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My poor old viking

Elisabeth | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

My wonderful 20 year old Viking machine which has always run like a dream has finally broken down. It is so sad, it is brain dead. All the mechanical parts work perfectly but something on the main circuit board has given out. This is one of the early computerized machines, the 950, and doesn’t it just figure that the innovative part is the weak link.

I thought I might ask here first if anyone knows if this circuit board is sold as a part? I would install it myself. Tomorrow I will stop by the dealer and see what I can find out there. It will probably be a side project to fix this old viking. I imagine I’ll have to find another main machine.


  1. suesew | | #1

    My condolences to you on the loss of your machine. 20 years isn't really old for a machine - I'll bet you can get it fixed. Happy New Year anyway.

  2. she_stitches | | #2


    Sometimes parts on old machines are no longer available although I'd be surprised if this was the case with a European machine...however..if this is the case I would consider trying an electronics specialist firm as sometimes they can repair boards.

    Good luck



    1. pjcooks | | #3

      Hi, I had to replace a board in my Viking #1 (not +) a few years ago.  It cost about $300.  I had a 990 for about 6 months before I traded up to the #1.  An authorized Viking dealer should be able to get the part you need.  Many times, as I have found out, repair shops can't get the parts as quickly, or sometimes at all, if they aren't an authorized dealer.  I love my Vikings (#1 and 6570) but they aren't the easiest company to do business with.  The few problems I've had have taken a very long time to resolve.

      1. Elisabeth | | #4

        Oh my, $300. Perhaps that was the board plus installation? I suspected the company would get us on the board since it is where their "secret" is. I went by JoAnn's Sunday which houses the Viking dealer in my area, but the Viking section was closed! Thanks for the hint, I will be prepared for slow dealings.I am going to try some work on the circuit board with the help of my dad, a retired electrical engineer, we'll see what we can do. With all warranties expired after 20 years I say what the heck since I really don't want to spend hundreds of dollars for repairs. For the moment, I am sewingmachine-less, a novel experience.

        1. pjcooks | | #5

          Yes, that was labor and materials.  Hopefully you can find someone who can sell you a board, if you and Dad can't work it out.  And try another Viking dealer, if one doesn't work out, another may.  I have one, about an hour away, that I trust, and he doesn't seem to be on Viking's short leash.  Since you and your Dad have those engineering talents, have you ever thought about buying an old machine like yours, to use as a parts machine? 


          Hope you get sewing again soon!


          1. Elisabeth | | #6

            When my machine went on the fritz I looked on ebay for just what you suggest, a parts machine or a working twin of some sort. No 950's this time but my eye caught an older viking. I was mesmerized, all metal mechanical probably early 60's in working order just cleaned and tested. The green metal of the machine brought me back to my mom's 50's machine when I was a kid, it was great, and to another 50's machine still in the family that my mom uses even now when she goes to her summer place in Norway. It sews really well. And no circuit boards to fizzle out! Ebay said $155 "buy it now" hmmm. While I was oogling the pictures DH came in and started looking with me. After a good look he says, Buy it! I'll buy it for you for your birthday! Oh yes please! I said, and that is what we did. It hasn't arrived yet, I am looking forward to seeing it and sewing on it. I wonder how it compares to my 950?I'm keeping your dealer suggestions in mind, thanks.

          2. pjcooks | | #7

            Wonderful!  I really like the old Vikings.  For a great Old Viking group, go to Yahoo.com-viking sewingmachinespre1980.  Bill, the OSMG who moderates, is a wonderful, talented guy who tells it like it is and can be so helpful.   Please join this group, he's helped me out with my 6570, and he just knows his stuff.  Have fun!  What a wonderful husband you have! Ask Bill any questions you may have, lots of experienced old Viking users out there with tons of info in this group.  Have fun!

          3. pjcooks | | #8

            Hi, Elisabeth, I'm curious-did your  new machine arrive yet?  If so, have you played with it yet?  Keep us informed, I love to read about these older machines!

          4. Elisabeth | | #9

            No, it hasn't gotten here yet!!! I am panting and drooling thinking about it and wishing it would get here! I will post a picture and tell all about it when it does arrive, it's good looking, at least I think so. I will be joining the pre 1980's yahoo group that you mentioned. I read about it on the wefixit group which has helped me a lot with my broken newer Viking problems. I might have figured it out, I'm waiting for a part, so hopefully. In the meantime with no sewing machine my house has stepped up a level in cleanliness:-)

          5. Elisabeth | | #10

            My new old Viking has arrived and is magnificent! I took some time to figure everything out, the original manual came with it in the nice case. This machine has all but one of the basic stitches that I like to use a lot. It came with two cams. The additional cams one could have are variations on satin stitches and not something I am interested in anyway.The stitching is beautiful. Even precise stitching, smooth running from startup to stop, and supreme buttonholes! This machine sews narrow seams better than my other one, it doesn't get even the tiniest urge to eat the fabric.I was intrigued to see that the bobbin case is almost identical to my 20 year younger machine. This lovely green queen has metal bobbins but when I put my newer plastic bobbins in it worked perfectly, that is a surprise plus. This is such a great sewing machine!!! When, I hope when, I get my other one running again, I want to do some performance comparisons. They are both great machines. I am waiting for some parts for the broken one, I have hope, I may have found the problem. And while I wait for parts I am having a grand time with my new green buddy that is about as old as I am.

          6. pjcooks | | #11

            What a great machine!  One of these days I may have to track one of these down for me.  I'm glad it sews  well, the narrow seams and plastic bobbin usage are definate pluses.  Thanks for keeping us updated, and I'm so happy it all worked out for you!  My #1 is giving me some trouble with some fold-over elastic, so I'm pulling out the old workhorse, the 6570, to handle that.  Funny how so many of the old machines seem to do everything well, isn't it?


          7. Elisabeth | | #12

            An update on my poor old viking 950 - it is fixed and runs perfectly! It wasn't the circuit board, it was a tiny light bulb that sets the timing by the hand wheel. Without this bulb working the machine didn't know where to start. One little bulb! I'm surprised it lasted 20 years. I looked in various places for this bulb and finally got it from a kind Viking repair person, took it home and soldered it in. It was an easy fix, I am so glad. I learned quite a bit about my machine too, that was great. And now that I have two great machines, I have to decided which one to use each time, what a dilemma!

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