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Conversational Threads

PFAFF Creative 1469 – need manual

Tangent | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Has anyone out there got an owner’s manual for a Pfaff Creative 1469 that I can copy, or buy?

I just got an old beauty, it’s in good condition. It purred thru its demonstration at the store. I’d like to keep it healthy and not give it any ‘bad’ commands; it’s my first computerized machine.

I’ve already replaced part of the cord from the foot-control that had been nibbled by a kitten or something. The store had checked the machine, and it was fine, but they missed the damaged bit on the cord. No problem to replace the bad section, I even soldered the joins. Don’t want any loss of electrical quality, or shorting-out. I detest getting zapped!

Now I need to find time to get sewing!


  1. User avater
    paddyscar | | #1

    They have a creative manual on-line, but it's not specific to the model you have.


    There is also a customer service link in the lower left column.  I didn't see a link to connect to other users there.

    Searching on http://www.ca.yahoo.com enter Pfaff users group and you'll find several sites listed.


    Edited 3/20/2009 11:32 am ET by paddyscar

  2. Ceeayche | | #2

    Here's a website that may be of help, they have the manual for sale for $5.



    1. Tangent | | #3

      Thanks for the tips! I went looking for the Yahoo group, and it seems there are discussions for vintage mechanicals, and the new embroidery machines, etc, but my machine is in the nowhere-land in between. Lots of links to porno sites there too, be careful what you click on!

      I've been delaying ordering a manual online, giving the dealer a chance to check the back room. She couldn't find it, so.... guess I'll be getting a manual online.

      1. Tangent | | #4

        I got the $5.oo manual from the online site, and it's the "Tips and Tricks" manual, not the "Operator's Manual". So I contacted the dealer and she's going to track one down for me. And so my 'new' machine is sitting here unused!! Oh well, I'm getting lots of ideas from the Tips booklet.

        1. User avater
          JunkQueen | | #5

          http://www.sew4less.com/QuickSearch.phpAbout halfway down the page you'll see the manual you are looking for. It costs $12.95, and I can't recall, but I think you have to pay S/H also. The manual may be a photocopy, but a manual is a manual is a manual, IMHO... Anyhow, I ordered a manual for my serger from them when I misplaced mine. Got prompt service with no problems.

          1. Tangent | | #6

            Thank you, I must have missed it when I was looking down the list. My dealer said she'd order one from Pfaff (Pfaff said it was available on CD through dealers) and now I'm waiting to hear back from her.
            Meanwhile, I did get the 'Ideas' book, and it seems like this machine is an ancestor of the more-computerized embroidery machines. It's in good condition and the price was good, so I'm hoping it will be a useful learning tool, while I save up for a new model.

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