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Need help picking iron

Haggerd | Posted in General Discussion on

SWMBO complains that her iron is not hot enough, and takes too long.  She does a lot of sewing so I want to surprize her with a great iron. 

I am looking at the Rowenta DG-980 and the DZ9080.  Both are about the same price, and power. 

Which is better?

Is there any other irons like this that I should be looking at?


Help for hevens sake, I know nothing about this stuff.  Now ask me about that new HDTV…. 🙂


  1. AmberE | | #1

    We had a great article: Choose an iron like the experts in our Oct/Nov 127 issue

    1. Haggerd | | #2


      1. jatman | | #3

        Hi Haggerd,

        I just looked at these on shopping.com and one of them was a lot less expensive than the other.  You may want to shop around a bit.  I can't really give you a recommendation on this since I don t have either of these models other than to say that you can't go wrong with Rowenta.  It's the most expensive iron I've ever had and it was very well worth it.  Make sure to get some of the sole plate cleaner to go with it. 

        Personally, between these two I would probably prefer the lesser expensive model (DZ-9080).  It just seems easier to work with.


      2. AmberE | | #4

        I just suggest that you read it---you may find it helpful!

  2. Ralphetta | | #5

    I don't know these 2 irons, but there are 2 things you should find out from her before you make a purchase.  How does she feel about an automatic shut off and does she like a teflon soleplate? That may narrow your selection.

  3. mygaley | | #6

    You sound like my kind of guy! Yes, you do need to know about teflon soles and automatic cutoffs (hate them). I don't find Rowenta's are long lasting and if you knock it off on the floor, it's just as broken as the cheaper irons, so I buy the Black & Decker at WM. Also, if she uses an extension cord with her iron, be sure it's heavy duty. Now I am saving up for a commercial style gravity feed iron--go to http://www.fashion incubator and enter irons on search. These are over $300 but read the reviews. Her best sewing pal would know, but does she want a presser--two flat surfaces that come together for a great press. If she's a quilter, she needs this. God bless you Galey

    1. Ralphetta | | #7

      I mentioned the automatic shut off to him, because it drove me crazy to go from my machine to the ironing board and find my iron had turned off.  Some people like them, though.  My Teflon-coated iron got a scratch and then snagged anything delicate. But, some people seem to like them.

      A good iron is a wonderful gift for a sewer.

    2. fabricholic | | #8

      When I heard about automatic cut-off, I couldn't understand why that was a good thing. I have an old Black and Decker that I had on the eye of the stove and when I turned on the stove, I accidently, turned on the wrong eye and melted the bottom of the iron. I got my brother to cut off the melty part and it works just fine. It's kinda like if it was a dog, I would name it Lucky. Now, it's part of the family, it's been around so long.Marcy

      1. Haggerd | | #9

        Thanks everyone.  The iron displayed in the threads magazine is one of the 2 that I am looking at.  As far as dropping them, I have found the way around that.  I converted on of the bedrooms over to become a sewing room.  Custom tables for each machine.  I am in the process of designing an ironing board to hold the new iron so it will be able to be parked in a safe location. 

        The article is of little value as far as comparing irons.  It just states the logic behind better quality irons.  A much better article would have had an iron from the major styles / price range and physicaly tested them showing the differences.  Heat time, ability to press wrinkled cotton, variation in temp once set etc. 


        Oh well thanks anyways...

        1. SewNancy | | #10

          I loved my Rowenta irons, while they worked. My first iron died and I purchased another one. One of the removable water containers and no auto turnoff. It died too. Meanwhile we had the first one fixed. Now I have 2 dead irons and a dilemna about what to buy to replace them with. I hate auto turn off. I have heard other sewers complain about the longevity of Rowenta irons. Good luck on what you choose and let us know.

        2. jcsews | | #12

          I can add my 2 cents. I also had a rowenta that died. It wasn't very old. That's when I decided on a gravity feed.It's just wonderful. It's a Pacific steam and I got it for about $189 from an ad in threads. You could probably froogle it. It's well worth it to have a good iron if you sew alot. It comes with a bag of a granular demineralizer which only lasted 4 months (and it's $15). I had to send my iron back because it was clogged up. They didn't charge me for labor but the sending it back and forth was costly. After that I just used distilled water. I also purshased a heavy duty teflon soleplate and it has held up well for 10 years or so of daily use. The thing about the gravity feed irons is that they are heavy(5 lbs) and have all that steam when you want it that they don't have to be set on high to get good results. You are definitely not going to damage fabrics because of the low heat.  Good luck.

          1. mainestitcher | | #13

            I will never purchase a Rowenta again. Didn't steam well for very long, less than a year, iirc. Colleague had the same problem, hated her Rowenta too. Suggest gravity feed. I bought a Pacific Steam for 50% more than the Rowenta. It's lasted three years so far.

  4. jatman | | #11

    Hi Haggerd,

    I just realized that irons are reviewed at http://www.patternreview.com.  They are listed under notions.  Several Rowenta's and Black and Decker's are reviewed there by the people who own them.  Maybe this will help.  As for the auto shut-off -  personally I find it irritating, too, but the first time I realized that my iron had been plugged in for 2 days unattended (and it wasn't an issue because it had shut itself off) I decided I'd get over it.  Now, I wish my hair curlers had that feature....

    Good luck!  Let us know what you end up with?


    Edited 12/1/2006 9:45 am ET by jatman

    1. jsassafras | | #15

      Read your post. Do you belong to the website that you recommended the list of irons?  I too am in the market for a new iron.



      1. jatman | | #16

        Yes, I have a membership at patternreview.com.  They have paid memberships and free memberships.  I have a free membership and still have access to the reviews, which have been really helpful on a number of occasions. 


  5. janeaoneill | | #14

    I just bought a Rowenta DZ9080. I really like the weight (nearly 4 lbs) and the very narrow point end is great for sewing. I have had very good luck with Rowenta irons.

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