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Help comparing these models PLEASE!!

gigipedrazam | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Hi! I am a beginner in sewing trying to buy my first sewing machine, all I will do is some home decor, alterations and mending. Could help me choose between the following???  I AM TRULY OVERWELMED!!!!   Please!!!!


5705, 57817, 57820, 57825


PS 2200, PS 2300, XL-6562






  1. gigipedrazam | | #1

    Please, can somebody help me with this?????


    1. SewingSue | | #4

      Some dealers will rent their trade in machines. You might even be able to rent one of the machines you are considering. Small investment to determine whether or not you would be happy with the machine.

  2. chrishaynes | | #2

    Unfortunately buying a sewing machine is a personal thing.  Many of us have had several machines over the years... and found what works best for us (usually going up a few notches in price).

    Your best bet is to read this: http://www.taunton.com/threads/pages/t00130.asp 

    and: http://www.skepsis.com/~tfarrell/textiles/sewing/faq.html

    ALSO... for doing any kind of home-dec you may need a machine with a bit more "UMPH" than a small starter machine.  You should take some heavy duty upholstery fabric (some stores have remnants of the stuff) and test try some USED sewing machines.  That way you can get more power for your money.

    I personally perfer my 12 year old mechanical Pfaff for home-dec over my little Brother PS-2800. The old machine can use METAL bobbins which hold more thread, which is very important when you think of all the long seams used in curtains and slipcovers.  The mechanical machine also is a bit more powerful and can go through heavier fabrics.

    Also you should consider how much you like the dealer.  You will have an ongoing relationship with the dealer since sewing machines need to be taken in on a regular basis for maintenance.  When I went shopping for a machine to do nice buttonholes I actually chose what I eventually bought because one dealer was nice and did not try to sell me MORE than I wanted... versus the other which had the audacity to call me at home at DINNER time with her heavy handed sales technique (and a machine about 5 times more expensive).

  3. Hansi | | #3

    Hi Gigi,

    I don't have a recommendation about a sewing machine, but I would say in general when making a large purchase of an appliance you might use for the next 30 years, it's better not to be in a hurry.  Can you borrow a machine to make that something for your husband and take your time on the purchase of your own?   You'll have more information and probably be able to shop for the best price more effectively when you are ready to buy.


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