past copy of threads of halston dress

hello Im looking for a past issue of threads mag that has the over the shoulder dress
pattern in it that was designed by the man who did all of the draping for halston in the70’s
it was done in three layers of chiffon in three colors of yellow orange and bright orange
I made three copys of this dress and had a pattern made from the drawings in the mag
but have lost it
and it is the most beautiful dress for the mother of the bride
it makes them look stunning Ive done it in navy blue and three layers of green and cream and
I really need a copy could anyone help me
thank you
kit rogers los angeles calif [email protected]
Hi Kit! Looks like it may be issue #37 from 1991. I don't have it but found a reference on the sewing muse website (they have Threads articles cataloged)
Hopefully you will be able to find it from there. Good luck!
do you know what issue # it was?
I made this pattern many years ago in a off white silk crepe--this website shows one in red. 37 is available on Ebay in lots of 6 or 9.jgrue
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