Well …I finally really, truly, and completely …organized my stash of fabrics. I had already put some away for sharing with my church quilt group before I moved to BC, so what I had left was just what I dearly loved and knew that I would sew.
Here’s what I did: First of all, I made a whole lot of copies of the Fabric Worksheet from Claire Shaeffer’s’s book: “Fabric Sewing Guide”. It is a wonderful information sheet that includes a place for a 2-inch square of fabric and all kinds of information that includes content, width, yardage, the pattern you plan to use and a place for a photo of the final project. It also has lists of the fabric description (fiber) and fabric structure as well as fabric characteristics. She refers to pages in her book with all of these to help you describe your particular fabric.
Finally, it has a place for the garment history when completed and all the information so that you will have it in case you want to make another one like it (or not), as the case may be.
I completed a page for every piece of fabric I have in my stash, and put all the pages in a note book. I also added another piece of information on the top right corner of each page, which was the number of the box where I can find the fabric listed. I have all of my fabrics in those clear boxes and put a number on the outside of each box. This way, when I am ready to do a project, I can go through my book, see a sample of the fabric, the content, how many yards I have of it (including width), and then decide on a pattern. On some of the pages in my book, I have included the original pattern company & number that I had intended for the fabric when I purchased it.
I had already organized my findings years ago, what with thread, buttons, trims, zippers, elastic, etc. in appropriate boxes sans lists, as I can easily see what is there. Patterns are all categorized as to type of garment. I also have a box of lining fabrics and another for various kinds of interfacings and tailoring supplies. I always purchase the latter in 5-yard lengths.
I have another box with just surface design supplies and tools in it, i.e. stencils, fabric paints, etc. My embroidery thread and CD designs, and additional hoops are in another, rather large box by themselves.
I would love to hear other ideas you all have used to organized your stash and all your supplies so you are ready for sewing future projects. I know there must be better ideas out there, but I hope this will work for me for now.
I bow at the feet of the uber organizer. Good gosh, Sewslow, this is amazing. At least to me. I was just reading about janF and Threadkoe actually getting rid of part of their stashes. I think just reading about all this purging and organizing has given this old packrat a panic attack! I need to sit down with my feet up and a cup of coffee and just gaze at my toys to calm down.......
LOL!!! Thanks a lot, JQ; I laughed so hard while reading your post, that I nearly fell off my chair and ended up with even more damage than I did when falling on my head, shoulder, knee (and other parts) while trying to save that get-a-way dog! tee hee!!! You are a real hoot ...and I always thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.
If I knew where you lived, I'd bring over a bottle of wine and we'd both relax!! ;-)
I live behind the Pine Curtain in deep East Texas, and I wish you lived close enough to drop in for a visit. I have an idea we could solve all the world problems while relaxing with a bottle of wine. By the way, I remember when your friend rode the horse in the parade in Denton. It was on the news, and I LMAO! When you reminded me of it recently, I dared one of my friends to do it, and she said she "didn't look good nekkid anymore". Did you know there is a song about that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNTJsqKQv8g&feature=related
I wish I lived close enough for a visit, too. Wouldn't that be fun? And yes, we'd probably solve all the problems of the world relaxing with a bottle of wine.
My DH reminded me that one of his sons live near Denton, which means that a visit with you could be possible in the future, as we plan to take the RV down to Texas one of these times, but not this year; possibly a year from this fall.
That is so funny though, that you remember the Denton "neked" rider. It is a small world and, perhaps that theory of 7 ...or something like that, is true, i.e. that none of us is more than 7 people away from anyone else. I'm so glad that you shared that with me; how funny is that?! Must get to my sewing as there isn't much time left before the reunion. Thanks again for your note.
Too funny, thanks for the giggles! You gals crack me up! "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was"
LOL Mary. I'l like to think I'm still good once, but there are days I know it's only a dim memory.
At least we have the memories, and living vicariously through others, ha ha. It would be nice to have some of that get up and go these days, but it's "got up and went" along with my sweet youth....
Purging was born of Necessity as a mouse had done real damage to my stash and I cried my way through it. =( That is why they are all stored in rubbermaid now. Mind you, I still cannot find anything...yet. Stored is not organized....Mind you, opening a box is like Christmas day all over, as I find something I have been looking for, or discover some long forgotten treasure. :) Can I bring the snackies to go with the wine that Sewslow is bringing???? Cathy
Indeed you could bring the snackies. We would have so much fun. The mice getting into your stash make ME sad, so I can imagine how hard it was for you to go through it and salvage what you could. I have either got to get back on eBay and sell some things or make a huge donation to the Women's Shelter Thrift store. I just got burned out on eBay, but I have to make some room. I have moved a lot of the eBay inventory into my sewing shop to get it out of the house, and I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic. Something has to go. So much of my stash came from an estate auction where I bought a box or two of fabric, and when it was over no one else had bought the rest of it, so the auctioneer sold it all to me for $1.00. It was boxes and boxes of fabrics, trims and patterns. I've donated some of it, but I really need to get ruthless.
I still have boxes of my mom's and grandmom's stashes that I have not even opened yet, and have to sort through. A lot really is not my style, so that makes it a lot easier. It is hard to decide what to keep in a treasure trove of stuff like what you got tho. Have you thought about a yard sale? A lot of people in my area are "Saturday Salers" and pick up a lot of their stuff at yard or garage sales. You would be surprised at how fast fabric, notions and patterns disappear. Cathy
Oh, for sure you can come! Wouldn't that be fun? It's not entirely impossible either, as you and hour DH could drive south around the time we do. That would be a hoot. As I just said to JQ, we plan to go down sometime, but probably not until a year from this fall.
On another note, I am so sorry to hear about your mouse invasion. Good grief! I cannot even imagine how disgusting it would be to clean up after the little buggers. Ick!! I can't stand mice; I had an invasion twice in my life; once in my garage and another time in my kitchen. The latter was my fault as I left food in the dogs dish, rather than putting it away at night. I guess it was just too tempting.
I need to answer a couple more messages and then get to my sewing. BTW, the knee wound looks better again today, but the shoulder ...nasty ...very nasty. I just can't figure out why it's not healing, but then I do heal very slowing since the onset of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease). Oh, well ...it will probably be OK in a week or so. At least it's not painful like it was, and that's a good thing.
I think just reading about all this purging and organizing has given this old packrat a panic attack! I need to sit down with my feet up and a cup of coffee and just gaze at my toys to calm down.......Still chuckling. When I get an urge to organize anything - my bulging closets, my basement, my sewing stuff - I take a nap until it passes. Isn't it strange how somebody else's work can make the jobs we've neglected seem so urgently necessary?
Josefly -- that sounds like plan to me. Taking a nap. I am in absolute awe of sewslow. It would be a real treat to have my stash so organized, but I know in my heart of hearts it's not gonna happen. I made a hard copy of her post so I would know exactly how to do it, but I think I'll just have a cup of coffee instead......
I think it is an absolutely brilliant Idea from Sewslow. I think I will go sit with my coffee and think about it for a long, long time, peruse my magazines, make a note of it in my idea page, and start with the new stuff that comes into my stash.....When I find the book and purchase it to copy the page from.....Sewslow is such a gem. Cathy
Ah, yes, Cathy. You,too, are indeed a woman of action. And sewslow deserves a prize or an award --- maybe even a Pulitzer -- for having inspired us to such heights of activity. And on that note, I really do need to at least wash the breakfast dishes. I shall return, though.....
You guys really crack me up! Thanks to your notes of praise and humor though, my badly infected shoulder hurts less today; so thank you for that! Now then, I just love organizing stuff, so I just might be encouraged to help you all out for an afternoon and a bottle of wine. LOL!
That might easily become an offer of reality with you, JQ, as my DH and I really do plan a trip down your way, but not until October 2009. By then, you will probably have "out-organized" me in spades ...so all we'll have to do is drink wine and laugh a lot. If that is the case, we can all pitch in to give you the Oscar. LOL!
Laughter is the best medicine! I guess we should be glad it isn't your ribs that got hurt. I wish I was an organized person, sometimes, but I rather like the office poster that says, a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. You should see my sewing table right now! Need to tidy up again before I get any work done =( Cathy
Having nothing better to do but browse...I had to check this one out and it got me in trouble with DH.... I was laughing so hard I woke him up and he has to get up at 4AM.....I only read the first part....LMAO!!!!
There used to be a chat room that Oxygen had going...back about 5 yrs ago...its not there anymore....ANYWAY...you could chat and have instant responses from everyone online. I don't know what happened to it, but it would sure be nice to have that here! (as well as being able to read all the stuff, too)
I redid my sewing/craft room earlier this yr. Took me a couple of months, and after finishing my latest wedding gown, it is a total disaster....thread, pins, and clippings on the carpet; pattern pieces all over my table; I found my new pinking shears after looking for them for 20 min...I'd just had the darned things in my hand!....It will take me at least 1 whole day to clean up the mess....after I make the matron of honor's gown tomorrow. I have to bring my old cutting board downstairs so I have room to cut it out....Then I get to organize the leftovers from the wedding....Oh, fun, Oh, joy! Makes me want to take a nap...but since its already bedtime...I think I'll plan one for tomorrow.....on, second thought...I don't have time for a nap until we get back from our bike trip this weekend (Tail of the Dragon in TN) Just found out tonite, DH and the guys he works with want to leave at 4AM on Fri..UHG!!!!! By the time we get back, I'll be ready for a nap.....but the local school will probably call me to sub....If not, I'll get a nap Mon.....Maybe I'll just have a wine cooler tomorrow...or a shot of Crown Royal! Just to keep my sanity!!!!
Oh you busy lady! Sounds like a really great weekend adventure coming. I'll be waiting to hear what happened.
Hi Deb!
How was your trip down the Tail of the Dragon?
My boss and a bunch of his buddies did that tour on their sexy Italian motorcycles a couple years ago. He brought a video in afterward - and it looks A-Mazing!
Hope you had a thrilling (and safe) trip!
Congratulations! What a great feeling it must be to have accomplished all that. It sounds like a phenomenal task, whew! Now you can reward yourself with some chocolate or? Good for you!
Thanks, Mary; it does feel great to it all cleaned up and organized. What is more important though, is that, until I got organized, I have been avoiding sewing for my reunion because I couldn't make up my mind as to what to do, and I just wan't as inspired as I'd hoped to be.
After getting my "book in order", I was able to go through it with patterns in hand, and actually find combinations easily that I hadn't thought of before, and now I'm enthused and excited about doing my next several projects. It takes so much less time and energy this way, and therefore makes the process more fun as well as more efficient.
BTW, wouldn't it be fun if a bunch of us could meet (with our RV's) in a campground that also has cabins for those without RV's? I think that would be a hoot! I need to get to task for now, but wanted to thank you for your message. Also, glad you got a giggle from our conversations. This is a fun board, eh?
When is your reunion? I know You will have fun sewing and getting ready for it. I lost weight and finally decided to start sewing for myself again. I made clothes for our little family reunion last Spring. I managed to make some tops and two sun dresses and was so proud of myself. The funny thing is, it was so cold and rainy up North, that I never put a single new outfit on! I had to wait until I got home to enjoy my efforts. I got lots of compliments this summer so it was still great to have them. It also showed me how much I can do in a short span of time when I feel up to it.
I would love to get together in a campground, that really sounds like alot of fun. We learn so much from each other here, a retreat would be remarkable! And if we did't like the way something turned out, we could burn it in effigy in the campfire and make S'mores over it. Mary
Wouldn't that be great fun though, to get together for a retreat? I love your idea about burning our rejects in effigy over the campfire. LOL! My DH bought me a sewing machine this past birthday just for traveling in the RV, as he knew I wouldn't want the one I have to be jostled around. Also, the Pfaff is too heavy to take to classes.
While I love my Pfaff 2170, I must say that this little Janome Platinum 760 is a real gem ...and it makes just as nice (and easy) button holes as my Pfaff. It also has plenty of stitches too.
Oh, my 50-year high school reunion is Sept. 4-7, which isn't that far away. I haven't seen most of these "kids" ;-) since we graduated, although there are several of us who have kept up with one another all these years. I just wrote my piece to go into the Memory Book too, which was kind of fun. Now all I have to do is sew ...and I'd best get with it. Seriously though, we should think about a retreat. Our husbands could all just take off and go fishing or golf, while we gals have our fun.
Edited 8/8/2008 2:28 pm by sewslow67
Edited 8/8/2008 2:29 pm by sewslow67
Edited 8/8/2008 2:30 pm by sewslow67
"And if we did't like the way something turned out, we could burn it in effigy in the campfire and make S'mores over it."
Now that sounds like fun! It would be fun to get together with everyone here. It's been a blast talking and exchanging ideas.
It does sound like fun doesn't it. I really like the effigy part......
With all the chit chatting going on, I wonder if many of the other campers would get much sleep? I can bring some Brie...... Cathy
Remember the Chatty Cathy doll, or are you as young as me? giggle. I had one. I don't think we chatty girls would get any sleep overall, we have too much to share. We would be nodding out between sentences - giggle.
I'll bring a french loaf and grapes.
Tee Hee, I had 2 of them, I cut the hair off of the first one trying to even up an uneven hairdoo. I will bring the white wine with the Brie. Cathy And the Tim Horton Coffee for the Canadians in the a.m.
Sounds great! I'll have a spot of tea in the morning, thank you very much dear girl! he he
I'll bring my serger and some of my crazy thread stash to play with. And something to drink.....for those over 21.....he he.....then we're finished singing round the campfire...does anyone play the guitar or ? We can play "truth or dare" oh boy!
Now where are you going to plug in a serger on the beach? Hand work all around - giggle. A stitch here, a stitch there, a bite here, a bite there, a sip here, a sip there, a story told, a story shared. So much to do, so far apart, so much fun to be had. giggle.
Ok, Where and when girls, I NEED A BREAK! This sounds like so much fun. If it is this much fun on a computer screen, I am brining the depends! =) Cathy
If only.......
Here's a spot. Beavers Bend Park, in the SE corner of Oklahoma. Campsites and cabins. It fills up fast on holidays, weekends, and in the summer even with almost 400 campsites. http://www.shopoklahoma.com/beaversb.htm
Last time we were there was Halloween weekend a few years ago. The weather was pleasant and even though the park was full, it did not feel crowded. No wait, DH and two of his flyfishing buddies and one of their dachshunds went up one winter and a freak storm blew through. They were snowed in for several days in their pop-up camper in 13" of snow. That was an extremely rare occurrence. They did have the park all to themselves, though.....
Oh, the beach! Love it love it love it! Forget sewing or anything constructive. I'm there with bells on and a Pina Colada or Mojito in each hand! Anything near water and I just want to play! Let's go NOW....
Oh, I remember my first bicini, it had a toe bell to match. That was the days before toe rings. My girlfriends mother bought it for me when I went on a family vacation with them to Arizona. Even though I was sweet sixteen, Mother threw that preciouse right of passage right into the trash when I got home. She was very conservative and controlling.
I can see that living in Colorado your preference might be going to the beach. I can't argue with that, having spent my teens on the Texas Gulf Coast. I still love the smell of that salt air. Just a little piece of heaven on earth for me.
Oh, I can almost smell it too, and the warm sand between my toes, chasing the waves. I feel a strong urge to just get in my little car and fly to the nearest ocean!
I'm heading out early in the morning for the coast. Intended to go today, but I just couldn't get my rear in gear to get everything done. Not much beach where I'm going. I hear there are going to be be some sail boat races this weekend. That'll be fun to watch. I'll spend most of my time visiting and laughing with old friends while we listen to the waves breaking and smell the salt air. Pure bliss. I shall come home renewed in spirit.
oh oh oh you lucky blessed gal you! I am so jealous! Please give me all the details when you get back so I can imagine it vicariously through you. Sigh..............have a safe and wondeful time!
Mary, eat your heart out. I finally got home last night, having stayed over a couple of days longer than I intended. We had several people show up with food for lunch Sunday -- barbecue ribs, brisket, chicken and sausage, potato salad, baked beans, jalepeno/cheese bread, and scads of iced tea. Then all afternoon we sat on the front patio of my friend's house so we enjoy the view of the bay, the breeze that was blowing and the salt air while we visited. Luckily the weather cooperated -- the rain showers went away and the it wasn't unpleasantly hot. Then we went to another friends and had watermelon to celebrate the 70th birthday of my best friend's brother. After dark they all came back to "our" house and we raided the fridge for a late night meal of left overs. Toasted the birthday boy with the Sweet Lucy I brought for that purpose. Monday various people dropped in to visit when they saw my car there or heard I was in town, so we gave lots of house tours showing off my friend's new house and drank copious amounts of coffee. Monday night we fried shrimp and fish and had baked potatoes, creamed peas, and hush puppies. Ice cream sundaes served over pound cake for dessert with hot coffee. Of course, this was all accentuated with a lot of reminiscing and tall tales. We laughed until we couldn't breathe. If laughter is good for the soul, my soul is completely renewed! Now if I can recuperate enough for the next trip down!
Okay I'm eating my heart out!!! You lucky duck!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience. I can almost smell the salt air and hear the waves and see the sunset on the bay. I can see why your soul is renewed and refreshed! What a heavenly time with special folks.
Now I really need a vacation!!! My sould would soar too! Mary
I am so happy you shared with us. I almost feel relaxed just reading your post. It really sounded like a bit of heaven on earth, fun, food and friends. Cathy
Threadkoe, I hate to keep going on and on, but that is a really special group down there. I'd say my friend I was visiting and I had only 3 or 4 waking hours alone while I was there, because someone was always stopping by to visit. The affection we share is really special. I always come home renewed.
Mannnnn, I'm jealous. It sounds like so much fun. I'm glad you had a good time.
Thank you Rodezzy. I know you have the same thing with you family and friends. I always relate to you when you are sharing these times with us.
What a terrific time you had; I too, enjoyed it through you ...but now I really do need an extra dose of Tums! giggle!! Thanks so much for sharing ...and in such detail, too. Wow; what a reprieve from you daily schedule. Down right delicious.
I think we should all plan our sewing retreat down your way. It sounds like you've got the set up, and all we have to do is bring our share of the food. ;-) No doubt, you friends would love us, huh? LOL!
PS: My friends over in Eastern Oregon say it's been over 103-degrees during the hot part of the day ...in the shade. I don't know why I'm sewing for this event. We'll all probably just want to wear shorts and tank tops! Whew!
Sewslow, how'd you like to see this sunrise every morning? That's a view from an RV park and marina there. I like it because it adjoins the Turning Basin where the shrimp boats dock so you get to see the shrimpers coming and going all day. It'd be perfect for a sewing retreat with meeting halls/rec rooms you can reserve.I got to see the sun coming up over the bay, sans the sail boat masts, every morning I was there as we sat at the breakfast nook and had coffee. The sunsets are just a spectacular. I'm quite sure my friends would love you. Tums are essential. Gumbo and /or jambalaya are often part of the menu, too.
There is an old saying:
Red Sky in the Morning: Sailors Take Warning!
Red Sky at Night: Sailors Delight
Even if that is true, you must have had a wonderful stay. I spent March through August (pregnant) in Corpus Christi during the 60's while my husband was going through Navy flight training there. We had air conditioning in our house, but not our car so that did in any joy I might have had driving around to see what Texas had to offer. But I do remember Padre Island and the beauty of Corpus. It was there too that I tasted "real" Mexican food and regret that I didn't know then what I was turning down for plain old tacos. By the way... what is a Sweet Lucy?
Edited 8/23/2008 3:29 pm by sewelegant
I was in that general area until July, 1965. Skydived with a bunch of nice guys from the NAS in CC. Before marriage I dated a couple sailors from Chase Field in Beeville. Wish my DH loved South Texas as much as I do. Texas is so big and has such varied topography and climate, it's like living in another state here. Ahhh, yes, you missed a treat. The real stuff is way different from anglicized chain restaurants. Sweet Lucy is a liqueur made by Prichard. Bourbon, orange and apricot blend. Smooth. Really smooth. I say I buy it because part of the purchase price goes to Ducks Unlimited, but the real reason is that I like it.
Thanks for the Sweet Lucy heads up... I'll have to keep a look out for it. I googled and saw it is produced in small quantities in Tennessee. Maybe that's why I haven't heard of it. It sounds like a wonderful flavoring agent for a Christmas cake! And how about a nice gift with a hand-crafted bottle sack?
Oh ...my ...goodness! I'm absolutely drooling from my eyeballs! The place in that photo you attached is just beautiful, so much so, that I tried to copy it so I could put it on my desk top, but I failed miserably. I'm not sure how to do that.
That area does indeed, sound perfect for a retreat/get-together. Wouldn't that just be a hoot if we could pull it off for sometime next year? It would take some doing, but it would be great fun. Our DH's (for those who have them) could all take off and go fishing, boating, golfing, etc. (not that we gals couldn't join them part of the time, if we wished also) and I'm sure they would have a great time too, and then we could get back together for meals; whatever. It would be so much fun.
When I saw that sunset, it reminded me of the few summers I spent in Galveston, TX. I had friends down in Beaumont, TX. that I went to visit, and they had summer homes down on the gulf coast. That was where I learned to make custard with meringue on top and also banana pecan ice cream (you just had to make it, using an old fashioned crank ice cream maker); hmmm ...sooo ... delicious!! ;-)
Thanks again for the picture and, if you know how I can save it, please let me know, OK? Wow ...you made my day!
I'll PM you so you can get it.Here's one that has always been one of my favorite views. I danced many miles in there in "The Pavilion" in my youth.
Oh, you are truly blessed.
As you may know already (from the PM I sent you, I finally got a new computer and got all the programs working. Still ...I think I've missed a number of Gathering message, so am trying to find them so I won't hurt anyone's feelings by not responding. Anyway, this is another beautiful picture ...and I wish I'd been part of your group so many years ago, so I could have danced ...and laughed ...there as well. My goodness; what a place to group up! You were a lucky girl, indeed. Thanks so much for sharing. ;-)
What a gorgeous pic! It would make an interesting quilt, too :) (did you notice, Rodezzy?). Glad you had such a wonderful few days, JQ, & that your soul (& tummy) have been replenished. Thanks so much for sharing - it all sounded wonderful. Lucky you!
Yes I saw that beautiful picture. What a view. would make a wonderful quilt.
Actually, both pics would make nice quilts/wallhangings.
Yes they would, wouldn't they! Go for it lady.
Aha! You're passing the buck - I thought you'd be interested in trying it, too! :) Guess I'm on my own, then. Have a great day!
Aha, yes I am. Remember I'm extremely busy right now with the guild projects. I'm glad to hear that you are going to make them. Maybe one day. I did print them out and I have a color printer here. They were gorgeous. But I just don't have time. Can't wait to see what you will do with it though.
Well, I don't have time right now, either - they are on my to-do list for after Christmas. Now that September is almost upon us, it's time to decide what I'll be making for gifts & getting busy on them, or they won't be done on time. Yes, you are really busy getting your guild stuff done, as you're running out of time. Good luck!
Yes, after this season that is barreling toward us with a vengence, we could do some other stuff to begin the new year coming.
Just think, we are discussing the coming year already. My, where does the time go?!? Kids are back in school and others will be next week. My youngest went back three weeks ago. My oldest goes back next week.
The stores are filled with Halloween decor, and Thanksgiving is just a hop, skip and jump away. Not to mention Christmas and the end of this glorious year will come in with a bang for the New Year already.
Yes, it's time to get gifts made or purchased and the flurry of house cleaning again for the holidays is here. Whew, where did this year go? See ya.
Whadday ya mean Halloween? I was at Walgreen last week and stopped dead in my tracks as I watched the manager placing big inflated snowmen on display. We stared at each other for a few seconds and then he looked really embarrassed and we both laughed.
In a effort to Stop the Madness in our family, every year, each member gets some sort of recycled gift from me. My two youngest grandchildren (a boy and a girl) one year got those elcheapo chotskis that said: I Love You This Much -- with their arms outstretched because I have always told them, in person and on the phone, that with emphasis on Thiiiiisssssss. I had found at separate garage sales the appropriate ones -- one a boy and one a girl. I notice they still have those displayed in their rooms. I think the same year I gave my son an out of print book I found for 25¢ that is worth about $45 on a subject he likes. They are always curious what The JunkQueen is going to give them.....
You know, sometimes it's now the price but the content of the gift. They really appreciated your gifts.
Hey JQ: That is just tooo cool for words! I love it.
After both my folks died, I got together with friends at Christmas (the one whom we all got together on all other holidays during the year) and we gave small gifts the first couple of years. After that, we decided to "stop the madness" and find out what charity each was interested in most, and then we gave small contributions to each one in the name of each friend. Individually, it didn't amount to much, but collectively, it (hopefully) made a difference. My darling friend has since died, but I still give in her memory. I can't afford much ...but it sure feels good just the same.
When it comes to children and grandchildren, the former get "I still love you with my life notes" (i.e. in spite of all the nonsense you've pulled over the years) ...LOL ...and the grandchildren receive gifts from my sewing machine - mostly pajama's. When they started saying: "Let's open the "pajama gifts", I decided to "mix" it up a bit, and make something else every once in awhile. Other things include pillow cases with holiday theme fabric, caps, mittens, scarves, lunch sacks, "toy bags", cloth game boards for car travel trips, etc. They just want something to open - never mind the cost. Their parents have done a nice job with them, creating solid values. I commend them.
Those are great ideas, JQ. Wish my family didn't have a penchant for new stuff, but then, I sew, so it's not really a problem. Gag gifts are fun, though - more pressies to open :). We do give each other little things from the dollar store or wherever, all wrapped up prettily.
Oh, listen, girl, those BabyGrands know a soft touch when they see one! I am putty in their hands and shower them with gifts when there is no "special" day --- just because. I am pleased they enjoy the recycled gifts. They love to go to yard sales with me. Well my grandson is reaching an age where he is beginning to get embarrassed -- particularly when we go to one of those -- all you can get in a bag for $2.00. I know he loves me though. At age 5, after observing sadness and weeping at an elderly lady's funeral, he declared in a loud clear voice, "I'm going to cry like h**l when my Grammie dies."
Oh what a precious little fellow. Yes, he loves his "grammie". T.I.M.E.
Awww - your grandson is a sweetie - & you know for sure that he loves you, with that comment. Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
As for the yard sales, usually boys are embarrased to attend them - I think they think it's rather tacky, whereby girls usually enjoy seeing everyone's stuff on display - we tend to be curious as to how others live, don't you think? Besides, we like bargains - & some good stuff can be found at yard sales, especially if the seller doesn't know the value of what he/she is selling. Usually they just want to see it gone - the sooner, the better!
He was more attuned to yard sales when he was younger because I'd let them buy toys to keep at my house. He's approaching 13 now, and last summer was really the first year he'd balked at going. My granddaughters love them. My older granddaughter who is now married with a new baby loves them and is furnishing her house that way, and is doing quite a marvelous job of it, too! Very creative. Now if I can just get her hooked on sewing! My grandson likes it but is embarrassed that he does. I made the pattern, and he cut and sewed a carrying case for his airsoft gun (a plastic thing that shoots green spheres propelled by air) that he was most proud of.
Boys are trying so hard to appear grown-up when they are approaching 13 (they are, all of a sudden, not kids anymore!) and, heaven forbid that they show any interest in 'women's stuff', eh? You could show him the work of all those male quilters out there - very impressive. A few months ago, I even saw a magazine for male knitters - lots of men also knit & do needlepoint. You might get him sewing yet! Or point him in the direction of making his own duffle bags & 'guy' stuff.
Yes, he is must assuredly at that awkward age. He'll be 13 in November. I always said the day my son turned 13 every brain he had went right out his ears. This one is a near clone of his father. One thing that helped with the sewing was a picture of a male friend of mine from eBay who is a bouncer in a night club, sews beautifully, has a top of the line Baby-Lock, is the size of a NFL lineman with arms to match, and wears a long bushy beard.
There you go - you already have an example for him. Hope it works!
I raised a boy, and my son is 36 and still balking at doing "women stuff". giggle.
Not to worry. My son is 38 & he cooks, bakes & is now learning to knit - so you'll just have to keep working on yours :) There's always hope.
You're so right!
What? giggle. He should slow down. Give us a chance to breath. But you know, fall and winter fashions when on sale in June.
This year really flew by, for sure. The Halloween stuff has been out for quite awhile here, but not the Christmas stuff yet. Poor Ralphetta - I'd have been tempted to quickly deflate the snowman :). You're right - countdown time as just about begun.
Darn! I didn't think to deflate it! Oh well, it well have an inch of dust on it by Thanksgiving.
And 2" by Christmas :). Actually, the economy is such that 'they' are afraid people won't be spending much this Christmas, as they've already cut down on their spending & I think that all this early stuff is in hopes that people will maybe start their shopping earlier to stretch out their spending over a few months.
Thats a good strategy. You sure you are not an economist? giggle
No, I'm not :) I hate dealing with numbers - always have. Words are my thing (other than creative stuff, of course).
This weekend, I will be looking for some storage options for my growing yarn, fabric, and stuff stash. I really want an old piece or two pieces of furniture. Not antiques, just decent furniture with deep drawers and maybe an amore' (sp?) with some shelves.
I use my one bedroom apartment differently, the bedroom is my storage room. The rest of the apartment is my studio. So with some good pieces of furniture I can realize my original quest for the room and make it more user friendly as a spare sleeping space and storage room.
Good thinking, Rodezzy! The armoire (your spelling is so cute & means 'love' in Italian, I think, & makes me smile) is an excellent idea, as it takes up less floor space, but provides more vertical space. The dresser would be good, too. Do you have enough room for 2 more pieces of furniture? (Maybe you'll have to get rid of the hose & lawnmower yet - haha)! I'm amazed at how you've creatively arranged your apartment, as I've never heard of anyone doing that as well as you have - but it works for you, & that's the main thing. We have to be pleased with our surroundings & you've obviously wrung as much storage & work space as you possibly can out of your space. Small spaces are very difficult to 'stretch' to fulfill all of your activities (I'm battling with that one now) - but you've done excellently! Good luck on finding the furniture at a reasonable price.
Thanks, I really thought "outside the box" and realized that I don't really entertain, I rather go out somewhere with people.
So, minimal space for entertaining and more space for my studio. I have a good sized apartment in an older building when space was the norm. I have a dining room, a full sized great room and a full sized bedroom. One decent bath and a decent sized kitchen. There are large windows in every room. Even the bathroom. The great room (bedroom for me) has a bank of three oversized windows that take up that whole wall. Like on side of an octagon. I have them curtained from ceiling to floor. My bed sits in the middle of it. I have created a mantel with enclosed shelving on each side on one wall with a middle space for a faux fireplace. Faux logs, fireplace grate, tools and all. I put together two twelve by something (I can't remember right now) boards and covered them with faux leather on top and brown fleece on the underside. That's the mantel you saw my picture on.
The bedroom/storage room has enough space for a large bedroom set w/bed side tables.
Now, I just have containers, boxes and stuff in there. So I sorely need the furniture. It has a good sized closet.
I could actually put three pieces quite comfortably the room and a futon. One could be a large vanity for guest. It has two large windows almost the full vertical length of the wall with a good bit of space between them where a nice vanity could sit.
Also in the great room I have a walk in closet that may have housed a "murphy bed" years ago. I have a bureau and dresser in there and can even dress in there with the door closed. I had a mirror installed to completely cover the door, it was in the pictures of my grands posing in my clothes and fabric. Everyone loves that mirror when they come over, they pose and primp in front of it constantly. Especially the girls. giggle.
It also has shelves, but they need to be maximized and some are missing. There is a closet at the front door where I hang coats, and a linen closet next to the bathroom mainly used for storing toiletries and other stuff. It's pretty big too, fully shelved but not a walk in. These old apartments in Chicago are so spacious. I had an even better one in 1980 that I would love to have gotten today.
Ooo, I've talked too much. In shipping today and here comes a truck.
No, you didn't talk too much - now I can 'see' your apartment, & it's bigger & better designed than I had first thought. You were lucky to get it. You've got more storage than most apartments of that age, as some just have miniscule closets, but the rooms are usually larger than they are now. You've done well. I've recently watched 'House Hunters' & those types of shows on TV (HGTV) & they've shown Chicago apts. (new & old) lately, which I've enjoyed seeing, as I think, "Oh, that's where Rodezzy lives! I wonder if it's in her neighbourhood."
Oh, by the way, did you ever put that sheer or semi-sheer panel in your bedroom curtains?
Yes, my apartment is great in many ways. I had to spend $382.63 on my car Sat. morning, so my apartment is pushed back again. Needed rotors, brake pads and the lot. Never had warning sounds until Thurs. night. by Friday after work it was crying and screeching all over the place. First person at Sears Automotive Sat. moring at 7:30 a.m. Oh, well, life throws in a few cherry pits amongst the good times. I still had a great weekend anyway. I'm thankful to have the money to pay it. And I'm thankful to have a job. So, up up and away to other stuff to do.....he he. Lord knows I have plenty of stuff at home to work with and plenty of stuff on my agenda.
No, I never got to the curtains. I've been doing so much else. Probably won't get to them now until the end of this year or the start of 2009. I'm put off with the apartment at the moment, mostly due to the lack of money and inspiration. After the depletion of funds this weekend, everything I've done was free of cost, except for food and gas. giggle.
You poor baby! The car repairs seem to be always unexpected, come at the most inopportune times & always cost more than you expect - & it takes ages to recoup. Guess you'll just have to shop in your stash & forget buying anything for another while :(. You won't run out of projects, as you always have something on the go. You'll survive this setback - & probably in your own grand style.
Yea, well I will survive and thanks for the hug. I'm off to other things. I don't really need to buy nothing presently. I just need to get to work giggle......!
(((Rodezzy)))) You just looked as if you needed a hug, dearheart. How is it that cars know when you have a few dollars saved up for a special treat? I know they do, because that's when they always pick to break down..... Hang tough.
Yes, and thank you so much. Cars have a sixth sense for your extra money. But I'm glad I had it to do what I needed to. I need my car.
gee, and i thought i did well when i got most everything out on shelves (Ikea Ivar) so i could SEE what i have. i purged like crazy before i moved from Ottawa to London (the one in Canada) a couple of years ago.now i am planning to move into my own little house in 6 weeks' time and i have so much storage space there, i don't know if i should purge again just so i don't have to move it.plastic boxes from the dollar store and an indelible ink marker are wonderful tools for organizing tiny things (bobbins, machine feet, cutting blades, safety pins) - this room is still a mess, but some of it sure looks pretty.we need to take turns travelling around the continent helping each other get organized! :-)
When I had a lot of room, I also put my stash on shelves ...but I put it all in clear plastic boxes first - same with all the findings. When I put the fabric on shelves sans boxes, the top ones got dusty after some months, thus the added protection of the boxes.
Like your system, I also use the smaller clear plastic boxes (all my boxes are clear plastic so I can see the contents) for all the extra presser feet (I'm a foot nut ...and actually use them all) ...and have numbered each to coordinate with my "foot book". This way, I will not forget the uses of the ones that are not used as frequently as others.
Congrats on getting a new house, and more space. That's great! Good luck on your move and do enjoy your new home. With the extra space, you may want to keep all of your fabrics. After all, you just may be inspired to sew more when you have an new sewing room. Either way, I am happy for you and pray it will be a good move for you.
PS: Isn't Ikea a fun place? They've got a lot of really neat things, and good "stuff" for organizing.
Edited 8/10/2008 12:39 pm by sewslow67
okay, like the others, i am now bowing at your feet - and not the machine ones either!!! :-)i am not THAT organized!!!!*sigh*
LOL! It sounds to me that you are doing just fine ...no problem there. I think we all have to find our own way of doing things. My way would not work for many others, but the way I was doing it before this last incarnation just wasn't working for me. It seemed like all I did was "go for the hunt" ...and when that was over, I was too tired to sew.
My sewing room is SO SMALL now, that I have to be more organized than before, when I had more room. I am excited for you to have a new house with lots of room. Enjoy!
I am inspired by your organisation.
My daughter has just moved out so I am an 'empty nester' but instead of thrilling to an empty bedroom I am filling it with my sewing supplies! I suppose the one advantage is that they are so well spread (and still not firmly rooted) that I could take the opportunity to tidy and organise back into my own space.
Somehow I think I am more likely to just spread.Aah well...
My daughter and the 3 grandkids have moved in and out of my house so many times, I finally gave up on reorganizing the rooms after they moved out. Now the downstairs feels like one big storage facility! Hopefully I'll get them to help me clear out a guest room before anyone comes to visit from out of town! oh, now I've scared myself. Glad this thread was started, it's got me realising it's time to put a plan into action.
The bonus will be that I will be able to clear the pillow forms, batting, and bins from my sewing studio and put them downstairs again. It's getting too crowded in here to work comfortably. Thanks for the motivation eveyone!
I have been putting off organizing the extra bedroom that our oldest abandoned. It has been used for a catch all for a while now. Now my youngest is moving out. I will have empty rooms upstairs. I am now thinking I can actually invite people to visit and have them stay over. What a concept! And I can decorate. Hmmm......maybe this empty nest thing is not so bad after all.... Cathy
Two rooms to decorate and do with as you wish, what fun!
Hey Kim; if you've got lots of room, just spread it all out and sew yourself into spaciousness. My sewing room right now, is the smallest space I've ever had, so organization was a necessity. Still, it's cozy and I've got a mountain view, so no real problems; plus, I'm loving using my notebook. It's turned out to be real handy already, and is giving me more time to actually sew ...rather than playing "the little hunter". ;-)
Enjoy your new found space now ...although I hope your daughter comes home for frequent visits. Those times are sure ones to be cherished.
Is there anywhere on the web I can download the Fabric Worksheet from Claire Shaeffer? I don't own the book -- yet.
There isn't any that I know of, and I don't have my 3 in 1 here to make a copy. I don't think it would take me that long to keyboard it in a "Word" document and then attach it. Let me see what I can do later today. Keep watching and I should have it done by supper time, or perhaps shortly after. I've got a meeting to go to this afternoon, or I'd do it right now.
I know she (Claire Shaeffer) wouldn't mind, as she herself, suggests that we make copies of the page to use. I'll just make sure I give her credit at the bottom of the page I make up.
OK, I finally got the worksheet keyed into the computer. It's not quite as neat at the one in the book, but it will probably do until you get the book ...which I would highly recommend. It is absolutely wonderful and so helpful.
The page numbers on the sheet attached refer to my book, and she has probably updated it since then, and there will be different numbers. The copyright on mine is 1989, and she states on the worksheet to "Photocopy this page", otherwise, I wouldn't feel that I could share it. She has so many different categories to describe the fabric, which I would not have thought of checking out before sewing ...and each has been very helpful reminders. Anyway, here it is; I hope you (and others) will find it as helpful as I have.
Back to my sewing ...all is coming along just fine. Pictures when I get done will follow - probably as each "group" is completed. Happy day, everyone! ;-)
PS: I wasn't sure if the document downloaded, so did it again. Then I discovered that I forgot to give credits on the document ...so I deleted my post so I could fix that. Sorry for any inconvenience to anyone.
Thanks so much Dahlin'. Will actually have to start organizing my stash now, no excuse. One step at a time Eh? Cathy
It looks like you've got a reprieve, Cathy ...as it doesn't seem to be opening ...unless, of course, it opened for you. Did it? Hope so, but it looks like I need to get it into another format in order for others to see. If nothing else, I'll get my computer working and send it over there.
Forget trying to do it Sweetie, all done for you. Cathy
Edited 8/15/2008 11:12 am ET by ThreadKoe
God Bless You, Cathy; thank you so much. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it too, and you've helped me too, because I can now go back to my reunion projects. You are just too much...what a blessing you are to everyone here on the board. I must take some time to learn how to put things in a different format, but will do that at a later date.
DH is taking me to Kamloops sometime next week and I will try to find a coordinating fabric for a tank top to go with my current project. If not, I'll just buy one, which is no great shakes, either. It has been so hot here - and DH dislikes air conditioning - so it's been pretty warm in my sewing room. I hope it's cool after the reunion though, as I need to get out and finish painting the house. I have it half done, but want to finish it before winter sets in.
Thank you again, Cathy; that was so good of you. Thank you, thank you.
Problem with opening Sewslow's file is fixed. Happy Organizing, and put the coffee/teapot on! Cathy
Kudos to you! Many thanks!
I'm sorry to pop your bubble, but the document won't open. The program opens and acts like it's going to open the file, but nothing happens. Can you save it to a .txt or .wpd or .pdf format?
Oh, shoot! OK, I tried word-pad, and the formatting went all nuts and I couldn't seem to get it fixed. If my computer worked, I could fix it easily, but I'm using my DH old laptop, and it's "too basic" for most of the things I do. I'll see what I can do in the morning and, if I can't get it to work, I'll just have to wait until I get the part for my computer and get it installed. So sorry, everyone. I'll get it done before long though, so just please be patient. Thanks. ;-)
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