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lining a vest

ilovetosew | Posted in General Sewing Info on

i am making a vest for grand-daughter and forgot how to get the lining put in   so that is will turn    HELP


  1. sueb | | #1

    you need to leave an opening in one of the side seams of the lining.  You can turn it through there after you attach it to the main fabric and then slip stitch the opening closed.

    1. ilovetosew | | #2

      thank you for replying to my question but I still can't get this vest turned right side out     I have made these a lot but a few years ago and it is just not coming back to me.  I made the pattern myself so theres no directions for how to do this    I sewed right sides together left open lining side and can't get the top pieces to come through. This is really getting me because I know its not that hard.     thanks again if there is anything else you could tell me i would really appreciate it.   thanks

      1. Teaf5 | | #3

        I just helped a neighbor get through the same brain-block as you are in right now; maybe I can help!First, take a deep breath and turn off your usual rational thinking process; turning a vest makes absolutely no sense, even to this experienced sewer who has made lots of them!Second, the process works only on vests that open down the front; it won't work on pullovers, at least from the side seam. Third, it's important to remember that you will be stitching the side seams LAST.Stitch the lining together at the shoulders only, and stitch the garment fabric together at the shoulders only. Lay the two together, wrong sides facing, and stitch from the lower side front, all along the hem of one front piece, up the center, around the neckline, and back down the other center front, all the way to other lower side front. Stitch the armholes from underarm, up over the shoulder, down to the the other side. Stitch across the bottom of the back hem. Do not stitch the side seams yet!Trim, notch and grade all the seams you've sewn so far, especially on the armholes and back neck where you have tighter curves. Lay the unturned vest down with the back against the floor, and fold the fronts on top of it, as if you were going to wear it inside out.

        As you look at it, you see an inside out vest with both sides open; there are four layers on each side. At this point, the side seams are open cylinders; you're going to close those cylinders next. It's hard to explain verbally, but if you've followed so far, you'll be able to see which side seam needs to be attached to which other side seam. On one side, you can stitch the entire seam closed--from the hem, up the back to the armpit, then back down the front to the hem. On the other side, stitch most of the cylinder closed, leaving a space big enough for your hand unstitched on the lining. Once you've done this, you reach into that space, through the shoulder, and grab the other end of the vest and pull it through. Then you can close the gap in the lining side seam.Let us know if you succeed; I'm sure many of us have gotten frustrated and done a little extra handstitching just to get past this dilemma!

        1. FitnessNut | | #4

          "Lay the two together, wrong sides facing" Are you sure about this? Should they not be right sides together?I make a vest a little differently than you. After joining the shoulder seams of each layer, I sew from about 3" away from the side seams along the front hem, up centre front, around the neckline, finishing at 3" from the side seam on the other side. Clip as necessary, understitch on lining, turn and press (understitching before pressing is a workroom trick that guarantees crisp edges with no lining peeking out). Flip layers so that armhole seam can be stitched right sides together. Clip and understitch in two stages, sewing towards the shoulder seam. After sewing both armholes, insert your hand between the layers of the back and turn each front through the shoulder. (Sounds harder than it is.) Then join the side seams, fashion fabric to itself and lining to itself, matching the underarms and leaving an opening in the lining on one side. Press open. Sew along the hemline between the starting and stopping of the seam from step two. Understitch by working through the opening you left in the side seam. Turn through the opening and press. Tack the side seam allowances together at the underarms and hem to prevent the lining from slipping out. Close the opening, either by hand or machine.This is the method I learned in design school....it is fast and easy and gives professional results.

          1. Teaf5 | | #7

            Of course you are right! In addition to being vexed by this particular process, I'm also dyslexic. You can imagine the problems I run into while sewing!

        2. ilovetosew | | #6

          thank u for the instructions and they are very good.  i have the vest sewed the way you said and still can-not pull it through so the brain freeze is really BAD.   will keep trying until I get it.     Thank you again.

          1. Teaf5 | | #8

            Are the shoulders of the vest very narrow? If they aren't at least 3" or so wide, you won't be able to reach through them to grab the other side of the front or the back.When I am truly stumped, I very slowly and carefully rip out a seam here or there, and try again before restitching by hand. At this point, maybe you can take the sections apart at the shoulder, turn each one, and then machine stitch the pieces back together, then handstitch the lining. Invariably, halfway through this process, the original process reveals itself, but at least I get to finish the item and wear it!Finally, this is such a visual process, I'm not sure anyone could explain it in way that would make much sense. Do you know anyone nearby who can sew who can show you?

          2. ilovetosew | | #9

            I did it and it is so easy      just had to get the mind going.  Starting the second one and am so happy.     Your post was a great help.    Thank you so much.   And thank everyone else that posted also.    I love this board.

  2. sueb | | #5

    here's some online instructions that might help:



    Also you might check your library and see if you can get a copy of sandra betzina's power sewing, she's got some great instructions for lining a vest too.

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