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Machines for Slipcovers

gbwilliams1 | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I have decided to start sewing home projects professionally.  I need to change my sewing machine.  I am interested in a machine that will handle projects such as fitted/ custom slipcovers, draperies and duvets.  I noticed that the machine that I have now can’t handle the thickness of the layers so I’m literally forcing fabric under the foot.  Thank you


  1. THEWANDER150 | | #1

    Hello Slistitch and Congrats!  What an exciting time for you!  I am so sorry I don't have an answer to your sewing machine question, however, like you, I am very interested in sewing professionally.  I have a long way to go with my technique, but I was wondering if you are currently working with an interior designer or how you do you plan on getting started.   I would love to hear more about it!  My private email address is [email protected]!  Thanks!  Kerri

  2. crwritt | | #2

    HI maybe I can help you with this. The type of machine you should be looking for is an old industrial straight stitch machine. The one I have is a Singer 31-15, very old and cast iron. No problem with the height of the presser foot when lifted, and it sews through leather, vinyl, upholstery fabrics, you name it, with no trouble.It is comfortable to use for long periods of time because the motor is controlled by both of your feet, and the presser foot lifts with your knee. This leaves your hands free to guide(not pull) those yards of fabric through. I have mine arranged so the machine table is right next to my work table, for a big continuous work surface.

    So good luck looking for your industrial machine. The head for mine was given to me by a friend, and I bought the table, motor, and zipper and cording feet through Cutter's Exchange 1-800-251-2142.


    Edited 9/2/2002 10:44:21 AM ET by CRWRITT

    1. gbwilliams1 | | #3

      Thank you so much!! You don't know how helpful you've been.  I will contact the supplier for your attachments, perhaps they have a lead as to how I can pick up the machine for a reasonable fee.  Thanks.  

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