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Conversational Threads

Notched Collars

ladylavendar | Posted in Teach Yourself To Sew on

I’m looking for a tutorial on notched collars for a boyfriend jacket I’m making (and having trouble with).  I remember seeing a recent picture tutorial on this, but forgot where (on line? magazine?).  Any help would be appreciated.



  1. decoratrice | | #1

    I hope you find the tutorial--haven't made a notched collar in a while, so I'm a bit rusty, but I know an ingenious way to do it that avoids the 4-way horror given on the pattern instruction sheet.  A tutorial on this method would be optimum, as it's easier seen than described.  However, if you don't have luck finding it, give me a nudge and I'll do my best to describe it.

  2. stillsuesew | | #2

    I agree with the four way horror thing.  I believe you can complete the collar and then insert it into the facing.  But it would be nearly impossible to describe in words only.

  3. helenj | | #3

    A sewing blog called cupcake goddess recently made a boyfriend jacket.

    The author of the blog is sunni, very friendly and I am sure she would help out if you

    got her email from the site.


  4. m_coates | | #4

    Notched collars.


    Sewing and tailoring is all about practice, the more you sew, the better you get.

    The easiest way is to take apart the collar from an old tailored jacket and see how it is constructed, its not as hard as you may think. Once you have attached the lapels and the lining, you can attach the collar so in affect one of the last panels to be attached.

    The collar goes onto the inside of the jacket first, then the sides are stitched, bagged out to the correct side and then it is hand stitched down. The way i explain is a little complicated and i am sorry for that but if you have a look at the tailored jacket you will know what i mean. It really is a joy when you get it correct and really a sense of achievement.

    I think there are also tutorials on you tube or you could  type into google "sewing tuition".

    I really hope that this helps and wish you good luck with your sewing projects.



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