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Conversational Threads

Happy Holidays

zuwena | Posted in General Discussion on

I have learned so much during this past year that I have been a member of the Gatherings group.  Thank you.

Happy Holidays to all and best wishes for a new year of accomplishments in 2008.  Z


  1. Stillsewing | | #1

    I would like to join with Zuwena in wishing you all the compliments of the season.Further I would like to thank you all for the help and information that I have gleaned from the website either directly or indirectly. It's great to know that I have virtual friends out there when I need to raise a query or two,So once again Happy Christmas and may you all have a very happy New Year.

    1. Crazy K | | #2

      I, too, would like to join the others in wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all.  I have enjoyed the forum and am so inspired by all........the shared expertise and the wonderful photos!  Wow!



      1. starzoe | | #3

        A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO YOU ALL from the west coast of Canada where the sun is shining and the temperature is about 10C, very warm, no snow. This is a great forum, so very interesting and informative.

        1. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #4

          Hi everyone!!
          I am going to step out and Say " Merry Christmas" to everyone!!!I love this amazing group of Sewists!! I am excited to be apart of the new year with you all

          1. scrubble4 | | #5

            I enthusiastically say best wishes for the New Year to all participants of Gatherings.  I cannot believe how much I enjoy being part of this community of sewers.  I am constantly telling my friends how amazing it is to see experienced folks stepping up and helping all of us when we ask for help large or small.  It has been one of my primary joys during 2007 and know it will continue to bring me nurturing during 2008.  Scrubble4

  2. amm | | #6

    We're so glad that Threads is able to provide a forum for the give-and-take of great sewing information.  The boundaries of distance are broken through the wonders of technology, and we're so glad you're taking advantage of the opportunities it provides.  I'm still amazed that I can type this message at 9:30 a.m. in Connecticut and within minutes people around the world can read it.  I wonder if I will ever lose my sense of being mind-boggled by all this!!!???

    All of us on the Threads staff wish you a New Year filled with special moments, much joy, good health (for you, your family and your sewing machine!) and sewing bliss!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  3. dressed2atee | | #7

    Blessings and Holiday greetings to everyone.  I will get back into the sewing room soon.  I went on a sewing retreat in November and got several outfits completed.  PJs for gds, and a reversiable coat, dress and slacks for myself!!! 

    I was forced to take a break when my daughter had to have emergency gall bladder surgery.  I had my 3 yr old gd for a week while mom was in the hospital.  What a delight!  But I couldn't sew a thing with her at my house. 

    Christmas was wonderful, all of my sisters and their families came home and we had a blast!  Even took a group picture (25 of us)  It was hilarious.

    I plan to declutter my sewing room in 08!!!  It is truly a nightmare.  My husband installed shelves in a closet so I'm going to recylcle so stuff.  I vow to make at least one garment a month.  Oh and I'm on a fabric strike---pray for me :)

    Peace to everyone!

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