Need help selecting a serger
We would like to purchase a good quality serger for our daughter. We don’t where to find information on the products available. I read that Sew News is planning a comparison in July 2000. Are there any other sources? Has anyone had experances that could help us.
Thanks Fred
You should check out the discussions on Sewingworld ( A few 'threads' (no pun intended) on likes/dislikes of various sergers.
*Try and read their info on the machines. They are definitely cheaper than most places.
*Have you tried There is a survey that you can take which will direct you to the sergethat would be the best with the features that you want. The people at aall brands will evaluateyour answers and will respond shortly with the name, brand, and price of the sserge.I did this and I have not regretted my JUKI MO655
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