Hello. I am a new member, and this is the third forum I have located and joined. I have a question I hope someone will answer for me. I am no computer whiz, but I manage to plug along. How do you add the little sayings with your name, the icons throughout the posts, etc. All I know how to do is basic wordprocessing stuff, and have not been able to locate instructions on how to do the other things.
I am most impressed with this forum. It seems to get greater participation than the previous two I had tried. Had been really disappointed with forums until I reached this one. My husband enjoys a great woodworker’s forum, and I have been wanting to locate a similar forum for myself.
Thanks for any advice you can send my way about using this forum. Have a great day, and keep talking.
Hi, Ckaya, and welcome to Gatherings. To add a signature, click on "My Forums" at the upper right of the screen, then click on "my preferences" in the left column of the screen. Scroll down, and you'll find a window where you can add your signature. You can also change other preferences on this screen.
Thanks, Carol. I will give it a try.
Welcome! I hope you continue to enjoy this discussion group. What is your interest in Threads? Sorry--first cup of coffee out here in California--do you sew, weave, embroider, etc.? When I wake up I'll figure out a better way to phrase that...!
Thank you. Your phrasing is fine. I have been sewing for over 40 years--since I was a young teenager. I have two adult daughters who I sewed for as they were growing up. I have a new Brother CS-8072, which I love. Until the Brother, I had always been a "Singer" person. I also have a Singer which I recently sent to my oldest daughter in hopes of spawning some interest in sewing. Can't imagine how I managed to raise two girls and neither of them sew. I have a serger, Singer, which is old as the hills but works well. Am waiting for computerized sergers to come down in price so I can replace the old relic. I also knit (by hand) and embroider, and recently got interested in quilts. Am about to finish a queen-size quilt which I pieced and quilted by hand.
After years of sewing based on knowledge gleaned from high school home economics years ago and what I picked up from occasional classes, reading, etc., I am on a mission to "polish" my skills and find better ways of doing things.
I am finding this forum to be very worthwhile and friendly, and look forward to becoming more familiar with everyone in the future.
I've been away for a few days so I'm a little behind in reading messages. Does your note from California mean the dissertation is done? I thought of you when I was away.......saw rattail in zillions of colors at Haberman's in Detroit. And in various weights! rjf
Thanks for your note!
I am back in California. My dissertation is well underway, but not finished. I am working on "style"--MUCH, much easier on a cutting board than in a word processor.... The two months in Maryland was a great help in getting me back on track. I am still aiming for completion this semester or very early in the next semester.
The braid embellishment project is slowly disappearing as I find fun ways to use the braids and rattail that I had collected. I have found that if I keep my eyes open it is not so hard to find as I first thought, and if I see a color I like I buy it on the spot!
Back to the dissertation...
Good Morning. I don't want to display my ignorance, but have been reading the follow-up from my original post, and hit the conversation about braids and rattails which has really thrown me. What are rattails?
Don't you love this forum--you can learn a whole ton of new tricks and great information just by sitting in front of your computer. Sometimes I get so lost reading the posts that it cuts into my sewing time!
Have a great day, and happy sewing (or braiding).
Rattail is a cording found in the trimmings section of the fabric store. It is typically shiny satin looking (but not always) small (1/8" or smaller )cording. It is very flexible and can be manipulated into the tightest of curves for surface embellishment. Commonly used for soutache.
Sorry about that. There are a some ongoing conversations that pop up on occasion in totally unrelated discussion topics. You just stumbled across one of them!
In the August/September issue of Thread there was an article on braid embellishments. I was, at the time, heading off for two months to a land of exile (that is, away from my beloved sewing machine) and looking for a project that I could pick up in the evenings. The braid embellishment technique caught my eye. I ended up with all the supplies, could not settle on one project, and now that I am home the goodies are being used for other projects.
Rattail is a trimming that looks like a shiny shoelace. I have seen it used to outline things on large pieces. Craft stores sell it in a couple of standard colors, but I am finding that some fabric stores have it in a whole rainbow of colors.
No problem with the subject wandering from first post--that is how you learn. Thanks for the info on rattails. I live in a town that has had very limited fabric stores over the years, and haven't stumbled into rattails. We do have a fairly new Hancock's, however, so I am going to look there, as what you described sounds great. I live about an hour or so north of Nashville, but just don't get down there to shop.
What type of dissertation are you working on--master's thesis, Ph.D. --or something else? My husband is close to retirement after many years of being a college professor--and I do recall the dissertation period of our lives. What a major hassle. We had already moved out of state when he got to that point (abd), but fortunately he had a very cooperative committee and was able to knock that dissertation out in less than a year. That was before the days of pc's. I hope you are as lucky as he was.
Thanks again for the information, and good luck with your work.
People like your husband make me want to go hide somewhere. I won't tell you how long I have been abd. My degree work is in Theology, and my doctorate work has been at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. I am a Catholic Sister from a community in Los Angeles. A job opened out here, I got it and taught full time ... and thought it would be no problem to just write that dissertation in my spare (hahahahaha!) time.
I left my job a year ago, got immersed in community stuff, and now I am back to working on my dissertation.
My grandmother lives in rural Ohio. I know what you mean about having to drive for miles to hit a decent fabric store.
I could get to "myforums" once but no longer. If it's in the upper right, apparently my screen isn't big enough and I don't see a scroll bar to move over. Any suggestions? Whoa! There it is! on this page! I'll try it now. rjf
If I go there now, this message will be lost. I'll send this and come back rjf
Okay! Let's see if it shows up. rjf
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