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Kenmore 385.1960180

GigiM | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

My friend just bought a Kenmore 385.1960180 at a tag sale, with no manual.  She’s figured out how to do many things, but winding the bobbin is stumping her.  Does anyone have that machine?  How do you wind a bobbin?


  1. lovestosew | | #1

    Hi, I have that manual. Bobbin winding instructions: First, Pull the clutch (the little "knob" on the inside of the hand wheel) out/away from the machine to stop the needle from moving while winding the bobbin. Put your spool of thread onto spool pin. Place the thread from the spool through the bobbin winder upper thread guide (this is the little metal screw right behind where you wind the thread to sew). Make sure you have a little bit of thread wrapped around the bobbin with enough of a tail for you to hold onto - then, place the bobbin onto the bobbin winding spindle. Push the bobbin to the right until you hear a little clicking sound - then, push the foot control at a moderate rate of speed. (Your machine should indicate "SP" to show the machine is winding the bobbin). When the bobbin is full, please push the bobbin winding spindle to the left and clip the thread. ALSO, remember to push the clutch back into the machine - otherwise, you cannot sew.

    Happy Sewing!!

    1. GigiM | | #2

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!

      1. Kiley | | #3

        Possibly Sears could order a manual for the machine or they will give you the Janome number to call to order one. There is probably a Janome machine out there somewhere that is about the same model as this Kenmore and a Janome manual might help also.  A sales person told me that the 385 in the beginning of the model number means that this Sears Kenmore machine was made by Janome. I believe most Kenmore models today are Janome made, mine is. There are also sites on line where you can order manuals.

        1. Teaf5 | | #4

          If you type in Sewing Machine Manuals on an internet search, you can find the sites that sell machine manuals. I just bought one for $7 and learned all kinds of things about the machine that my sister, who handed it down to me, didn't know about. Now she's wondering if she should have kept the machine!The site was secure, the service was fast, and the manual made a huge difference in my use of the machine.

  2. PhilBarry | | #5

    Manual for Kenmore Sensor Sew Model 19502 /19501

    You can find the manual for the Sensor Sew 70's at this link - FREE and very limited parts from Sears


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