Has anyone else seen the Knitty Gritty episode on knitting a pair of boots. I’ve seen it before and it was on again last night. I could hardly sleep last night because my mind kept trying to design a pair of boots by crocheting them instead. The knitting of the boot took ten (10) double pointed needles to complete. I love the design feature that the right and left stanting decreases create in the knitted boots, but I just don’t want to fiddle with all of those dpn’s.
I can’t stop designing in my head a pair of crocheted boots. What you think? I have some old shoes and boots that can be converted. I’m going to try it. And she used unspun wool….you guys know what wool does to me, so I’ll be using something different. And wouldn’t those boots felt if they get wet, or does the water need to be hot? Well, I’m going to use a super chunky yarn and give it a go soon, because my minds eye won’t leave me alone.
Rodezzy, Fiber Artist
Good for you, Rodezzy! Being gripped by an idea is what it's all about. Keep us posted.
O.K., but do you know what I'm talking about?
You can see them on DIYNETWORK.COM. If you goggle the title "If the shoe knits" you will be directed to the search engine with the site from the show. I want you to see the shoes they did for comparison to mine when I do them. I will not have the same design feature in the front as theirs, but I could create my own design feature, what you think?
I just found that Interweave Knits Magazine has a site with pictures in a "Shoe Gallery" of knitted shoes and boots.
Edited 11/2/2007 2:03 pm ET by rodezzy
Edited 11/2/2007 2:11 pm ET by rodezzy
Edited 11/2/2007 2:31 pm ET by rodezzy
Hi Rodezzy
Yes, I see - I looked them up on the DIY site. Sure you can do them! You're so enthusiastic and willing to experiment that I bet you come up with something fabulous. I did a quick Google and am sending you just two of the many links I found. Some years back I came across a knitted shoe - can't remember the make - in one of those stores that sell brands like Ecco, Seibel, Clarks. The yarn was some kind of cotton/nylon mix I think. For your boots, it's probably best to use a firm yarn and work to a fairly tight gauge or you may have problems with stretching.
Let us know.
Wow, those were great! I loved the knitted casual shoes. The Uggs are cute too.
O.K., I won't let you down. Thanks for the yarn suggestions.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Hey Katina:-) I haven't lost interest in those crocheted boots, just been side lined with grands and now a bad cold. Worked on the black bag last night because it was soothing hand work. I've got to check my drill and choose a pair of shoes/boots for the work. I want to coordinate the boots with one of my coats I'll be making so I can wear them as a complete ensamble. That way I will be sure to wear them. I'm thinking of a lace of design. I loved lace up boots when I was younger, but they don't fit my legs even more so now, just like when I was young. I've always had curvacious legs. (giggle).
I'll probably do something while on vacation 11/19 thru 11/23. That's when I will have more time to get it together (I hope). I do have some other stuff scheduled, but I really want to get them done. I get excited every time I think of them. They are going to be awesome.
Yes Rodezzy, they are going to be bootiful - can't wait to see them. Roll on the vacation!
Hi Rodezzy
Look at these!
Hey, how do you have crochet knit uppers? giggle. Those are so cute, would totally wear them. They left me in the dust though, as I haven't knitted or crocheted a boot yet. Ha ha ha.
Thanks for the pic, it was worth a millionn words. knitting and crocheting is just getting more and more popular and they are finding so many innovative ways of creating stuff. Awesome. I love it!
I know that you can leather bottoms for making knitted or crocheted slippers--basically these are just the outdoor version. Really popular in the U.S. right now. I love the description "crochet knitted uppers". Maybe that's our problem, ladies. We're trying to crochet OR knit when we really should be "crochet knitting." 8^)Annie
You are so sweetly funny.
This pattern is really a lot like those! I've been coveting it for a while. Just trying to decide if I can make it up without a pattern. (I think not) http://www.cocoknits.com/knit/garments/accessories/prairieboots.html
Edited 1/30/2008 8:18 am ET by RhettaRic
Hi there
Which pattern are you thinking of? I'm sure we can work it out together.
I forgot to add the link, but much like those last ones photo'd.
http://www.cocoknits.com/knit/garments/accessories/prairieboots.html I've been saving some old slippers that have a really sturdy bottom on them for just when I get around to it.
My daughter has a pair of crocheted boots and LOVES them. They actually seem to be out of a cotton. They do stretch out. She just washes them in washer and then lets them air dry and they tighten up again.
Those are great! There should be no problem if you get the pattern.
I know. I've just been dragging my heels cause I buy so m a n y patterns! I love knitting almost as much (maybe more) than sewing!
I do so understand! I adore knitting, and what's more, it's so portable. Stop dragging your heels and instead think of your dainty feet gliding along in those boots. They'll knit up very quickly.
Dainty? Well, that made me laugh. My dainty dogs are size 11. My dear daughter's are more likely to be the recipient.
Well, put your best foot forward and get started!
Hi...you guys are so funny. Size 11 whew. Got to work with what we're given. I wear 9.5 and 10's. So I can't laugh too much (giggle).
Those boots are cute. Also, right now I'm crocheting almost all of my free time. I've made another six scarves and given them out and I made myself another sweater jacket, but a new look. It's shorter and a little more form fitting. I undid an unfinished coat I was making from the magazine "Crochet" and used that yarn, of which I still have lots of. I'll try to remember to put pics in the photo gallery tomorrow. Don't have the scarves though.
Curios to see your daughter's crocheted boots. They sound great. It's really cold here in Chicago. I should have made some knitted or crocheted boots for this weather, but I haven't. I've been to unfocused to do a project that needed concentration. (smile) Need to get back to sewing though to finish those quilts. I am shamed for not finishing those.
Hi Rodezzy - you do keep yourself very busy. Yes, I'm hoping that RhettaRic does make those boots. Don't beat yourself up over those quilts though - you'll get them done in time.
Thanks, I needed that. I've looked back over my life in my mind's eye and realized that my crafts have kept me from going insane at many dark places in my life. I crocheted when I didn't have a sewing machine and sewed when I had no yarn. I've read and dreamed the life I would have, if I could, through my magazines and books. I've envisioned myself deeply entrenched in my world of crafts if I had my own store, or a whole house for just my crafts. Dreamed how I would make every thing I could by hand in my own house if I ever owned one; and fulfilled one or two creative dreams with a new craft I had just learned.
I've continued throughout my life dreaming in those books old and new, watching the old become new again, I've come full circle, still dreaming and creating, always with a tool in my hand. It's been good. My crafts sustain me like nothing else in life has, because it's where I can talk to God and myself and make things come together elsewhere in my life. It's like working out a pattern design, a tangle in your yarn, life untangles when I'm working on something, and even if the mess doesn't straighten out right away, it's the process of doing that makes things better.
Beautifully said, Rodezzy. Since I was a little girl my sewing and knitting have kept me company.
Then you know what I feel. We have many more years to create. Glad to have more creative, wonderful people to share with.
I was reading your message about making everything -- I always tell people I have an illness - I can't look at something without contemplating how I could make it. I'm a jack of all trades and master of none. I R E A L L Y want to feel totally competent at something.
"I'm a jack of all trades and master of none. I R E A L L Y want to feel totally competent at something."
Oh my gosh, I really had a good laugh at that, it sounds so much like me. I want to do everything. I really do want to be competent at something. I say that about myself all the time. Some times I pray and ask my higher power, where's that passion in me that will make me use my gifts to get rich? hahahahahahahahahaha
Sometimes I go home and just lay down. Sometimes I get going and going like the energizer bunny. Some weekend nights I jump up late at night and work until daylight. Oh boy, it's so funny.
Oh that was soooo funny. You sound so like me. But the truth is, we really are competent at the things that we do. We are just scattered. Maybe is is meant for us to do what we do, and maybe (I dare say) we are just practicing for a better tomorrow somewhere. I don't know. I do feel good when I finish whatever I started and finish what I left behind. So, chin up girly, we're going to get there some day. (giggle)
It's so nice to find this forum and all these creative people. I usually only see the flaws in my creations. I'm trying to slow down and do things right, but sometimes it would help if I just knew what RIGHT was.
Just for a lark, I went to a biofeedback session, and at the end, the technician had these notes for me (mind you, I did not know this person at all): "It's ok not to know. Too many shoulds. Stabilize self goals." So is she a psychic?? I started laughing. She said it just shows you're all over the place; you need to focus.
Since I'm off work tomorrow, I'll be out in my sweat shop (my sewing area is the third garage and it's hot out there in the summer) creating something!
Hey, ease up on yourself - what's right after all? I was obliged to do a year of sewing in school at age 11. No sewing machines - babydoll pajamas by hand. Yes, really!Teensy stitches, flat-felled seams. I guess the nuns would have freaked out totally at the deconstructed garments we see today. All those raw edges - love it. The point is to do the job and if you like it, you've succeeded. Take a look at ethnic clothing and textiles. Very often (to the purist) it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of techniques, and sometimes too in quality of materials, but it's vibrant and honest and tells such a story. People doing what they can, with what they have, to serve the purpose. Amber, if you're reading, I'd love to see some articles along these lines.
"...I'm trying to slow down and do things right, but sometimes it would help if I just knew what RIGHT was...."
Honey, whatever you do is right! One thing I've learned, nobody can see your mistakes but you.
I've gotton compliments on stuff that I know I could have done better, and I just stopped obsessing about it. I was a perfectionist in everything I did. I still strive to do the best I can do, but I don't get bent out of shape about nothing anymore. I still push for the detailing, embellishing, and good finishing processes to make things GREAT, but sometimes "enough is enough."
I take good short cuts, make the quick stuff, and try to find a easier way to get a project done if it is feasible and it looks good, but I don't line every jacket, pin every quilt square, or pinch every penny, I just let it flow. You can too. Life is so less stressful then and I have fewer anxiety attacks. Because years ago, if I couldn't get it just like what I thought it should be (or someone hanging over me, told me it should be) I would "spas out." Now I don't care what people think, say or judge. If I like it, there it is!
I made some unlined fleece jackets and coats last winter, and this woman that sews on bowling league told me..."you know you can line fleece too....", insinuating that it should have been lined. I told her ...."the pattern was for an unlined fleece item and that's what I wanted, and that's how I made it, and that's perfect for the weather I made them for...for me." I sewed seven coats/jackets and crocheted seven jackets/coats that season for myself, and I was pleased and beautiful. I have never done that much for myself, or had that many jackets/coats in my life.
So do your thing lady and be proud.
Oh, Rodezzy! You just make me smile. You write with such energy. I will just have to ease up and quit doing the hypotheticals in my head of how much time I may or may not have left to "master" something!! I went through some of the photos, and you sure have made a lot of fantastic things!
I did a fleece zip-up hoody this winter AND a pair of pants! I put those on, I'm embarassed to admit, almost every morning! Really, I put them in the laundry basket, but it's so cold in the a.m., I dig them out. Then I do my laundry in the a.m. when I'm wearing them. Then all I have in the laundry basket is my fleece set. Hmmm. Guess I'd better just do a s m a l l load before they walk away. Here it is: http://bp3.blogger.com/_CmJL2PzJ8CY/R1q_7xJoW7I/AAAAAAAAAOw/jkllGW9QrPw/s1600-h/Brownie+Suit.jpg
I'm doing my very FIRST lined jacket. Who knew that large outer layer would seem a lot smaller when it was lined? Anyway, I think it still fits!
Oh that's a cute set. I should make myself one. I made a fleece hoodie jacket. Well, I guess you saw that.
Yea I did a lot last fall and winter for myself.
I went to your blog site yesterday and it was great. You are an avid sewist. And you do great work.
RhettaRic; That is just fabulous. I love the rich colour and the fit is great. Living vicariously these days and so enjoying pictures of people's successes. Thanks for posting Scrubble4
Thanks, Scrubble. Did I read before somewhere that you are recuperating from something? Well, if so, I wish you a speedy recovery.
I still have to download that knitted boot pattern.
RhettaRic: Thanks, I am hoping to get back to mental and physical energy soon. Its all taking longer than my patience wants, but I think there is learning in that too. Scrubble4
These are the store-bought crocheted boots my daughter has: http://www.tobi.com/product/8504-livs-the-classic-tall-crochet-boot-shoes-boots She loves them.
But I do like CocoKnit's. All right, Katina. I'll just do it, as Nike said.
Funny thing about the size 11. I wore 9.5 until I was well into my 30's. Then I got tired of my feet hurting. I bought 10's. They felt pretty good, which spurred me on to 10.5 - which is actually my size. But sometimes can't find it, so will then try the 11. If they don't fall off, they're good.
Those are adorable and machine washable too? Great. I've got to get on the stick and crochet me some boots for spring. All cotton yarn is a good idea, but my legs are big and I will need some stretch, does anyone have any recommendations? I probably should use a washable acrylic, because wool itches me.
Edited 1/31/2008 11:43 am ET by rodezzy
Rodezzy, I'm not sure cotton's a good idea - it stretches, and could lose its shape.
O.K. I thought so.
Ok! I have a question how do you get your crochet or knitted item on the boots or shoe? Do you glue them on or What???
I've never done this with a boot or shoe, but I have attached knitting to leather and I think the way I did that would work here, depending on the thickness of the leather. The leather I used was soft and pliable; I put a wing needle in the machine and stitched through the leather without using any thread. I backstitched through the holes with a matching perle cotton, and then picked up stitches using the perle cotton and a finer size knitting needle than I would need for the knitting yarn. I switched to the yarn and the required size needles and knitted from there. On the boots/shoes you'd probably need to increase or decrease a bit to get the stitch number right. There must be all kinds of methods that would work. An awl could be used to pierce holes also. If the knitting is to 'slouch' over the top of the boot, if you know what I mean, then it would cover the join and as it won't show, it doesn't matter if it's not too neat. I doubt I'd use glue, though perhaps it's worth experimenting with scrap leather and knitting.
This link shows you the episode of Knitty Gritty I got this idea from.
I haven't had time yet to experiment with it, but I have some shoes at home I'm thinking of using. Need to buy the yarn, and I have a hand held power drill already.
Will be executing after the holidays, maybe while on vacation during the last two weeks of December. I've been itching to try it, but time is not on my side. I have so much to do before Christmas.
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