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Hourly Rate for Alterations?

becksnyc | Posted in General Discussion on

I am researching alterations pricing in Ohio (I just moved from NY), but I would like to know if any alterations specialists base their work on an hourly rate.  If so, how much per hour, average, do you charge?  From any area in the US.

How do you prepare the customer for extra charges due to unexpectedly difficult work?




  1. damascusannie | | #1

    I charge $15/hour with a minimum of $30.

  2. suesew | | #2

    I charge $18 an hour but I do have set prices for most hems, which is what I do the most of. I'm in small city, Minnesota

  3. sewornate | | #3

    All alterations people probably base their rate on hourly rate.  They may use the average time it takes to do a certain alteration.  People generally want to know ahead of time what something is going to cost them to see if it is worth altering or not.  I used to tell people on certain things they could buy a new garment for what it will cost to alter something.  Then it is up to them.  Sometimes, because it has sentiental value to them, they do it anyway, but that is then their decision.  I ran my business in north central Ohio.  More important than what state you live in, is whether it is a major city, or rural area.  Things generally cost more in a city.

    I suggest you get a price list from Mary A. Roehr Custom Tailoring, 500 Saddlerock Circle, Sedona, AZ 86336 (maryroehr.com).   Her rates are pretty much based on the average time it takes to perform a certain alteration, and she includes an hourly rate for things that fall outside that realm.  She uses separate lists for men's alterations than women's.  You can esily change this up or down to suit the area in which you live.  I found her guidelines to be pretty accurate as far as the amount of time it takes to perform a certain task.  It is a good starting place.  If you have a method of doing something that you think is better, but it takes longer, adjust the price accordingly.  You will get to know your clientele. 

    I am retired now, so don't know the hourly rate alterations are currently based on, but I would guess it is about $20.00 an hour.  If you do a lot of something, like pants hems, and you want to offer a special onthat, you can.  You will probably make out pretty well, time wise.


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