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Conversational Threads


rodezzy | Posted in General Discussion on

Well, here I am at February and still haven’t done those quilts. 

But the “Everything Handmade” craft group that I joined late last year is meeting at my place for our February meeting and I had better get my stuff in order. 

I have decided that I will sew that night.  I also will have a machine out for anyone else that wants to sew.  We were doing a lot of knitting and crocheting before.  Also, we do a “Show and Tell” and a community project.  In December hats and scarves made by our members were distributed to the homeless in Lower Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago.  That is an underground roadway through the downtown area here.  We will probably be discussing this years project.

Of course I have lots of other UFO’s on tap that need finishing, like my purses and those knitted or crocheted boots I haven’t made yet, but every day is a new day and I’m always working on something. 

Last night I started a knitted scarf with cables so I could practice the right curving cables and left curving cables.  I love the look of knitted cables.  So beautiful.  I did pretty good.

Better get to work, lots to do…..lots of month-end projects……!Bye and happy crafting, sewing …whatever you do. (giggle)

Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. Teaf5 | | #1

    At least it's leap year, so we have one more day in February to get some of these projects done!

  2. Ckbklady | | #2

    Hiya Rodezzy!

    Your craft group sounds wonderful! Happy sewing! Knitted boots! Be sure to post pictures when you have those done - they sound super! Do they have cables too?

    Here's my Feb Challenge report:

    I actually got the quilted batik duvet cover done yesterday (after it sat for a year!) and by that I mean really, completely done, right down to buttonholes and all 12 buttons affixed. So that means I achieved what I expected for my January challenge. (I set the bar really low, I know...)

    The last two covers I made are still held shut with safety pins, 7 and 10 years later! My February challenge is to get the flipping buttons & buttonholes done on those. I've just had my dearest sewing machine cleaned and serviced, so sewing is a joy again, and buttonholes can be pretty fun, so I'll get on it.

    Today, to kick off February, I also started to make a dent in a long-ignored mending pile of Hubby's stuff. I patched his disintegrating shorts (yeeees, sitting since the summer!) and his childhood blanket, which was so thinned out it was fraying in dozens of places. I put on a border to reinforce it and patched parts of it with a Toronto Maple Leafs knit fabric that matches the pale blue perfectly, and will delight hockey-mad Hub. The rest of the mending mountain is my the rest of my February Challenge.

    I also bought a very simple quilting pattern - a wallhanging with teapots and mugs. For some fun sewing (as opposed to icky mending) I would like to spend a little bit of February fiddling around with that. Also for fun crafting, I've just started knitting my 6th and final afghan/blanket (and it has cables, too!) so our four dearest pals and Hub and myself will each have a blanket for our late night movie marathons on Saturday nights.

    Yikes - looking at it all at once, I'm wondering how I'll have time to eat, sleep and work! :)

    :) Mary

    1. solosmocker | | #3

      My January challenge, the jacket, was met so now I need something new to work on and have spent the last two days thinking about it. Here's the plan:#1 - Finish smocked bishop dress for twin DGD. Smocking is done and I just have to construct. #2 - Start a new smocking project for twin DGS. Its a cute little picture smocking plate of a lighthouse, ship, etc. It will be an insert and the pants will be mocha brown linen, for summer. I have to wing the size on this one. #3 - Make myself a knit top, Simp. 3790. It looks like a maternity tops but I like it anyway. I think it will be cute when done. I also met one other goal for January that I'd like to share with you. I started a blog. You are all invited to check it out, leave a comment or two, and bookmark it. I plan to be posting about once a week. http://lasewist.blogspot.com/ Thanks, Rodezzy, for getting the post going. Sounds like a really fun group you are hanging with. Isn't amazing how company can motivate us? I bet you will have all sorts of things done by the time you meet at your house. You certainly are one of the most productive sewists/knitters I know! Keep us posted on the plans. solo

      1. Ckbklady | | #8

        Wow! Solosmocker!! You made The Jacket (the Vogue large lapel beauty)!! I LOVE what you did with it. Your blog pics were terrific. (And WOW to your handbag projects too!) I've bookmarked your site and will am so looking forward to seeing more of your projects.

        :) Mary

      2. kbalinski | | #12

        Great job on the blog!  The link to your new smocking project wasn't working, but everything else looks fantastic!

        I started one this summer, and since I haven't sewn too much lately, I haven't posted either.  Anyhow, here is mine: http://kbdesigns74.blogspot.com/

        Thanks for the tip on the piping maker, I'll be picking it up with the JoAnn's gift certificate my students bought me for my birthday!


      3. rodezzy | | #17

        I visited your blog and it is great, left a comment.  Looking forward to pics of your wonderful projects.  You are definitely on top of things to have to think up a new project.  I have so many unfinished ones, February should just be spent getting those done actually (giggle).


      4. kbalinski | | #35

        Got inspired by your blog, and decided to update mine.


        Solo, you do beautiful work.  I've bookmarked your blog, so keep up the good work.


    2. rodezzy | | #16

      Wow, thats sounds like a great Feb challenge.  You will be sewing up a storm. 

      How about some pics of that batik duvet cover?  That sounds amazingly beautiful.  I love batik fabric, they are so colorful.  I record "Simply Quilts" everyday and last week she had a quilter on that used batiks almost exclusively.  Her quilts were wonderful.  So I'm sure everyone would love to see yours in the "Photo Thread".

      Would like to see pics of the blanket you mended.  Sounds super.  In this world of "throw it away, get a new one" it is delightful to hear about your projects.....but mending shorts.  What kind of shorts could be revived?  You must be a miracle worker (giggle).

      The tea pots and mugs, are they dancing around on the wall hanging, if so, I believe I've seen that pattern.  It's delightfully playful and should indeed be fun to make.

  3. fiberfan | | #4

    I didn't do too well in January. :-(  This month I want to finish my royal blue wool gabardine dress and make one other outfit.  The dress needs 1 sleeve sewn in and hems on the sleeves and skirt.


    1. rodezzy | | #18

      Come on girl, you can do this (smile).  Great job.

  4. jane4878 | | #5

    January was a write off for me! My hubby and I are going on a trip the end of this month for 20 days. Tunisia for 15 days and Paris for 5! I'll be on the lookout for fabric:^) We never really had a honeymoon, so after 17 1/2 years of marriage this is it I guess! The kids are finally old enough to leave. I have hemming to do and would like to get the Jalie t-shirt/cardigan done when the pattern arrives. I also have to finish a continuing ed course on hemostasis (how blood clots) before I leave. Ohhh how exciting...(not). I'm working on my daughter's blue cape right now. I still have the extra teenager living with us and my 2 teenagers are misbehaving and not doing well in school. They're not really bad, but making my life difficult. My husband came home yesterday to find my son hiding in the closet in his room playing hooky! The dog gave him up:>)) He didn't finish an English assignment on time. I called his English teacher (much to his excruciating embarrassment and the teacher's amusement). He handed it in today. Now my daughter is flunking Science. I just don't need all this drama in my life. I never would have tried that when I was their age--largely because my dad would've killed me. The extra boy is doing wonderfully at our house, maybe I should just trade my son for him...Hmmmm...sewing is a bit of sanity in all this.

    1. MaryinColorado | | #7

      Instead of making decisions based on fear of reprisal, you are teaching accountablility, decision making, and critical thinking skills to your children.  Sounds like great parenting to me! 

      I'm glad you're finally getting a wonderful vacation!  Now it's your turn to leave worries behind, relax, and remember to "play" and have fun!

      1. jane4878 | | #10

        Thanks, Mary.

        My dad was an elementary school principal--so we never got off the hook as far as school went and my kids certainly won't either :>)  I just wish that they'd behave.

    2. rodezzy | | #19

      Whew, honey you have a lot on your plate.  But that trip sounds heavenly and I know you are going to enjoy that.  So, just take it easy, let life flow over you right now, take a deep breath and exhale. 

      Don't trade in your son, maybe he will take note from the other one and get his act together.  Maybe, too much attention on the new boy is making him feel slighted.  Your teens may be acting out for attention.  Who knows, when the teen genes get flowing stuff starts a' going.  It will all be O.K. in the end. 

      Oh, well, sewing does help you focus and relax.  I've escaped into my world of making something many times and found that creating was theraputic.  Happy sewing.

      1. jane4878 | | #33

        I won't trade my son in--tempting thought that is though!  They definitely are acting out.  The extra kid has disrupted the whole family dynamic. 

        The blue cape is coming along nicely.  My daughter (the teenager) whose cape it is, was watching me topstitch the pockets and she said "how can you ever be that patient?  I could never do that."  That's why she has trouble sewing--she's ADHD and it's almost impossible for her to focus.  I'm not a patient person, so if I can learn, I'm sure she'll settle down in time.  I want to make myself the same cape in grey boiled wool from EOS for myself.  My daughter ratted out the dog--apparently he likes to lie on the 100% wool.  I guess he's a blueblood!  I've run out of the black silk thread I was using to topstitch, so I'll have to switch to something I can find locally.

        1. rodezzy | | #34

          Yes, keep the boy, he'll be worth much more later, helping mom with all sorts of things and keeping her safe.

          That cape sounds lucious, can't wait to see it.  Your daughter may settle down enough to sew, probably when she has a family of her own.  Then she'll remember you and your talents maybe and want to let her creativity flow.  Thanks for talking with me.  Talk with you soon.

  5. Elizard | | #6

    I have a few things I intend to do:
    Finish of my black wool skirt (I never even got as far as buying lining, let alone fitting it :( )Also I intend to have a paper pattern draped on me (using brown paper). I have watched the videos about the subject quite a few times, and last night I draped someone, it went quite well, apart from the fact that I had to add more paper at the shoulders due to the person's rather big bust(at least compared to the model in the film)
    It seems as though dart control is only needed between the shoulder blade and under the bust (the sides/under the arms), and not between the shoulder blades and breasts, here the (brown paper!) is just supposed to drape over this area, am I correct?
    Once I have done the draping on others a few times, I need to find someone who I can get to drape me - it is a bit hard reaching (and seeing) my back :PI'm also going to finish my sweater sampler from "the sweater workshop", but that will probably be finished very soon, it does look like a fish!Not a big list of things, but on the other hand there is only a limited amount of time - even if this is a leap year!

    Edited 2/2/2008 5:14 am by Elizard

    1. rodezzy | | #20

      Very interesting, that draping stuff.  I haven't a clue, but you seem to have a handle on it.  Sounds like you've done a really good job in understanding and using the technique.  Bravo!!!!

      Is that sweater sample knitted? crocheted? knit fabric?  Sounds like a good challenge. 

      Your list is great and very interesting.  Happy sewing.

      1. Elizard | | #26

        Yes I think I'm doing fairly well with it - just need the experience and brown paper is very hard to fold, especially if it goes against the paper's grain - so to say. The videos even have instructions for draping trousers, which intend to try at some point.
        I've nearly finished the sampler: it is knitted. You can see a picture of it on http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0892725338/ref=sib_dp_pt/104-8240437-3859106#reader-link pages 14 and 17. It was great fun. (from Jacqueline Fee's Sweater Workshop)
        Your craft group sounds like fun. I attend an evening sewing class once a month, the teacher is a tailor. I hope you manage to finish you quilts in a pleasing way, without to much hurrying and stressing.

        1. rodezzy | | #28

          That was a great sweater sampler.  I haven't knitted a sweater, just scarves and one poncho.  Straight knit and purl.  I have a sampler scarf I made a couple weeks ago of all stitch patterns I have committed to memory.  Nothing complicated, basket weave, seed stitch, eyelet, just some basic stuff.  But, that sampler you're working pm would be a great challenge.  I watched a "Knitty Gritty" rerun of when they made belts on the show.  I loved the double knitted one.  That looked like fun to make.  But I don't have time right now.  I've stored that info in my mish mosh of things to do brain waves for now.

          I hope your class is fun, I know you are learning a lot with a tailor for a teacher.  I'm not ready for anything that ridgid as a class.  I like this "do-what-you-want" craft group.  They keep me working because I have to "show and tell" something (I'm a ham...yes I am, I am). (giggle)

          Edited 2/4/2008 1:48 pm ET by rodezzy

  6. cree9 | | #9

    I spent the end of December making quilts for a win a sewing machine contest - I actually finished 2 - my advice is not to try making cathedral window quilts on the machine - I did finally make a small one but with many fits and starts - the machine piecing makes it much faster than doing it by hand but even the small wall hanging size had trouble fitting into machine for basic quilting and it took me several samples to figure out how to make it work - books even with pictures don't entirely make it clear. Also I did baby blocks or tumbling blocks and this was definitely harder on machine than I expected. I am working on a drunkards path quilt (king size and I will definitely have this one machine quilted by a pro) but I have done couching along all the borders of fabric so I only have 13 squares done out of 36 needed. I also have found a pattern for using some of my cat fabrics - 2 quilts one with black background and one with cream - both of these fabrics are printed with same color cats so I am having to decide how I want them to face when quilts are finished - also am discovering that cutting fat quarters from larger pieces of fabric isn't as simple as I had thought. I had signed up for a serger course Feb.1 but it was canceled for weather so I will continue to muddle along doing ordinary serging instead of learning all the fancy tricks - ruins this weekend which I thought was going to be full of new attempts. Do not try out learning experiences in contests - I will learn tomorrow if I won a new sewing machine - as I have 3 already it isn't a matter of life or death -just a challenge. Will continue on the proposed projects as well as make myself some gardening clothes in case winter ever leaves.

    1. rodezzy | | #21

      What self determination you have.  Yes, it may have not been a good idea to try new quilt patterns for a contest, but I bet you nailed them.  Post some pics in the "Photo" thread when you get your quilts back.  On the edge of my seat to see them.  I hope you won your machine, good luck.

  7. kbalinski | | #11

    Okay, enough is enough... every month I read about all of your fabulous projects, so it's time for me to join in the fun.  4 things on my  "to - do" list... yes, a bit ambitious, 2 of them are UFO's, so it's totally do-able, right???

    1.  Complete hand embroidery of McCalls jacket 5329, attach sleeves and hem.

    2.  Attach sleeves and hem Simplicity 3535 Project Runway tunic.

    3.  Vogue jacket 2988.  Fabric and lining all cut, just need interfacing to get started.

    4.  Copy a RTW shirt for my husband using Dave Page Coffin's "Shirtmaking" book.

    Keep your fingers crossed for a few more snow days!!!


    1. rodezzy | | #22

      Join right in lady, looking forward to seeing pics of all of those projects.  Sounds great.  I'm impressed that you are going to copy a RTW.  I've see books with instructions and sewing shows that have demonstrated the process, it looks challenging indeed.  But, I know you can do it.  Happy sewing.

  8. rsolish | | #13

    hard to belive it's already February and most of my list is from Jan. (or before) but am finely feeling much better after a cesarian and started sewing to make up for all the lost time.
    here goes:
    -hem and button blouse
    -finished matching wrap skirt (thanks to mitrhquake for the patter) will post pictures soon.
    -sew long jacket/coat with matching skirt
    -sew blouse for dd
    -if there is time- sew school skirt for dd
    and anything else i dream up,
    am going back to work in about a month and won't have to much time to sew so am trying to get as much done now (in between taking care of the best baby in the world!!)
    good luck to everyone!!!

    Edited 2/3/2008 3:32 am ET by rsolish

    1. rodezzy | | #23

      Oh sweetie, glad you are doing well and every thing went good with the surgery.  Don't work too hard, get some rest.  You've been through a lot.  You must heal nicely and you need rest for that.  I know you want to do it all, but your health comes first.  Pace yourself, we want you completely healthy to sew and create to your hearts content and continue communicating with us.

  9. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #14

    Hi Rodezzy.  Those quilts will get done when the spirit moves you to do them.  And they will be better because you WANT to do them, instead of you HAVE to do them just to get them out of the way.

    So you all bring projects to work on at each meeting of your "Everything Handmade" group?  Most of the monthly meetings of my ASG group are a demonstration of some sort, with a time for show-and-tell.  Your group sounds like more fun!

    It's hard to believe that January slipped by so quickly.  I completed the sewing projects that I had planned (yay!).  For February: ~ I have already made a fleece jacket, and used my new serger to finish the edges.  I have to find a big funky button for it, and it will be done.  The pattern is the "Simple Swing Jacket" by Indygo Junction.  I made the one with the turn-back collar, like the red one on the pattern envelope. ~ I plan to make a long-sleeved version of the "Paris Blouse" by Ann Person/Stretch & Sew.  I've had the fabric since last summer, so it's about time to get it done! I made a sleeveless version a couple of summers ago, and it's very comfortable and fits well. ~ I rearranged my sewing room yesterday, now it's time to reorganize my sewing/craft closet.  I really need to purge a lot of very old fabric scraps, dried up paint, and other assorted "stuff".  Then I'll have more room to store fabric, yarn, and projects that are waiting to be completed. ~ I also need to quilt a top that was donated to Project Linus.  The local "Make A Blanket Day" is in a couple of weeks, and I'd like to have it done by then.

    February is a short month, so I'd better get busy.  Happy sewing/knitting/quilting to you and everyone here!


    Edited 2/4/2008 12:24 pm ET by VKStitcher

    1. MaryinColorado | | #15

      OOOps!  I posted my challenge in the January thread.  Guess my brain is lost in the 4th Dimension due to too much time on those tutorials. 

      You all amaze me with all you accomplish!  Mary


    2. rodezzy | | #24

      Go, baby go, you are working it honey.  I love that swing coat pattern.  I'm going to get it myself as soon as I find some extra money (giggle).  It's isn't expensive though, so I should be able to get it next month.  (Paid a lot out on a car repair at the end of Jan.) I couldn't get the Paris Blouse site to come up, but will look forward to you posting in the "Photo" thread all of your great projects.  Your version will be the best ones to see. 

      Ouch! did you say the "rearranged the sewing room" phrase.  (giggle).  Yea, I've done it a couple times last year.  Hey, save that scrap fabric for a scrappy quilt.  Just the thing to get rid that stuff.  Cut it up in strips, sew the strips together and cut blocks from them.  Size and shape doesn't matter.  You can remember all of the projects you sewed from them.  No matter the type of fabric either, that's called a crazy quilt.  Try it, you may like it. Happy sewing.

      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #25

        Thanks for letting me know the link for the Paris Blouse didn't work.  I fixed it on my original post, and here it is as well: http://www.gmidesign.com/stretch/339.htm

        Yes, I rearranged the sewing room.  All by myself, while my husband was out of town!  Not only is all my sewing equipment in there, but there are also two recliners and a console TV that weighs a ton.  I was careful and didn't hurt myself, though.  He was pleasantly surprised when he got home.  The room is more open now, and I have easier access to my cutting table.

        My fabric scraps include linings, tweeds, corduroys, woolens, polyester--too many fibers and textures to make a pleasing quilt, even if it is scrappy.  I really don't know what all is in those drawers--I've been stuffing leftovers into that chest of drawers for probably 15 years or more!  But when I see them, I'll remember every garment that I made from them!  :-)  I plan to save the most usable pieces, and organize them better so somewhere down the line I can make that quilt.  (But the pack rat in me says everything is usable...it doesn't take much for a Barbie doll outfit...)

        Too many ideas...not enough time!

        1. rodezzy | | #27

          oooooooooooooh what a lovely blouse. 

          Yes, all of those fabrics will make a good crazy quilt.  You can also try out all of those fancy stitches on your machine.  If you haven't used them already. 

          I know it feels good to have things in order, in reach and other things out of sight.  Great job. 

          We never run out of ideas, I wish I had just $10.00 for every good idea I've come up with and fabulous idea to try over my lifetime.  I would certainly be a rich, rich lady.  Oh well, unfortunately, the majority of my great ideas are just that "in my mind."

          I'm going to make that a challenge one day.  I have several art quilt ideas swirling around up there that just won't go away and other stuff swish swashing up there, some I have actually committed the designs to paper and others just sway in my murky brain waves.  giggle.  One day!!!!!  Maybe when I retire.  Sometimes I come home from work and just crash.

          1. fiberfan | | #30

            I have tons of WIMs (works in mind) ;-).  I am ~25 years from retirement and pay extra on the mortgage every month.  I hope that when the mortgage is payed off I can work part time.  I would love to have more time for all the things I want to do.


          2. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #31

            Hi Joanne,

            I'm working on the same plan as you are.  We pay extra every month too, and the mortgage will be paid off in about 10 years, right around the time I can apply for Social Security!  But I would probably need a part-time job, just to buy fabric and supplies for all the projects that I'll have lined up!

          3. rodezzy | | #32

            I feel ya.  Retirement would help free up some time to do crafting.  But, I don't want to go before my time, I want all of my time and money. (giggle).

      2. damascusannie | | #29

        I've got to finish two of my own quilts before the 23rd so that they are ready for a quilting retreat here at the house that goes from the 23rd-25th. I have six ladies staying here and I'm going to need more quilts for them all! On top of that, I should try to get at least two custom quilting jobs done and a new pattern drawn up. I suppose I should be working instead of chatting with you guys!

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