Looking for “Knitting Lace” by S E Lewis

I’m a complete newbie here, but it was suggested I post the fact that I’m looking for a copy of Susanna E. Lewis’s “Knitting Lace”. I borrowed it from the library, but when I went to Amazon to look for a used copy, they wanted $95! Yowch! If you have a copy in reasonable condition that you’d consider letting go, let me know — or if you seriously want Taunton to reprint it, do join me in letting them know!
I found this by googling Knitting Lace Lewis
There were lots of other hits, this was the first with a lower price.
I clicked on Pasdenom's link and noticed that the book in question is out of stock, so I would recommend checking back periodically. You may also note that the Chapters/Indigo site is Canadian....I don't know where you are located, but if you are in the States, the exchange rate will provide you with significant savings over and above the listed price of $35.95. I have been dealing with Chapters and Indigo books for many years and have found their service to always be first-rate. Good luck....hope a copy finds its way to your personal library!
Yes, I found that link by Googling also, but when I clicked on it, as Sandy says, it says the book is out of stock. Boo hoo! Won't the world change when we can contact publishers & they can do "print on demand"!
LOL!!! Yes, indeed...the world will change!
I had an eye-opener recently when I got a book on weaving for my birthday. My husband got it through Amazon for between $25 and $35 but when I opened the front cover, it was marked 50 cents! Someone got it from a tag sale, I think, and made a wonderful profit on it. But it's considered the bible on weaving and I hadn't quite memorized yet despite getting it from the library a zillion times so it was worth it I guess. I suppose what's trash to one person is treasure to someone else. rjf
I've also bought used books on the internet, and many seem to be former library books. I know my library charges anywhere from a quarter on up to a few dollars for used books, and agree people are making nice profits. I've been considering doing this myself, not a bad business browsing through old books, but probably I'd be tempted to keep them all for myself.
Powell's Books (www.powells.com) doesn't have a copy in stock but you can ask them to contact you when a copy comes in. Did that a few months ago for an out of print theology book and it was only a few weeks before they had a copy come in.
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