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Knitting and loose ends

dotty | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

Does anyone have an opinion about whether to weave loose ends into a knitted piece before or after blocking? I usually weave them into the seams, but I’m making a scarf which will show both sides.It occured to me that there might be a reason (that I haven’t thought of yet) to do it one way or the other.


  1. katina | | #1

    Hi Dotty

    I've done this both ways and generally, I like to weave in before blocking. Perhaps the main reason is because then, when I take the work off my blocking board, it's done. Having said that though, there are times when I block first before doing some finishing, like picking up stitches, etc., but then I'll do a final blocking. For a scarf I would first weave in ends and then block. Have you got several ends? are they all at the edge of the knitting?


    1. dotty | | #2

      Hi and thanks. I haven't finished it yet. There will be several ends. I'm trying to make sure they are all at the edges. At the moment it is coming apart at those spots. I should probably just weave them in now.I'm doing a triangular K+P pattern which is compressing and waving quite a bit,so blocking really is a must.

      1. katina | | #3

        Hi again Dotty

        I'm hesistant to offer suggestions - don't want you to think I'm a know-all or sticking my nose in - but I will anyway! For a scarf, you might want to think about joining somewhere along the row, and not at the edge, because you don't have a seam to hide the ends in. An easy way to join: knit until you have a few inches of yarn left, knit the next stitch with this end and the beginning of the next ball, then drop the few remaining inches of the old ball and continue knitting with the new one. On the return row, make sure to knit the TWO ends of the yarn in the stitch as ONE stitch. (don't go making an extra stitch!) You can then weave in the ends before blocking. OR try this: join in the new yarn as I've already described, and knit a few stitches with the two ends of yarn (yarn is doubled). Later you can just snip the ends, and then block. This second method depends a lot on the yarn and the stitch pattern though - it may make a noticeably thick area. You'll need to decide. Sorry if I've waffled on more than you need.


        1. dotty | | #4

          Hi Katina. thanks again. I think you're right, with a scarf ,so that the edges won't be all wonky it would be better to knit the ends into the middle of a row. I'll do that with the next ball.

          1. katina | | #5

            You're welcome. Hope your scarf turns out well


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