need a used dress form
Hi! I’m looking for an affordable used dress form/maniquin. I f you have any leads or sugestions, please call me at (212) 539-1227 or sent message to acefala@hotmailcom.
Thank you, Janell Waddington
Hi! I’m looking for an affordable used dress form/maniquin. I f you have any leads or sugestions, please call me at (212) 539-1227 or sent message to acefala@hotmailcom.
Thank you, Janell Waddington
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Janell - I have read the garage sales are a good place to find used dress forms. I haven't looked yet but am seriously considering it. I'd use it as a stand for my brown paper tape double. Ginna
*Janelle - I bought a dress form at and antique shop several years ago for $5!!! That was the b best buyI've ever gotten at an antique shop (also least amount I've ever spent for anything at an antiques shop, too). Try the on-line auction sites. I saw two listed on e-bay just recently, starting out at about $30.00 (not bad, considering that they were new, and new ones go for about $100).
*Janelle - I bought a dress form at and antique shop several years ago for $5!!! That was the b best buyI've ever gotten at an antique shop (also least amount I've ever spent for anything at an antiques shop, too). Try the on-line auction sites. I saw two listed on e-bay just recently, starting out at about $30.00 (not bad, considering that they were new, and new ones go for about $100).
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