Industrial Sewing Machine and Iron

Advice on purchasing an industrial sewing machine with a walking foot and an iron to make handbags.
what is the best brand?
Advice on purchasing an industrial sewing machine with a walking foot and an iron to make handbags.
what is the best brand?
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buy a used industrial machine
Any suggestions as to where to look?
I don't know where you live, but shipping/ delivery will be expensive, so It's best to find one as close to you as possible. IF there is any sort of industrial sewing center near you, that of course would be best as you will have ready service for what you buy. Industrial machines are generally very dependable, basic sewing machines, with no fancy computerized parts. I would also check Craigs list for your area. An industrial machine should come with table and motor. They are very heavy.
If you are still looking for an industrial sewing machine, try going online @ There are some great prices on used items and you'll find everything from soup to nuts. I've had great luck buying and selling. Plus you can stay fairly close to your own neighborhood making picking it up easy.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the suggestions!
That website I gave you should be, not .com - Sorry about that!
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