mart and the gromets often pull out of the fabric.  Also the gromets are low quailty.  Is there a place I can purchase supplies for more professional gromets.  Thank you in advance.




  1. User avater
    paddyscar | | #1

    Fabric stores will have sturdy grommets (not made of white metal) in their notions sections.   Upholstery shops will also have them.


  2. NH | | #2

    http://www.seattlefabrics.com is a site that appears to have very sturdy,professional type grommets, & they sell a kit, as well. I have never used them- they were a link on the "Snap Source" site.

    1. lunamyst | | #3

      Thank you all so much for the information!

      1. sueb | | #4

        Check your local larger hardware stores like Home Depot.  I get mine there and they're much better quality, come with better install tools and they're usually way cheaper than the ones in the fabric stores.

        1. User avater
          paddyscar | | #5

          Thanks  Sueb, for mentioning the hardware stores, I hadn't thought of them - certainly will be MUCH cheaper than the upholstery shop!

          I don't like to spend time working on something, only to have the cheap metal come away first time you use it.  Not only does it create problems if all holes can't be incorporated into the replacement, but broken snaps and grommets are a hazard in children's clothing.


        2. lunamyst | | #6

          Thank you so much Sue!  Purchasing from the hardward store is very sensible.  I enjoyed your site.  Thanks again, Luna

          1. sueb | | #7

            You're welcome !  Thanks for the kind feedback on my site too !

  3. alotofstitches | | #8

    The ones in fabric stores are useless!  I got mine kit from Atlanta Thread, "Grommet Kit", #4054-size ( I got 1/4" size):  a grommet die,a cutting punch, 3 doz. brass grommets for a little over $20.  I've always had good results with it!

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