I got my DVD yesterday and I would like to say this is a wonderful DVD. So seldom do I learn new techniques and yesterday I learned 2. I can’t wait to try the new decreased bulk draft collar, for it is fantastic. Although I will continue to hem by hand I will most certainly try the new hemming technique in the future.
I knew Ms. Cutting would provide a wonderful DVD from a seminar I attended before. So, I was prepared to be dazzled and I wasn’t disappointed. I sincerely hope that Threads and Ms. Cutting will provide us with such wonderful learning experience in the future. This DVD is most certainly 2 thumbs up. Thank you.
Edited 7/8/2008 12:18 pm ET by Eman
Thank you for your comments. I was thinking of adding this one to the others....the fitting series....after I read your post, I viewed the video in the online shop. Yes, it looks good to me too. :)
I just previewed it also - really does look good.
Does anyone know what make of machine that is in the video clip?
I received my DVD in Wednesday's mail and since today is my day off, I sat down to review it with my second cup of tea.....It's so well worth the money and MORE....I can't wait to try the hemming technique on the hem of a lined jacket... the facing technique to reduce seam bulk....the collar technique, the dart "padding"....I love it!
(the machine in the video is a Husqvarna-Viking)
Thanks for the review, and the machine info
You are so welcome!
After reading your input about the DVD preview I thought I would do that too, but I cannot find anywhere that tells me how to do that. If you know the http://www.http. letters to type in will you please post it. Thanks.
here you go.....
click on the video preview tab
Edited 7/11/2008 2:01 pm ET by SewFit
Thank you so much for that web page. I am still on line! Gotta get a life! But this is so much fun. I got side tracked looking up a Marcy Tilton article on travel wear that was in Threads #100 and after reading that came back to this quick response from you and I may never get off this computer!
I know what you mean...some days, if I spent as much time at the sewing machine sewing as I do online reading about sewing, I'd have a whole new wardrobe. (LOL)
Thanks for doing that
I always have to check out anything advertised as "insider industry secrets" because I'm never sure to which industry they are referring. Home sewing industry or the apparel industry? I watched the preview (pressing) and see our "secrets" are still safe :). Still, I don't know how the average enthusiast is pressing seams so the illustrated method could be a big improvement over how they're doing it now. Fyi: UNLESS the seam is *butterflied*, your first pressing is melding, then from topside. Last is pressing the underside. Press 500 of these one after the other and you figure out why :).
Your comment on pressing is interesting because as I was watching the preview I was bothered by the answer on how to keep from having the feathery threads poking through on a French seam. But then I realized this is INDUSTRY secrets not fine sewing secrets! Somewhere along the line we are being indoctrinated into believing faster (industrial) methods are better. It may not always be the case. However, if by adapting these techniques to our own sewing we produce a satisfactory product that pleases us, that is probably a good thing, but don't confuse fine sewing with industry sewing. How many times have we heard someone say "I sew because I cannot find the quality in ready to wear that I want"?
I agree with you on the difference between fine and industry....I have always liked tailoring and classic clothes that I know are as well made inside as out.
However, I am getting ready to teach a group of 10 ladies who include both professionals and stay at home moms....if I can get them "interested" in sewing by showing some techniques that will allow them to create a stylish outfit fairly quickly....hopefully they will be motivated to want to improve and learn more increase their sewing skills.
You are right! I certainly wouldn't wear now some of the things I made in the beginning of my sewing prowess, but at the time I was very proud of them, and myself, for being able to accomplish it. I have learned and used many fast, easy industry techniques over the years and certainly have benefitted from it. Who needs a hand stitched binding on an every-day tee shirt? And, there are so many quick, easily executed techniques that make sewing your own clothes a pleasure rather than a drag. I think I was merely a little miffed at the idea that industy techniques are better. I forget sometimes how experienced I actually am at my craft and like everything else, it did not happen overnight. I am also remembering the phase when everything I wore had a hand picked zipper and underlining! But I was a bit overzealous.
Very good point, Kathleen. Many years ago I remember a wonderful sewing machine repairman asking my friend why she needed to sew at such a tremendous speed that it damaged her machine (I think she'd sewn over a pin), especially as she was sewing for pleasure and not for production. He really made us both think.
Hi ElegantIn some ways, home sewing uses more short cuts than we do :). A good example of that was an entry I wrote about pinning.
A companion article is here:
[I have a future entry planned on another short cut used in home sewing that I don't recommend (rotary cutters) which is certain to garner a lot of dissent.] The take away on the short cut of pinning is that manufacturers will take the considerably longer time it takes to cut a pattern out of oaktag so it can be traced rather than drafting on lighter weight paper that can be pinned, even if they're testing a prototype that may not go anywhere. The reason being accuracy.Lastly, just as there's a tremendous variety in the quality of home sewing, there's no reason it'd be any different in manufacturing (it's not as tho minimal competency standards are required for either). Sure, you'll see lots of crappy RTW but that's also true in home sewing. It takes practice for both parties and there's the matter of integrity and values of the individual or company. As a personal matter and I also think it's true of adept skilled home sewers, I can't afford (or don't want to pay) the equivalent quality of what I can make in RTW. Iow, there is high quality RTW made the way I'd sew it myself. I just don't want or can't pay for it :).
I think these comments need to be discussed in sewing 101. As for the pinning, I have never used anything but the minimal pins to assure the pattern stays on the fabric instead of flying off with the slightest breeze. ie: each corner and maybe one or two on the length, but never to distort the pattern. Sister Mary Leoni would never have tolerated that! I was a bit amused when a friendly neighbor asked my opinion on her attempt to make a skirt and when I went to her home, saw a plaid fabric laid out on the countertop with a thousand little silk pins holding the pattern on. Well, I've never been or wanted to be a teacher, but I could not convince her she didn't need all those pins! I don't think she ever finished that skirt either. Come to think of it I think I made that skirt for her! These days I love my weights. I have wanted to trace the pattern, but never seem to have a working pen around when needed. What kind of pen does the INDUSTRY use? I keep buying pens and still never have a working one available.
As for the rotary cutter, I thought that sounded like a good idea. Until after everything was cut out and the pattern pieces didn't line up! Didn't try that again. I'm sure it is ok for quilt pieces though.
I ordered the Industry Insider Techniques online today. Will watch and let you know my thoughts. It shouldn't take too long to arrive in Sydney Australia.
I use chalk to trace around patterns. Sometimes, on light colored cottons, I will use a #2 lead pencil. The industry cutter I know use computer generated patterns printed on paper which is cut along with the fabric layers.Chris
Thank you, I just purchased some chalk pens so will give it a try.
I use triangular chalk. I don't know where you could find it as I get it from the bridal shop. The owner buys it when she goes back to Indonesia. The box is printed in Japanese and says made in Japan in English.Chris
Hello there
Sewfit has given you the info. It's a great video
I just took a 1 day sewing class with Louise Cutting and she went over many of these techniques and had us do them right after showing them to us. It was great. I wish the class had been 2 or 3 days.
What Dvd are you refering to, I buy to improve sewing. Would you share more information with me.
Thank You
hope this link will take you to the page for all the Taunton Store/Threads Dvds.
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