Looking for this wide black elastic

Hi. i attached a picture of a 2.25″ wide black elastic (one piece made of 8 bands of elastic with channels between the bands) that i am assuming is intended as waistband elastic. I bought this several years ago because it was so interesting but i can’t remember where. i finally used it on a pair of pants for Burning Man–just put it on the outside and didn’t even cover it. Looked and felt great and, more importantly, my DH loved it. i’d like to get a lot more of this elastic but can’t find it anywhere. Britex has never even seen it. Do any of you ladies have any information on it? i don’t even know what it is properly called or whether it is woven or knitted.
Dear Eliz,
Try this site, in their knit elastic I think you will find what you want. The picture for this section of their catalog had a spool of white elastic that looks like your black elastic and the text said black or white!
Hope this helps,
ps have not ordered from them myself, just saw the photo and thought of you!
opps! they apear to be manufacturing sales $200 min order!! sorry!
Edited 8/2/2006 9:36 am ET by Becky-book
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