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Most useful tools

Molly_55 | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

The most useful thing I have discovered lately is paper bandage tape which can be bought in any pharmacy. Instead of using scotch tape on a tissue pattern which will melt if you iron it, use paper tape to:

  1. fix rips in a pattern;
  2. tape places where you alter the length or width of the pattern
  3. reinforce tissue over darts or any markings where you use a tracing wheel.

The paper tape is durable and does not melt when you iron the pattern in order to have it nice and flat to affix to material or to fold it up and put it back in to the pattern envelope.

Some sewing notion companies are selling this stuff as “special tape” but charge much more than you would pay if you bought it in the drug store for what it really is: bandage tape. The name inside the hoop of the tape should read: “mircopore” . (Do not confuse it with cloth tape as cloth tape gets gummy at the edges).



  1. victoria0001 | | #1

    What a wonderful tip!!!  Thanks - I have been using the Scotch brand tape that is easily removable but it is plastic and your suggested tape would be an improvement.

    Love great tips!!!

    1. Molly_55 | | #2

      How sweet of you to respond. Thanks. You've made a very bad day a bit nicer.


  2. jane4878 | | #3

    I use this all the time (including at work).  I use it to tape down my tailor's tacks mostly, as well as the other uses you listed.  However it is obnoxious to get out of a seam allowance if you leave them in after you've sewn over the tacks and then you press before pulling them out.  I pick out the pieces of tape with fingers or tweezers before I press now.

    p.s. It barely sticks to skin if you pull it off within 1/2 hour or so.  I use it to tape cotton balls on after taking blood.  If you leave it on too long, it will stick so well that it'll rip skin off or bruise when it comes off.  I've never had trouble pulling it off fabric though.  It will gum up on regular paper over time.

    Great stuff



  3. Beavette | | #4

    This is a great idea, I use it to put on my dress form with the measurements written on it at the point it is stuck on, and if the tape buckles between the spaces on the dress form I know it has adjusted(which happens occasionally) and I need to check my dress form measurements to make sure they are still right. I also use it to place draped folds in place before stitching them. My ruffler and walking foot are my two attachment/tools I find most useful. My spaghetti turner is also a favorite of mine.

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